Chapter 295 The growing Qilin'er

Okay, what can I do as my daughter?
He walked a few steps and picked up his daughter. Over there, the seventh prince also came over and talked with Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao.

Shen Lingjue and the old prince returned to the palace, so they were not here. However, Zhou Yinhan and his wife were from the world and didn't care about New Year's Day. Huo Chenzhao went back in the morning and sent a few boxes of mooncakes.

Zhuzhu was sick a few days ago and didn't watch Han Zhenge make dough, so Han Zhenge made a lot of mooncakes.

Han Zhenge was good at making appearance, and he came up with all kinds of whimsical ideas in an endless stream, but he was a little bit worse at making stuffing. At this time, he was favored by his master, and other chefs also wanted to be friends with him. Later, the two of them cooperated, and others helped with the filling. As for the stuffing, he made the appearance, and it turned out beautifully.

Princess Duan asked for matching boxes to be given to people close to her. Zhou Yinhan and the old prince all gave them. Even Prince Duan gave a few boxes to his brother.

Speaking of which, Huo Chenzhao came back after giving him mooncakes, so he was here now.

Tuanzi shouted from a distance: "Qi Guo Guo!"

Seventh Prince: "Hey!"

Without saying anything or asking, he took the dumplings from Prince Duan's arms, rubbed his hands together, and asked happily: "Jiuzhu Bei'er, have you missed me?"

"I think about it!" Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "I think about it every thousand times! My head and face are tied to you!"

The Seventh Prince kissed her twice: "My head is full of little Zhuzhu! I tell you Zhuzhu'er, I finally finished studying the Four Books! Hahaha, I'm so happy!"

Tuanzi: "Wow!! Qi Guo Guo Bangbang! Zhuzhu learned martial arts and learned how to recognize a mouse!"

Seventh Prince: "Hey, Zhuzhu is great too!"

"Wow!!" Tuanzi was surprised: "We are all great!!"

Sheng Minglin's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Zhuzhu definitely doesn’t know what the Four Books are, and the Seventh Prince definitely doesn’t know what the Rat Knows the Road is, but the two of them were not perfunctory, and what they said was very sincere and cheerful... Maybe this is the unique way of communication between babies. Bar!

Sheng Minglin took advantage of this opportunity to talk to Prince Duan about his visit to the Princess Mansion yesterday.

Prince Duan said: "How do you want to deal with it?"

Sheng Minglin whispered: "I have been repeatedly tasting Mrs. Liao's temperament and thoughts last night, and this is what I think."

He stretched out his hand as usual, lightly scratched his fingers on the palm, simulating writing on the paper: "First of all, I want to meet Mrs. Liao in person, confirm some things, and establish my own 'status'; secondly, I am going to ask her I want some troops, experts, and two or three hundred to see how much she can give me; thirdly, in exchange...well, dad,"

He moved closer to his father, and Prince Duan also bent down a little good-naturedly. Using his height, Sheng Minglin whispered in a low voice: "I want to bring up a bold idea to her. I want to suggest her to create a real A fake prince, or a treasure from the ocean?"

Prince Duan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Sheng Minglin said: "Although this method is very weird, I have repeatedly speculated on her style. I think it should be very effective for her. It is more reliable than her messy methods. It can also test her true nature. Who are their descendants? I think one of Liao Zhehe and Han Zhenge is the real one."

He looked at him.

Prince Duan only nodded.

Sheng Minglin added: "In addition, I want to create a case. It doesn't matter whether there is a real case or not. It's just like... a man who is so cowardly that even the people think he is cowardly. I haven't decided what to ask him to do yet. In short, he was just such a man. He filed a lawsuit, and finally revealed that he was a descendant of Han and Song Dynasties. Then he revealed all the bad things about Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, and said that Taizu was the savior of the world, etc., in short Using such a method, and then trying to let this rumor spread... let the holy religion's trump card no longer be a trump card, and draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron."

He looked at his father again.Prince Duan smiled and said: "Okay, there's no big problem, just go ahead and do it."

Looking at his expression, Sheng Minglin suddenly realized.

It turned out that only a few of them regarded the Holy Religion as a scourge. People like Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan did not feel as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

Obviously, in their eyes, he, the growing Qilin'er, was more valuable than the Holy Cult, so they gave him practice on this matter. Prince Duan did not interfere, he just listened to the progress and stayed in the general direction without making any mistakes.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

With his father here, he actually felt quite relaxed.

What he told Liao Zhehe before was not a lie. His father had such a good relationship with the emperor for more than ten years and never hid anything from him, which definitely meant something.

His father seemed to be willful, but in fact, the line between king and minister and brother was always well managed.

So he followed suit. With his father standing here, he could do such a sensitive matter of the Holy Religion with confidence and boldness.

The group got on the carriage and soon arrived at the restaurant.

This restaurant is more prosperous than yesterday's teahouse, but it also has a large window and is also Princess Duan's business.

Tuanzi was already experienced, so he immediately pulled the Seventh Prince over and shared with him happily: "The dragon will fly over in a while, and the big lion will chase after him. The big lion can only be powerful, and it can jump very well." Cum..."

The seventh prince was very interested: "When?"

Tuanzi: "Not many."

Princess Duan said: "We came early today. The dragon and lion dances are not so early. The first performance usually starts at the beginning of the afternoon (11 o'clock)."

So several children sat in rows in front of the window, chatting all the time. Even if a hawker walked by, they could talk for a long time.

Prince Duan also copied his hands behind his back and explained to them. He also said: "Before I was in Nanjing, I couldn't tell you that there was nothing I didn't know about in the east, west, north and south. I knew which street he often walked when a hawker came out. Wherever I come from, acquaintances say hello to me wherever I go, and leave whatever delicious food they have for me... I can’t do it anymore when I get here, I’m old, too lazy to go shopping, and I have no successors.”

He glanced at his son with disgust and said, "Look at you like this, ugh! You can't even fight a cockfight, and you're just a weak scholar."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Tuanzi turned his head with bright eyes: "Zhuzhu is not weak, he is a master of Zhuzhu!"

She patted her small breasts and actively applied: "Zhuzhu can learn it. Is he good at bean-chicken chicken? Is he good at horse? Dad can teach Zhuzhu how much he owes!"

Prince Duan: "..."

Sheng Minglin looked at his father with a smile. Prince Duan smiled coquettishly and pretended to look outside: "Ah, Zhuzhu, who is that?"

Tuanzi turned his head subconsciously and said, "Huh?"

Everyone originally knew that Prince Duan was lying. When Zhuzhu said "Hey", everyone turned to look at each other. They couldn't help but let out a sigh, and stood up to identify themselves carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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