Chapter 300: Zhuzhu, why don’t you be ugly?

Sheng Minglin suppressed a smile and comforted: "Zhuzhu, it was bitten by a mosquito, so it is a little red. It will be fine tomorrow."

Tuanzi's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief, then she patted Xiaorou's face with two small hands, and then patted him again: "Jie Xie Zhuzhu's Hu?"

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, then tears welled up, "Zhuzhu, don't be so ugly... Wuwu, Zhuzhu is so majestic in class, so many people are looking at Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu can't be so ugly!!" Wow!"

Tuanzi, a top student with a heavy burden of money, cried very sadly: "Zhuzhu, I don't want a red nose. A red nose just looks like a stupid person. It won't make a difference even if it is reduced or reduced. Zhuzhu, I don't want it! You will be laughed at! Wow!" Wow, how much will Zhuzhu have to send back!"

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and funny at the same time. He quickly picked up his sister and ran around the room to comfort her.

Xiao Tuanzi cried so deeply that she couldn't stop at all. The little lump was soaked with tears and became even redder. Sheng Minglin quickly asked someone to ask if Huo Chenzhao was back, and asked someone to ask for leave.

While coaxing her softly: "Don't cry. We won't go to school today. We'll go when we're ready. If no one sees it, no one will smile."

Tuanzi cried: "But if you don't go to school to tie your beads, why are you going to class? You will miss your beads!"

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to divert the trouble: "Oh, it's Brother Seventh's fault. If you take Zhuzhu into the grass, there will be a lot of mosquitoes and insects in the grass. If they bite Zhuzhu, we won't play with Brother Seventh next time." "

When Tuanzi heard this, he cried even more sadly: "In the evening of Zhuo Tian, ​​wu wu wu, He Bao said there were mosquitoes and wanted to carry Zhuzhu back. Zhuzhu said it was okay and wanted to play with Qi Guo Guo... wu wu , Zhuzhu is so sad..."

Sheng Minglin said subconsciously: "This feeling is called regret. It means that something has already happened and you have done something wrong, but you can't change it. This kind of sadness is called regret."

Tuanzi learned and used it flexibly, and was a little excited about learning new words: "Zhuzhu regrets it so much, regrets it so much, regrets it... wu wu wu..."

Princess Duan, who had just walked into the courtyard, burst out laughing when she heard this conversation. She hid in the courtyard and laughed secretly for a while before coming in.

Then the two of them worked together to comfort Zhuzhu for a long time, before Zhuzhu finally stopped crying and had breakfast.

After eating, Xiaotuanzi put the mirror directly in front of him and stared at it blankly.

The expression on such a small breasted dumpling was so cute that Princess Duan couldn't help but laugh, her face turning red.

Outside, Huo Chenzhao hurried in.

As soon as Tuanzi saw him, he immediately waved his paws: "Beautiful Guoguo! Woohoo, come and save Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu's Zhuchu is sick!"

"Here we come," Huo Chenzhao said quickly, "I brought medicine."

He hurriedly explained: "I saw the prescription in that book. I originally thought that there would be no mosquitoes this year, so I didn't rush to do it. Fortunately, there are still some that I made before."

He washed his hands, took them out of his arms, and gently applied them to Zhu Zhu.

The mint ointment is green, but this one is a little brown, with a slight medicinal smell. After applying it, it looks like a little cat with a painted face, and the tip of its little black nose is particularly cute.

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Is it still itchy?"

Tuanzi shook his head, still looking in the mirror with his eyes wide open.

Huo Chenzhao asked for a fan from his servant, fanned her gently, and said, "It is said that it will be cured in an hour. Let's apply it for a while."

So the group of people stopped doing anything and just stared at her little face.

The fourth prince came over to take a look and was shocked: "What's going on?"

Sheng Minglin suppressed his laughter and explained. The fourth prince bent down to take a look and coaxed Tuanzi softly: "It's okay, Zhuzhu. This is not ugly at all. Zhuzhu is so cute, no matter what, she is cute."

The cold-spoken fourth prince probably used all his sweet words to coax Tuanzi. Tuanzi nodded with a serious face: "Zhuzhu, do you think so?"

She held his hand and showed off the new words she had learned: "Si Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu is so sorry! Zhuo Tian tonight..." she began to speak.

It was really hard for Princess Duan to hold back her laughter.

Whose brother would teach a child when he is crying, but the child actually learned it.After struggling all morning, I washed off the medicine at noon. Sure enough, the redness had faded a lot, but it was still not completely healed. So after eating, I applied another layer and prepared to look at it again in the afternoon.

When Princess Duan saw it, she immediately came over and asked Huo Chenzhao: "Do you want to sell this prescription?"

Sheng Minglin said from behind: "If we can sell it, we'll pay [-]-[-]."

Princess Duan pointed at him with a smile, and Huo Chenzhao also smiled and said: "This is not my recipe, it is the recipe in that book. If you want to use it, I will copy it to you."

Princess Duan's eyes lit up: "Is there any other good prescriptions in that book?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "There are really quite a few. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I have already selected a few and tried them with the medicinal people. I also asked people to trial-produce them. I will write to Your Majesty when there are no problems."

Princess Duan said quickly: "You have the medicine garden and the manpower. Once you have made it, my shop can sell it for you. We will discuss how to sign the deed."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and agreed.

Princess Duan just left.

The fourth prince wanted to coax Zhuzhu to take a nap, so Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao returned to Zeyuan first.

Huo Chenzhao said to him: "I really can't figure out the Qing Gong that Zhuzhu pulled out. Ling Jue also said that he doesn't understand it. Can you let my master or my wife take a look?"

Sheng Minglin thought for a moment: "Okay."

Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Then I will go back and make a copy for questioning. Don't worry, my master and wife will not leak it."

Sheng Minglin waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to say more.

He was still thinking about the story he wanted to make up, so he asked him: "Shen Zhao, tell me, what is the most despised, despised, and cowardly behavior among the people, especially the old farmers?"

Huo Chenzhao thought for a moment and coughed uncomfortably: "Eunuch? Heavenly eunuch?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head, "Is there anyone more cowardly?"

Huo Chenzhao's face turned a little red and he said: "Since ancient times, the affairs of romance have attracted the most attention... selling one's wife? Pawning one's wife?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "What does it mean to be a wife?"

Huo Chenzhao said in a low voice: "It's just that...some people are poor and can't get a wife, but they want to keep a wife, so someone will marry their wife out for a year or two, give birth to a child, and then go back. There are also places called renting Damn it, I once saw a man who did not give birth and lived by selling his wife, and he actually lived a pretty good life."

Sheng Minglin was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

Huo Chenzhao nodded.

Sheng Minglin was speechless for a long time.

Although he had a bad life in his previous life, he had always been a son of a noble family and had never been among the people. Most of his understanding of people's livelihood came from books. He really didn't know this lowest level of folk customs.

He was shocked for a while, then patted his head and said: "No, even though the wife-in-law will be stabbed in the spine, there may be people who can sympathize with her because she is poor or because she doesn't value women. This won’t work. Think again.”

Huo Chenzhao blushed even more, "Shared wives?"

Sheng Minglin was shocked again: "What is sharing wives?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "There are extremely poor families who will have several brothers, marry one wife, give birth to children and raise them together, and they will never separate the family for life."

Sheng Minglin was stunned.

After a while, he suddenly said seriously: "I hope that when you and I grow up, we can jointly create a Dasheng without such unbelievable things."

(End of this chapter)

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