Chapter 301: Words of Tiger and Wolf, Mr. Qin

Huo Chenzhao responded in a deep voice.

The fourth prince heard this sentence as soon as he walked in. He nodded and said, "Brother Yu, let's encourage each other."

Then he sat down and said, "What are you talking about, your face is so red?"

Because there was no one left in the room, Sheng Minglin stood up by himself, poured him tea, and then talked from beginning to end, and took out yesterday's small scroll: "Invite me to the teahouse in the evening, and I will make a bet with you. , the person who came to see me this time must be Mrs. Liao!"

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Why?"

Sheng Minglin said: "The person in charge of the Holy Cult behaves in a low-key manner and has many small thoughts. I have just met Liao Zhehe. It stands to reason that we will not meet again so soon. She will want to show off and appear not to be in a hurry." Yes. I am anxious to see you now. It is possible that my previous temptation has taken effect. Han Zhenge is probably her biological child, so she wants me to take care of Han Zhenge."

"But, looking at Liao Zhehe's attitude of not treating himself as an outsider, he probably thinks that he is his biological son. So we can't let him do this. We can't let him do it, and we can't leave another similar guest behind. If you come out, wouldn’t Mrs. Liao have to do it herself?”

"She won't think about it. From my point of view, she is just an ordinary woman in the world. On the one hand, she feels that she has a respected status. She came here because she values ​​me. On the other hand, she thinks that her identity has not been exposed. There is no danger in meeting, so I think she will come in person. Do you want to make a bet?"

Huo Chenzhao shook his head.

Of course the fourth prince would not bet with him.

Sheng Minglin gave up regretfully: "So I was thinking, can I take the opportunity to test her strength? To facilitate the next step?"

The fourth prince said: "You can decide what to do yourself."

Sheng Minglin said: "Then I will take Ling Jue there."

He paused and returned to the previous topic: "So, who is the most useless person? How can I make up this rumor?"

The fourth prince said: "Don't forget what is the fundamental purpose of starting this rumor."

Sheng Minglin made it clear: "You mean, the rumor must be...the father is unknown?"

The reason why he created this rumor was to deal with Han Wei's status as a "descendant of the Song Dynasty royal family." What is the most taboo rumor among the royal family?
It's an unknown person!

Confusing the royal bloodline!

Although the identity of their family is inherently false and the relationship is forced upon them, but if it becomes a little more false, to the extent that the descendants are not even the Han family, and to the point of being ridiculed by people all over the world?

Sheng Minglin nodded slowly.

But it's useless to set the main tone. They can't think of the most down-to-earth and most useless thing.

Finally Sheng Minglin said: "Forget it, I'll go back and ask Jiang Bai. He will definitely know."

Qin Jiangbai did know.

Mr. Qin, who was exceptionally handsome, said calmly and calmly: "There are many, for example, are you often beaten to tears by your wife? For example, you kneel down on your wife and commit adultery? For example, your wife steals from someone and doesn't dare to say anything about it, but she still helps guard the door? Or, for example, she can't return the favor if she is castrated by Heaven. The female lies beneath the human..."

The three ignorant little boys looked at the well-informed Master Qin and were all speechless.

Qin Jiangbai Ren smiled and said: "You don't understand. In this world, some people have nothing but two ounces of meat, so they will particularly despise those who are 'not good'; None of them know how to do it, and they especially despise those who are 'unable'. Anyway... no matter how poor or bad he is, at least he has the character 'male', so anyone can laugh at him. When you grow up, you will understand, from ancient times to the present There are no men who don’t care about this, even the aphrodisiacs sold in pharmacies are particularly good! Anyway, just listen to me and just use similar things to make it up, the effect will definitely be good."

Huo Chenzhao suddenly whispered: "That kind of medicine sells particularly well?"

He was talking to himself, and no one else was paying attention. Sheng Minglin said in a flat voice: "Ah! Have you heard about it! There is a strange case somewhere, two men are fighting for their wives!"

"Ah!" Shen Lingjue cooperated: "Tell me, tell me in detail!"

Sheng Minglin said: "A certain tribe member saw a stranger doing farm work in a certain family's field, so he asked about it. The man said..." Qin Jiangbai waved his hand: "This is not okay! It's too polite, too serious. , no one likes to hear this beginning, you should say..."

The beautiful Master Qin coughed slightly, and spoke calmly with thin lips: "A man named Han fainted on the street. Others helped him to the hospital, and found that his pants were dripping with blood and dirt. The hospital It frightened the reporting officer and led to a strange case.”

The three little ones all looked at him blankly.

Although he knew in his heart that he grew up in a beggar's den and knew many things, he was still deeply shocked.

The main reason is that the contrast between these words and Mr. Qin's invincible and beautiful appearance in official robes is really huge.

The little pure Sheng Minglin almost blurted out the question why, but instinctively felt that he shouldn't ask. The next moment, the disobedient great wisdom was forcibly activated, allowing him to understand this knowledge point that he shouldn't understand without any teacher.

The young prince shuddered, he had never hated his own cleverness so much before.

Then Qin Jiangbai gestured gracefully with his hands, gesturing for him to continue.

Sheng Minglin searched for it, finally found his tongue, and murmured: "This person, this person's name is Han, Han Meng? He is tall, handsome, and has a small fortune."

This can stir up jealousy and hatred of wealth.

"But he is born with a lack of talent... Well, he can't do it. He doesn't dare to tell others that he married a certain wife and had no children for three years. Naturally, the relationship between the couple is not good. One day Han Meng came home and heard strange noises in the room..."

The little boy Sheng Minglin's face turned red and said: "Brother Jiang Bai, can you tell me? I really can't make it up!"

Qin Jiangbai said: "I can't do it. I'm not good at this."

Are you not good at this? ?Untimely modesty is unacceptable!

Sheng Minglin just looked at him quietly, Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "Okay, I said. When Han Meng heard the strange noise, he was angry and afraid that he would not be beaten, so he did not dare to say a word, allowing the man to vent his anger and leave. He went, but he felt guilty and did not dare to scold the wife afterwards. So, after going back and forth, the adulterer and the wife became more and more courageous, and even dared to come to Han Meng's house when he was at home, and finally the three of them even shared the same bed."

The expressions of the three little ones were extremely complicated.

Qin Jiangbai continued calmly: "Han Meng only dared to turn his back and bite his quilt and cry secretly. If he didn't dare, he wouldn't even dare to resist. But he didn't expect that man to attack him one day. Han Meng is the eldest son of a rich family, and he is very delicate. The tender skin and flesh were used as women from then on... It became a common practice from then on, and the adulterer was just a servant who poured night fragrance, and was ugly in appearance and only had a handful of strength."

"Afterwards, my wife became pregnant, and Han Meng was used more, which led to what happened before... The county magistrate thought that he was immoral and insulted the local reputation, and wanted to kill the three of them, but Han Meng cried bitterly and couldn't let go of the man. Later, he even claimed in public that he was a descendant of Song Huizong! He is a descendant of the imperial family and no one can kill him!"

He gestured with his hands: "Minglin, it's your turn."

Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it sounds extremely embarrassing, such a strange case that breaks the shame will definitely spread quickly.

After the story, let’s first talk about why the old Han family became the descendants of Song Huizong, and then it’s time to popularize a few things about Song Huizong.

So he found some pen and ink, and first wrote down the story of Qin Jiangbai, changing "Two men fighting for his wife" to "A man's daughter-in-law came out of a certain place", and then wrote about Song Huizong.

Those things in the court such as eunuchs in charge of troops and sycophants running rampant are not understood by the common people, so I won't go into details. The main thing is to talk about how this disgusting thing, Song Huizong, was attacked by enemies at the door of his house, and he immediately took the throne to get rid of the trouble. His biological son; how could he be kidnapped by the Jin people, held in a sheep-leading ceremony, humiliated and given the title of Hunde Gong, etc.

What can I say, the more I write, the more I feel that Han Meng is indeed a descendant of Song Huizong... Qin Jiangbai is really good at making up stories.

After that, I will write about Baoyuan, and then the most important thing, how Taizu drove out the aliens, turned the tide, saved the world and so on.


Song Huizong Zhao Ji was an emperor in the Northern Song Dynasty. His affairs are not important, so I won’t go into details in the article. Many people should know it. It’s okay if you don’t know. Just remember that he was a coward and a coward.

(End of this chapter)

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