Chapter 298: The devilish naughty child

The eldest prince waved his hand and said: "Not to mention Mr. Qingcheng, even the notice is somewhat... You are still young, have you ever thought about your reputation in the literary circle?"

The eldest prince was a kind-hearted person, and he kindly advised him to cherish his wings. Sheng Minglin naturally appreciated it and said: "Brother, don't worry, I am in a hurry, so I can only write the notice first, but it doesn't matter. I am young, and literati Even if you think my knowledge is biased, don’t criticize me too much. When I grow up, I will have the opportunity to write more serious words and improve my reputation."

He paused and then said: "Mr. Qingcheng's pen name must be covered up so that no outsiders know about it."

The eldest prince nodded: "As long as you know it well, a scholar's pen is a murderer's knife. No matter what you want to do, your reputation still needs to be managed."

Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded in agreement.

The eldest prince is really a good person and a good eldest brother.

Now that the third prince is gone, I feel that the atmosphere in the entire royal family is much better.

A few people were talking, and over there, Tuanzi had happily told her story several times, until her mouth was dry. She drank water, looked around with big eyes, and shouted from a distance: "Four pots! Four pots!" pot!"

The fourth prince had just come back, and it was the time when the kiss was so intense that he would miss him if he didn't hug him for a while.

The fourth prince stood up with a smile, went over to hug Zhuzhu and went out to play. Sheng Minglin got up and followed him.

As a result, when he stood up, he found that the eldest prince had also stood up. Seeing that he also wanted to talk to the fourth prince, Sheng Minglin turned around and went to watch the seventh prince compete with the guards.

Tuanzi was carried by his fourth brother to play in the Royal Garden. He thought it was his brother behind him. When he saw the flowers blooming, he said: "Guo Guo, look! There are so many flowers!"

The eldest prince hummed.

Tuanzi didn't pay attention, but the fourth prince heard it, turned around and said, "Brother?"

Tuanzi turned his head and saw that it was the eldest prince. He immediately hugged the fourth prince's neck with both hands: "Fat Guoguo, you have to queue up. Zhuzhuchai just carried Siguoguo!"

The eldest prince smiled and said: "Your fourth brother and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Can we just say a few words and join the team?"

Tuanzi hesitated for a moment and asked him: "Are you thinking of four pots?"

The eldest prince smiled and nodded: "Yes, I miss him."

Tuanzi immediately shook his calves, slipped out of the fourth prince's arms, ran out for several steps, and looked at him while protecting his belly with his hands.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment: "What's going on?"

The fourth prince laughed and said, "It's okay, brother, if you have anything to say, just say it."

The eldest prince nodded, took two steps, and said to him solemnly: "Silang, eldest brother, let me tell you something. No matter what happens, our brotherhood will not change."

The fourth prince was suddenly startled.

The eldest prince's eyes were warm, he reached out and patted his shoulder, turned around and left without saying another word.

The fourth prince stood there blankly.

Then his legs tightened, and he was already hugged by Tuanzi. The fourth prince lowered his head, and saw Little Tuanzi looking up at him: "Si Guo Guo, Fat Guo Guo, is it swollen?"

The fourth prince calmed down, bent down and picked her up: "It's okay."

He continued to hold her and move forward.

The evening banquet was held in the Lan Yue Pavilion in the imperial garden. At this time, the palace officials were already making arrangements. The fourth prince did not go there either. He took Zhuzhu and sat down by the lake. He called the eunuch who was accompanying him: "Call someone." Pick some lotus pods and bring them here.”

This is the time when lotus pods are delicious, but no one in the palace eats them. The master doesn't like to eat them, and the servants don't dare to eat them. As far as the eye can see, they are all over the lake.

Zhou Zhiwen quickly asked someone to row a boat to pick them. After a while, he picked a few fresh and tender ones. The fourth prince held Zhuzhu in his arms, peeled them slowly, and ate the sweet and delicious ones in his mouth.

As he was peeling, he heard footsteps behind him, and then Sheng Minglin suddenly came over, put his hands on his shoulders, and said, "Your Highness, are you drunk?"

The fourth prince was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Pfft!" He also remembered the story that the seventh prince told before, that on August [-]th, he was framed by a palace maid or something.

The fourth prince smiled and glared at him. Tuanzi bit open the lotus seed skin and asked, "Guo Guo, why don't you call me Si Guo Guo Jie?"

Sheng Minglin laughed and said, "I was joking with Fourth Brother!"

While talking, he also took a lotus pod and peeled it slowly. Occasionally, he fed one to his sister, and also ate the skinless and hairless one in her hand.

The fourth prince said: "Father, please let me listen to what you are busy with when I have time."

Sheng Minglin laughed when he heard this: "Then fourth brother will come over tomorrow and I will tell you in detail."

The fourth prince hummed, and Tuanzi understood: "Will Si Guo Guo come to see Zhu Zhu in class?"

The fourth prince shook his head: "You can't watch Zhuzhu in class, but you can have lunch with Zhuzhu after class."

In such a sensitive matter, that is.

Although Sheng Minglin secretly guessed that the Honghu Guards were prepared for the new emperor, and the new emperor was most likely the fourth prince, but without an explicit edict or an explanation from the emperor, he could not handle the internal affairs of the Honghu Guards. Tell the fourth prince that the fourth prince cannot go to Honghuwei's courtyard.

Sheng Minglin smiled and stuffed another lotus seed for Zhuzhu. He didn't want her to eat too much, so he said, "Zhuzhu, come here, let's count how many flowers are in bloom."

As he spoke, he took his sister in his arms and counted them one by one.

As a result, the atmosphere was just warm, when I heard a gust of wind, and then several stones flew over, causing the nearby lotus seeds to stagger.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Turning around, it turned out that the seventh prince and the fifth prince were coming.

In the past, the seventh prince was always bullied by the fifth prince in the palace, but now, the fifth prince follows him, looking as excited and attentive as his followers.

The Seventh Prince laughed happily: "I'm just thinking of showing it to Zhuzhu'er."

Sheng Minglin let out a lazy sigh.

This lake is full of lotus flowers, and there are so few empty spaces. How can it be wasted?

The seventh prince had already used both hands to force Tuanzi from his arms, put him aside, and said, "Zhuzhu, do you know that now, even the ten guards are no match for me."

Tuanzi clasped his little hands in admiration: "Wow! Qi Guo Guo is great!"

The seventh prince was already very excited, but when she praised him, he became even more excited. He felt like he had no energy to use. There were no stones on the shore, so he directly asked someone to bring a handful of copper coins and started to hit the lotus flowers.

He has never learned concealed weapons, but he is indeed talented in martial arts. He found the feeling in a short time, and he shot out with a whoosh, and the good lotus was beaten to pieces in a short time.

This caused the fifth prince to scream excitedly, and the Tuanzi being led also started chattering.

What kind of devilish naughty child is this? !

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin were speechless.

In fact, Emperor Mingxi didn't care much about this, but in the past, the seventh prince really didn't dare to do such a thing, but now he is really brave.

The fourth prince liked looking at Zhuzhu, and he refrained from scolding his younger brother. He just said: "What are you planning to do? You can just hit the lotus flower."

The Seventh Prince chuckled: "That's what I think, but it's not possible."

Fourth Prince/Sheng Minglin: "..."

What is this called?Is the dish justified?

(End of this chapter)

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