Chapter 297 The fragrant and soft little girl

Emperor Mingxi immediately came over, scooped the little dumpling into his arms, flew his two little arms, threw it at his fourth son, and sucked hard.

Tuanzi: “…???”

It took Tuanzi a long time to come back to his senses and began to struggle: "No, no, no! Uncle Huang, it's poked! You sucked and poked! This belly is covered with beads!"

Emperor Mingxi sucked hard for a while, then raised his face and said with surprise: "Ah! Zhuzhu? Why are you blocking here? Please step aside a little bit. Uncle Huang wants to get close to your fourth brother."

Tuanzi's little body twisted, trying very hard to move to one side, move, move.

But she was a little meat dumpling being held by someone, and there was no way she could be moved anywhere.

So Emperor Mingxi came up and sucked hard again. Tuanzi tried his best to avoid it by twisting and turning, pushing his big face with his little hands: "Uncle Huang, you sucked and poked again! There are beads attached to this! Alas!"

Emperor Mingxi raised his face with a strange look on his face: "What's going on! Zhuzhu, you're blocking us again! Alas! Move this way again." He moved her manually and pinched her little arms and legs. , small claws and small feet.

Tuanzi was moved by him obediently, feeling a little grateful for his help, and didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Then Emperor Mingxi finally had enough of squeezing, put her aside, pretended to hug his son perfunctorily, and sighed: "Hey, I sucked twice wrongly, we have no energy, Zhuzhu'er, Uncle Huang Qing Hug her gently, don't suck her belly, Uncle Huang will miss Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi obediently opened his hands and let Uncle Huang take him into his arms.

Emperor Mingxi happily carried the little man back to his seat, squeezed his little hands and then his calves.

The sweet-smelling and soft little girl is so good to suck. Unlike my son, who has been covered in muscle since he was a child. Everywhere he pinches is hard, which is not fun at all.

The fourth prince, a tool man who had no chance to speak or do anything during the entire process, sighed deeply and then began to report.

He planted potatoes in three places, firstly to be safe, and secondly to test the planting conditions.

After all, although there are instructions, how can it be considered sufficient if there is enough sunlight?Another example is watering water frequently. How does it count as diligence?

But now it seems that all three places are growing very well. In other words, this kind of thing is still very solid. There is not much difference between more and less sunlight and water. This is good news.

While the father and son were talking, Zhuzhu leaned on Uncle Huang's arm and fell asleep.

Emperor Mingxi touched Tuanzi's little face and said to him: "You need to plant the land and keep it there every day? Why do you still care about the germination? Just go there from time to time. Don't do less work." Come on, Minglin is busy with something, please take the time to listen, don’t rely on us old people for everything."

Fourth Prince: "..."

At this time, he became an old man.

But he understood the meaning. When it comes to new grains, the attitude is enough. There is no need to keep an eye on it from beginning to end. The main reason is that Sheng Minglin doesn't know what he is doing. At this moment, Prince Duan is probably steering the wheel. What Emperor Mingxi means is Let him take the helm, mainly let Sheng Minglin do it. In short, all young people should be used and given the opportunity to grow.

The fourth prince agreed.

Emperor Mingxi played with the dumplings for a while, then held it up with one hand and handed it to him like a cat: "Go see your mother."

The fourth prince nodded and left with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Zhuzhu took a nap in the Queen's Palace, and when she woke up, everyone was already here.

The most important festival of the Sheng family dynasty is the Chinese New Year, which also includes the Lantern Festival, and the Longevity Festival. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival and Winter Solstice are also paid more attention to. The Mid-Autumn Festival is ordinary, everything is simple, there is no palace banquet, only a small Family dinner.

The so-called small family banquet only includes the emperor's family and Prince Duan's family, not even close brothers like Prince Qi.

The Queen Empress may not have seen Zhuzhu for a long time, so she hugged Zhuzhu and kissed her for a long time, and then a whole room of people listened to Zhuzhu talk about her cool school deeds.The little dumpling sat there, just like a lucky doll, smiling so big his eyes were bent, shaking his head, telling stories in a babyish voice, no matter what he said, he couldn't get enough.

Prince Duan called his son over and asked him to talk to Emperor Mingxi himself.

After Sheng Minglin finished speaking, he also excused himself, saying that Liao Zhehe couldn't handle it for the time being, so Uncle Huang had troubled himself.

Emperor Mingxi waved his hand and didn't care.

Sheng Minglin then stepped back with a smile.

In fact, people like the Holy Religion really didn't understand Emperor Mingxi well enough.

They threw out Liao Zhehe's move, thinking that his position as the imperial captain was the real touchstone, and felt that no emperor could bear to have a member of a cult around him, but they forgot that Emperor Mingxi was not only an emperor, Still a god general.

Among the things Chen Shan recruited at that time, he said that later generations would call him the Great Mage of the Wind Element. Jin Yiwei asked nervously for a long time before he figured out that this was actually a very high praise.

Because when Emperor Mingxi fought, he always had the so-called "wind magic" to help him. As he fought, strong winds would blow up, flying sand and rocks, and then he won. Later generations could not understand his tactics, so they jokingly called him the Great Wind Magic. tutor.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was not based on an accurate grasp of the terrain and weather. Emperor Mingxi used his troops in dangerous ways, often personally leading his troops to carry out sneak attacks, and then "riding on the wind" at critical moments, repeatedly accomplishing extraordinary feats.

Such a divine general can only tolerate a small treason for the time being. Maybe he can walk him around and think it is a small life adjustment!

Sheng Minglin came over to meet the princes.

At this time, all the princes had arrived. Because Sheng Minglin had made up his mind to deceive Mrs. Liao, he subconsciously calculated his age.

The eldest prince is now 21, the fourth prince is nineteen, the fifth and sixth princes are about the same age, all 13 years old, the seventh prince is eleven, and the eighth prince is eight.

And Liao Zhehe must be over 20 years old, and his past is too easy to check, and he doesn't feel like a close relative.

Han Zhenge touched about sixteen and got stuck in the middle.

At that time, Emperor Mingxi should still be a vassal king, but there were many places to make fuss.

The fourth prince called him: "Minglin, why don't you bring Brother Zhao in?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "I called him, but he refused to come."

As he said that, he came over and sat down with his hands folded. He was still thinking that the eldest prince seemed to have lost a lot of weight these days. Although he was still a fat man, he was much thinner than before. It can be seen that the medicine disappeared with the system. It must have failed.

Because they were all members of the same family, everyone was not very polite. After a while, the fifth prince and the seventh prince went out to play. The eighth prince apologized and walked over to look at Zhuzhu, leaving only the eldest prince, fourth and sixth princes and Sheng Minglin.

The conversation became serious in an instant. The eldest prince asked Sheng Minglin: "Mr. Qingcheng, is it really you?"

Sheng Minglin chuckled and didn't answer. The eldest prince sighed: "Others told me, I can't believe it. It's completely different from the style of that notice."

Even the Sixth Prince couldn't help but say: "The literati will probably scold you to death in private."

Sheng Minglin said nonchalantly: "Just scold me, it's not for literati."

The fourth prince said with a smile: "Someone is already telling the story. It has to be so vulgar to spread it easily. You don't know, this story spreads really fast in the countryside, even children can say a few words... Mr. Qingcheng's writing style , can do great things."

(End of this chapter)

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