Chapter 299 That was quite careless

Seeing that Tuanzi also grabbed the copper coins and was about to throw them in, Sheng Minglin said one thing in his mind... It is too easy for children to learn bad things.

He couldn't help it anymore and hurried over to bring his child back.

At this moment, Emperor Mingxi and his party came over, and Prince Duan asked from a distance: "What are you doing?"

Tuanzi spread his legs and ran over, holding his hand, "Dad! Let's pay off the seven pots of debt!"

Prince Duan twitched the corner of his mouth. Emperor Mingxi glanced at him and said, "Did you get offended by the good Lotus Flower?"

His voice was not harsh, but the Seventh Prince and the Fifth Prince quickly stopped their hands and stood aside.

Tuanzi glanced at Emperor Mingxi and calmed down his excitement. Prince Duan wanted to pick up his daughter, but Tuanzi glanced at Emperor Mingxi beside him and his head shook like a rattle.

Prince Duan frowned: "Did uncle Huang suck his belly again? Did he suck his belly again and hurt?"

Emperor Mingxi looked away: "Ha!"

Prince Duan said: "It must be!"

"No, no, no!" Tuanzi kindly explained: "Uncle Huang didn't suck beads. Uncle Huang wanted to suck four pots of pot, but he accidentally sucked beads!"

Prince Duan glanced at his brother: "Oh, that was quite careless."

Emperor Mingxi looked ahead and pretended not to hear.

Prince Duan said: "Okay, everyone, follow us, the banquet is about to begin."

The fourth prince picked up Zhuzhu and went over to eat.

The family banquet of the Dasheng royal family was a real family banquet. There were not many people, and there was no screen at all. Everyone sat at two tables and could still talk to each other.

The dishes on the table were also casual and not served according to the rules, because today was the day to eat moon cakes, and a lot of moon cakes and snacks were also served.

Among them is the dragon and phoenix cake, which is steamed with glutinous rice and red dates, mixed with red beans. It is sweet, fragrant and sticky. I fell in love with the dumpling as soon as I ate it, and then I kept eating it. It was so delicious.

Sheng Minglin was afraid that the child would have a weak spleen and stomach and would not be able to digest it after eating, so he quickly gave her a chopstick dish: "Zhuzhu, try this."

Tuanzi shook his head: "Ke Zhuzhu likes to introduce me to you."

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to say: "This is made from glutinous rice. You can't eat more. If you take another bite, you won't be allowed to eat it again."

The dumpling was stunned for a moment, and then the two chubby hands came together to pull out a large piece, put it into his own small bowl, and glanced at his brother.

Sheng Minglin raised his forehead and didn't stop him. Then he ate the dumplings with confidence. After eating, he still wanted to eat and watched eagerly.

Emperor Mingxi called: "Take this away, so that Zhuzhu'er won't be jealous."

Tuanzi waved his hands quickly: "No, no, just show off. If Zhuzhu is not good, just take a look at Zhuzhu."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "What's there to see?"

Tuanzi sighed, "Such inferior things must be put into Zhuzhu's belly. If the belly is too big to fit, then it can be put into the head!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed.

The fifth prince said positively: "Zhuzhu, this moon cake is delicious if you eat it."

Emperor Mingxi said: "The mooncakes made this year are all weird."

The Queen smiled across the table and said, "Yan Qing sent this in. I think it's cute and tight."

This is a set of mooncakes made from Korean wine. They are made in the shape of a fat little koi. One is only as long as a finger, and each pose is slightly different. There are twelve of them, although they don’t look like “cakes”. But it is indeed exquisite and beautiful.

But I eat dumplings every day at home, so it’s not surprising, so I shook my head.Sheng Minglin coaxed and persuaded, ate a few more bites of green vegetables, and stopped eating after two mouthfuls of porridge.

The fifth prince and the seventh prince also had enough to eat, so they took Zhuzhu out to play. The fourth prince quickly asked Zhou Zhiwen to follow, and the queen also asked He Bao to follow.

The rest continued to eat.

After eating for more than half an hour, Zhuzhu thought it was time to go to bed, but the fifth prince never came back.

Sheng Minglin went out and asked several times, but he only knew that he went to visit the Imperial Garden. He didn't know where exactly he went, so he could only send someone to look for him.

After searching for a long time and no one came back, Sheng Minglin was worried and went out to look for him with a lantern.

Because there were no eunuchs around him, he was followed by ordinary palace people. Sheng Minglin walked forward along the place with the lanterns, and walked to the wall. Someone helped him and said, "Your Majesty, Be careful."

Sheng Minglin recognized Liao Zhehe's voice. He raised his head and before he spoke, he felt a small paper roll being stuffed into his hand.

Sheng Minglin remained calm, retracted his hand, put the paper roll into his sleeve pocket, and continued walking forward.

After walking a while, I saw a large group of people holding lanterns approaching quickly from a distance.

Sheng Minglin stood still and waited, and saw the Seventh Prince walking over with Zhuzhu in his arms, and said to him very disappointedly: "What a cicada, monkey, grasshopper, there is nothing! I can't find any of them!"

Sheng Minglin raised the lantern and took a photo. Seeing that Zhuzhu was already asleep, he said anxiously: "Why don't you send Zhuzhu back when she's asleep?"

"Ah?" said the Seventh Prince: "Didn't I go far? Anyway, she won't sink if I hold her in my arms! I don't worry about giving it to others! I asked someone to wrap it in a cloak. It's definitely not frozen. Don't worry. ”

Sheng Minglin just felt that the Seventh Prince had made some progress, but as soon as he entered the room and took it over, he was speechless.

There were several red envelopes from mosquito bites on Zhuzhu's face. She was still in the chrysalis when she fell asleep. If her hands hadn't been hugged tightly, she would have been scratched.

Sheng Minglin was too embarrassed to do anything in front of the emperor, so he only glared at him angrily and took his sister back with both hands.

But the emperor himself was not polite, his feet were squeaking loudly, and he said angrily: "Are they all dead?! You can't even look at a child!"

He Bao and Zhou Zhiwen were already kneeling down.

The Seventh Prince and the Fifth Prince quickly followed and knelt down.

Prince Duan came over to take a look and advised him: "Brother, don't spank your child during the holidays. Save up and do it tomorrow!"

Emperor Mingxi became angry and said: "Okay, you go back quickly, it's getting late."

The empress held Zhuzhu's little face, looked at it, and quickly called someone: "Bring a box of that mint ointment."

The servants hurriedly went to get it. Duan Wangfu and a group of people left the palace and got on the carriage. They took off their clothes when they got home and checked. Fortunately, Zhuzhu was wrapped in a cloak and didn't bite it. She only bit her face and took several bites. Even the tip of his nose was bitten.

I don’t know what species the mosquito in the Royal Garden is, but it bites off a hard lump, which is a bunch of red.

He quickly asked his servants to wash his face and apply medicine. The servants kept watch all night, not daring to touch his hands.

Sheng Minglin came over early in the morning to take a look. It felt a little lighter and not so hard when pressed, but you could still see the red spots, which seemed to be a little redder than yesterday. Zhu Zhuer's skin was white and her breasts were white. The pinching is the same, and the redness is particularly obvious, especially the little red nose, which looks quite cute.

When Tuanzi woke up, she told him in a daze: "Zhuzhu dreamed that she was hugged by Qi Guoguo and flew up to the sky on a grand majesty. It was so cold that Zhuzhu's face was frozen."

Sheng Minglin could only say: "Zhuzhu was bitten by a mosquito and applied mint ointment, so she is a little cold."

Tuanzi didn't pay attention at first, but when he waited and looked in the mirror, he was shocked and his eyes widened: "Zhuzhu, where is Zhuzhu's throw?! Zhuzhu's throw is missing! Guoguo! Zhuzhu's throw is missing!" I can’t see you!”

She touched it here and there with her hands, feeling anxious: "The beads are in the debt room, but that's..."

She pointed to the mirror: "Hey, there are no pearls on the breasts! The pearls on the breasts are not that ugly! The pearls' noses are not red either!"

(End of this chapter)

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