Chapter 31 This baby doesn’t follow martial ethics
Zhuzhu stretched her little neck hard, creating an ear-biting atmosphere, and said: "That's right, today, Yu Wangguoguo came to play with Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu followed Yu Wangguoguo to play ball, Guoguo and sister Mu'er also We were shooting balls together, and when I looked at Guo Guo, I said a long string of words, and Guo Guo became angry."

She took a nervous breath and compared her two little hands together: "Guo Guo immediately picked up Zhu Zhu and said, my sister is the royal princess! You are so disrespectful! You want...what, what, what!"

She tried hard to imitate what Sheng Minglin said at that time, but she didn't remember the rest.

Then she looked at Xu Heshu eagerly: "Sir, is this okay?"

Xu Heshu was very helpless.

Is this something I can hear? ?
He tried to explain to her: "Princess, although you told me about this matter, you didn't say that, so I don't know why your brother is angry."

"No!" Zhuzhu waved her little hands: "Zhuzhu didn't ask your brother's family, Zhuzhu asked about Guoguo."

Xu Heshu could only continue to explain: "Brother Ling means 'your elder brother', which means the same thing as 'your brother'. This is an elegant way of saying it."

"Oh!" Zhuzhu seemed to understand and nodded. She had not forgotten her original intention: "You haven't said yet, is this okay?"

Xu Heshu could only say: "I don't know."

"Is it okay?" Zhuzhu used the instinct of a curious three-year-old baby, looked at him seriously, and asked again, "Is it okay? Aren't you Guo Guo's teacher? Aren't you the most knowledgeable? You should be able to do it What’s the right number of ways to do it!”

Looking at Tuanzi's curious little face, Mr. Xu suddenly understood what it means to be... cute and heartwarming.

He tried to explain to her: "There are thousands of poems in the world, and there are thousands of them that can make your brother angry, so I really can't guess which sentence it will be. But since your brother is angry, it means that this sentence is not Okay, why does the princess need to know?"

Tuanzi's eyes were confused after hearing this.

Then she lowered her head, her little arms hung down, and buckled the pearls on her shoes. The soft hair on her cheeks covered her little face, so her expression couldn't be seen, but somehow it made people feel that she must be sad. .

Master Xu couldn't help but touched her head: "What is the princess thinking?"

Xiao Naituanzi's voice was muffled: "Zhuzhu can't quite understand what Mr. said, and Zhuzhu can't understand what Guoguo said either."

The three-year-old baby tried hard to express her thoughts clearly: "Zhuzhu wants to get along with Guo Guo Zhuizhui, play with Guo Guo, and get angry together... But she doesn't know how to tie Zhuzhu, and Zhuzhu is swollen. What to do! Woo hoo hoo..."

She stretched out her little hand, hugged Master Xu's leg, and started crying.

Master Xu: "..."

Originally, he was the best at persuading people to learn something. If you don’t understand, just learn it!

In this case, he can talk for three hours without repeating the same thing...

But now, he was sitting here stiffly, with his feet raised and his legs half raised, and he was being hugged by Xiaotuanzi, not knowing what to do or how to coax him.

Fortunately, Sheng Minglin walked over quickly, took his sister into his arms, and coaxed her softly.

He came over just now and listened to most of it. It was really funny and heartwarming.

He really didn't expect Zhuzhu to come to Xu Heshu for help.

It's really cute to see her looking up at her little chubby face, comparing her hands with her hands, and earnestly telling a story to the old man.

Maybe only a little baby like Zhuzhu, who has grown up with so many pets, can have such confidence and courage.

No matter how strange or scary the person is, as long as she makes contact with him, has some friendship, and gives her a smile, she will think in her heart, ah!You love Zhuzhu!You are Zhuzhu’s good friend, so let’s play together!
So cute.

He could never feel like this, but seeing beads like this, for some reason, made him feel so satisfied.

He kept kissing her soft fur and her chubby hands that were stained with tears.

When Zhuzhu was almost done crying, he pretended to cough and wrote to Xu He: "Sir, mother will ask someone to clean up the flower hall behind Yanhai Pavilion. From now on in the morning, no matter when Zhuzhu comes over, if she encounters When the teacher is lecturing, I will teach Zhuzhu. If the teacher has finished lecturing, then he will teach Zhuzhu. About half an hour a day is enough, okay?"

Xu Heshu pinched his beard and nodded.

As soon as he got down to business, Zhuzhu stopped crying and sat upright on his lap, blinking her big eyes and listening.

Sheng Minglin continued: "I see that Mr. usually doesn't leave the house. That night, if Minglin encounters any problems, can he go and ask Mr. for advice?" Xu Heshu nodded: "Yes, you can come."

Sheng Minglin smiled and thanked, and the two went back talking.

Xu Heshu dismissed them from school, and the seventh prince rushed out with his two scumbag followers.

It was obviously just three people, but it had the effect of rushing out a large number of people.

The remaining two Hanlin companions were still talking to Xu Heshu. The seventh prince looked back and felt that he was too far away to hear, so he came over and said, "Little crybaby, why are you crying again? You cry every day!"

The gloating on his face really shouldn't be too obvious.

Although Naituanzi was dumbfounded, he still listened to such obvious words and immediately retorted: "Little bald head, little bald head!"

"What's wrong with the bald head?" The seventh prince touched his bald little head: "This is called a Buddha, do you understand? A little crybaby."

Naituanzi stretched out his little head, "Little bald head, little bald head!"

The seventh prince also stretched out his head to fight with her, and forced her head back, "Little crybaby, little crybaby, little crybaby! Hehe!"

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth.

Since the seventh prince left the palace, he has really let himself go.

See for yourself, are you different from the taciturn and withdrawn self?

Naituanzi's head was not strong enough and his strength was not strong enough. He was pushed back and his little hands touched his forehead, feeling bulging with anger.

In fact, Sheng Minglin was really worried that Zhuzhu would call him ugly when he got angry.

He is aware of the conflict between the two. If Zhuzhu calls him Little Baldhead, he will not be really angry. But if he calls him ugly, even if it is a child, that is his knot, and he will really be angry. .

But Zhuzhu obviously didn't expect this. She didn't seem to find the seventh prince's birthmark ugly at all.

She rubbed her little head for a long time, suddenly thought of something, and said to Sheng Minglin: "Guo Guo, come down."

"Haha," the seventh prince was so happy that he raised his head and looked at the sky, "Am I still afraid that you will come down? I can beat a hundred of you with one hand!"

Sheng Minglin hesitated and put his sister down.

As a result, no one expected that Zhuzhu crippled her calf and rushed into the house, took Xu Heshu's hand and complained: "Sir, Qi Guo Guo scolded Zhu Zhu for being such a crybaby."

The seventh prince was startled, his head raised to the sky suddenly turned back, and he looked at Zhuzhu, dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this baby has no martial ethics.

Xu Heshu had already darkened his face and walked over to him and asked, "Is this the case?"

The Seventh Prince lost all his arrogance and said in a low voice: "Sir, I, I am..."

Xu Heshu started his lecture with a crackle: "My sister has been wronged. As an elder brother, you don't know how to care and you still want to ridicule..."

He kept talking, and the seventh prince could only say yes, yes, yes.

Tuanzi got back the game and was so proud that he shook his head beside him and smiled with his little white teeth.

Sheng Minglin almost died laughing.

Really, I am fooled by the Seventh Prince every day! !
But in short, the seventh prince was once again punished to face the wall.

But it's already lunch time. Facing the wall will delay your meal.

In fact, it was just a matter of eating a little late, but Zhuzhu didn't know that. When she saw that everyone was eating, and only the seventh prince was facing the wall, she became anxious, pointed and asked: "Is it okay that seven pots of pots are not enough for one meal? "

(End of this chapter)

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