Chapter 296 Uncle Huang cries when he sucks his belly
Then the seventh prince said in surprise: "It seems to be fourth brother, right?"

"Yes," Huo Chenzhao said, "It's fourth brother."

Tuanzi immediately became excited: "Four pots of pot! Four pots of pot!"

She squeezed and squeezed until she reached the edge.

The fourth prince was riding a horse. The horse was approaching quickly at a trot. Tuanzi tried his best to wave, and his little voice was about to scream: "Four~pot~pot~"

Everyone who heard it couldn't help but look up, and the fourth prince also quickly looked up.

Tuanzi was firmly held by the seventh prince, still jumping around, waving his two little arms vigorously: "Four pots of pot! Four pots of pot! Pot, pot, pot, pot!"

The fourth prince smiled, reined in his horse, jumped off, threw the whip to his entourage, and went straight upstairs.

Tuanzi immediately got down from the seventh prince's arms and ran out to greet him, "Four pots of pot!"

The fourth prince picked her up, and Tuanzi grabbed one of his ears with one hand, jumped on her and took a bite.

Fourth Prince: "..."

The fourth prince frowned but couldn't help being amused. When he came in, he greeted Prince Duan and Princess Duan first, then nodded to Sheng Minglin and the others. At the same time, he pressed Tuanzi's little head and let her kiss her left and right. He bit his right hand and vented his longing for his brother for a while.

Then Zhuzhu hugged his face and asked, "Does Siguoguo miss Zhuzhu?"

The fourth prince said: "I have thought about it."

Tuanzi's eyes widened. After waiting for a moment, he saw that he didn't ask, so he asked and answered: "Did Zhuzhu think about four pots of pot? Yes! I thought about every thousand!"

The fourth prince laughed.

Tuanzi asked again: "Why didn't Siguo Guoguoshang write to Zhuzhu?"

The fourth prince said: "You have written it. Didn't you write two letters?"

Tuanzi said: "But I didn't write yesterday and I haven't written today either! When Siguoguo doesn't write letters, do you also miss Zhuzhu?"

"I think about it," the fourth prince said, suppressing a smile, "I think about it every day."

Then he asked: "What does the letter written by Zhuzhu mean? Fourth brother can't understand it."

Tuanzi's eyes widened: "Zhuzhu's writing is very clear! Siguoguojie is so smart, why can't he understand it?"

The fourth prince said with a smile: "It's probably because I haven't seen Zhuzhu for too long, and my great wisdom is about to run out. How about Zhuzhu reciting to fourth brother, fourth brother may become smarter after listening to it."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Okay, then Zhuzhu will help Siguoguo read it."

So the fourth prince opened his hands and took out two letters from his sleeve pocket. He spread the dumplings on the table, pressed them with his two little hands, and looked at them seriously.

Prince Duan also came over with great interest, ready to listen too.

As a result, Tuanzi looked at it for a long time, his little head tilted left and right, and then... smiled sheepishly: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu also forgot! Zhuzhu's painting is so swollen and ugly! This, this The one with beads on it?"

The fourth prince nodded seriously: "Yes."

"Oh!" Tuanzi scratched his head after failing to push Guoguo: "How about Guoguo help me read it."

Sheng Minglin knew this would happen!
Fortunately, he knew about the first letter, so he explained how Zhuzhu was one-of-a-kind.

Before he could push the second letter to his father, Prince Duan said: "Brother read the letter very well. They are all in strings, aren't they beads?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes!"

Sheng Minglin, who was wearing a high hat, could only say to the second letter: "This letter says that the Mid-Autumn Festival is the Reunion Festival..."

"Ah!" Zhuzhu suddenly remembered: "Han Jiujiu! Zhuzhu forgot to call Han Jiujiu! Come on, come on, Sister Litchi, hurry up and have someone pick him up and let him see the big lion." Just, it’s easy to pinch when you go back.”

Lychee responded quickly and looked at Prince Duan. Prince Duan nodded, and Lychee went out to give instructions. Sheng Minglin followed and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

Then Tuanzi pointed at the paper and explained: "In other words, Zhuzhu came up with the little man cake, kneaded it with Korean wine, and gave it to Si Guo Guo!"

The fourth prince nodded suddenly.

Prince Duan also nodded suddenly, so that’s what he meant!Several people were chattering, and over there, Han Zhenge was also brought out.

The restaurant must be full at the moment, but fortunately it's his own business, so the waiter simply asked him to sit on the other side of the shed, where he could have shade and see clearly.

The two men still followed him, and when they saw a hawker nearby, they started chatting.

In other words, Chef Han is a blessing and is valued by the little princess.

The one said, yes, Manager Ma's matter involved several people and they were all incarcerated, but he was the only one who was released.

Another said, but the suspicion has not been cleared yet. When the investigation is clear, such a person cannot stay with the little princess!
Similar kinds.

Han Zhenge was looking back and forth at the bustle of the market and didn't pay attention, but the vendor listened, regardless of curiosity.

Soon, dragon and lion dances came on the street, because today is the official day, and it is more grand than usual.

The steward hurriedly urged him: "Xiao Han, this is it. Take a look at the smell first. I'll ask someone to bring it over later and you can take a closer look."

Han Zhenge kept his eyes on that side and said, "No need, I can see clearly, remember it."

The steward choked.

But he also knew that he just had this temper and wasn't very good at talking. He didn't mean to insult him, so he waved his hand and didn't care.

Not far away, a girl was carried by the crowd, and she slowly approached. Her eyes glanced at Han Zhenge, and then she walked away with the crowd.

Sheng Minglin actually arranged it casually, thinking that if Han Zhenge was a kisser, Mrs. Liao would definitely leave some people to protect him. If the news could reach her ears, she would also put some pressure on her. After all, it was a fact that Manager Ma fell down, and he was involved. It is inevitable, but for Sheng Minglin, this is indeed a very easy thing to solve.

Just wait until they come to him.


The fourth prince had to enter the palace and couldn't wait too long. After chatting for a while, he was ready to put down the dumplings and say goodbye.

Zhuzhu's hands and feet were clinging to him, refusing to let go.

Prince Duan said, "How about you eat here? After dinner, you take Zhuzhu into the palace. After we have eaten, we have to go into the palace to change our clothes. Zhuzhu goes to the emperor's sister-in-law to take a nap, and we Already arrived."

The fourth prince agreed.

So after the family had dinner, the fourth prince took Zhuzhu directly into the palace. Before leaving, Prince Duan also warned: "If the emperor wants to suck his belly, you cry! Tell the emperor that if it hurts, daddy will There’s going to be a scene!”

The group nodded repeatedly.

The fourth prince carried her downstairs.

Tuanzi saw Han Zhenge at a glance and waved to him: "Han Jiujiu! Have you seen the big lion?"

Han Zhenge stood up quickly and replied: "I saw it, Your Highness."

Tuanzi said: "Then you have to look good and don't be afraid. Big lions don't bite! You dare to touch even pearls!"

Han Zhenge responded with a smile and watched Tuanzi being carried off on the horse.

Ever since Prince Duan came back, Zhuzhu had not been in the palace for a while since he saw him every day.

So when he saw Zhuzhu, Emperor Mingxi was very happy and immediately came down, wanting to suck his belly for a while.

As soon as Tuanzi saw him coming down, he immediately covered his belly with both hands and said loudly: "Daddy said mess, if Uncle Huang sucks his belly, Zhuzhu will cry loudly! If he sucks Qingtan, dad will make trouble!"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

He immediately said seriously: "Okay, then Uncle Huang doesn't suck, but your fourth brother is Uncle Huang's biological son. We haven't seen him for such a long time. Uncle Huang really misses him so much. Uncle Huang sucks his belly. This is always OK?"

Tuanzi was a little confused, and he didn't know why he was confused. Maybe it was because he had never seen such a big person being sucked.

She looked back at Si Guo Guo and nodded blankly: "Yes, it's okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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