Chapter 32 Too young to be broken

Xu Heshu was eating with them and said warmly: "He is wrong, so I punish him by facing the wall for two quarters of an hour."

Zhuzhu immediately squeezed over.

Xiaotuanzi, who was no higher than the table, raised his little face and reasoned with him, "If you don't care about food, how can you have the strength to face the wall?"

Xu Heshu: "..."

As a serious person, he didn't know how to refute.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "But he called you a little crybaby!"

Tuanzi said: "Yes, but I only want Mr. to tie Zhuzhu..."

She imitated Xu Heshu's way of lecturing others, put her hands behind her back, and muttered a string of baby words, saying: "Excuse me."

Then she ran out from under the table, pointing her little hand at the Seventh Prince from a distance: "I don't want Guo Guo to show off."

Sheng Minglin imitated her pronunciation and said with a smile: "Sir, you tell him what's wrong and face the wall to punish him. If he doesn't do it, he will be punished, so Brother Seven can't eat now."

Zhuzhu blinked her big eyes, mobilizing all the intelligence of the three-year-old baby, and then she said: "Zhuzhu is also called Qi Guo Guo Little Baldy, and Zhuzhu is wrong." She grabbed Xu Heshu's clothes: "Mr. beads.”

Xu Heshu thought for a moment and then said: "If Zhuzhu is smaller, the punishment will be lighter. Then Zhuzhu will be punished by standing for a quarter of an hour."

Zhuzhu nodded quickly and said in a sweet voice, "Thank you, sir."

Then, she thought she wouldn't be noticed by anyone...she grabbed a bun in each of her two little hands and ran to face the wall.

Sheng Minglin was really worried that Xu Heshu would not allow it. Unexpectedly, Xu Heshu pinched his beard, turned around, and continued eating as if he hadn't seen it.

Zhu Zhu'er stole the buns and felt extremely guilty. She hid her little hands in her arms and didn't dare to say anything even if they were burned. She couldn't help but bend her whole body. She ran all the way to the Seventh Prince and looked over. He looked at it and stuffed him with a bun: "Eat it in seven pots."

The seventh prince swallowed.

He originally wanted to say "no need for you to be so kind" with dignity...but he was really hungry.

Studying was also very strenuous, and he didn't like snacks. His stomach was cramping with hunger all morning, so he thought wittily... Eating all her food was also a kind of revenge!
He immediately took the bun and stuffed it into his mouth in three bites, while motioning for her to give him the other one.

Naituanzi gave the other one to him without any hesitation.

Zhuzhu is actually very hungry too.

With all these things happening in the morning, she didn't eat any snacks. Her hungry stomach growled. She raised her little face and watched her brother eat. She swallowed greedily, raised her little hands and blew on them. Red palms.

The seventh prince quickly stuffed the two dumplings into his mouth and glanced at the dumplings proudly.

I thought I could see Tuanzi getting angry, but instead I saw this scene.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, the seventh prince suddenly felt very uncomfortable, as if he had done something outrageous and bad, and the unspeakable guilt overwhelmed him.

He didn't dare to look at her, and after a while he whispered: "Aren't you quite powerful? Why now..."

Zhuzhu didn't hear it and her eyes widened: "Huh?"

The seventh prince was suddenly stunned.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong...

Why is Zhuzhu so different from Sheng Mingzhu in her previous life?

When he thought of this, a huge panic suddenly occurred in his heart, making him almost forget to breathe.

But thinking about it again, Zhuzhu was only three years old at this time. Maybe because she was too young, she still... couldn't be bad?
So this is ah.

The seventh prince murmured in a low voice, his mood was extremely complicated, and he couldn't explain what was going on.In the brief silence, Sheng Minglin called them: "Zhuzhu, it's time, come over and eat."

The two turned their heads together.

The seventh prince strode to the table, picked up his chopsticks and started eating without raising his head. Zhuzhu also ran to sit with Sheng Minglin and started eating hurriedly.

Xu Heshu glanced at the Seventh Prince with great disappointment and shook his head.

Could it be that he didn't teach well?

The younger sister respects her older brother so much, but the older brother doesn't care about her sister at all.

After everyone finished eating, Xu Heshu left. Everyone continued to sit for a while, and Zhuzhu went to take a nap.

General Xie didn't come over, so the Seventh Prince and the others continued to practice as taught before, while Sheng Minglin continued to step on the horse.

After Zhuzhu came over from her nap, Sheng Minglin went over and talked to Feng Pozhu and asked him to teach Tuanzi a simple boxing technique, mainly to let her move around without the need for horse steps.

Feng Pozhu took Tuanzi to the corridor and began to teach her boxing and kicking.

Because she could see her brothers practicing, Zhuzhu also learned very enthusiastically. She was not afraid of the sun on the corridor. She practiced for a while and took a break. When the time was up, they would get out of school together. Tuanzi learned very well.

The next morning, the flower hall was also tidied up.

Sheng Minglin went over to take a look in advance.

The flower hall over there is quite empty, larger than Yanhai Pavilion. It can see the lake not far away. It is a convenient place to watch the scenery and drink tea, and it is also cool in summer.

Now that the tables and chairs were removed, it seemed even more empty.

Xie Guanjia said: "My Majesty has said that the young master will arrange it as he pleases. The servants will arrange it according to the young master's instructions."

Sheng Minglin nodded, walked around the room, and then suddenly had an idea.

He called the housekeeper: "For this white wall, make some wooden boards and stand them on the wall. Make a small staircase outside the wooden boards. Three steps are enough. It should be wider and flatter. The beads are so big that they can go up and down without support... "

He talked and compared, and finally drew a picture directly: "Make grooves on the wooden board, and then ask someone to make some small wooden blocks that are about an inch square. The wooden blocks can be put into the grooves without falling or falling." It’s too tight, and it will protrude a little after putting it down to make it easier to take it down. By the way, the periphery must be smoothed, and there must be no wooden thorns.”

Butler Xie nodded repeatedly while taking notes in detail.

I didn’t use Zhuzhu on the first day, so I just read it a few times.

Although Zhuzhu has a cold temperament, she has a strong imitation ability, especially when she reads poems and shakes her head. In her opinion, it feels very playful.

Therefore, it is really not difficult to teach her to "read" the Three-Character Classic. Some of the sounds are a bit unclear, so there is nothing you can do about it.

By the next day, the wooden boards and small wooden blocks had arrived. Sheng Minglin asked someone to cut some square paper, wrote the words one by one, and pasted them on the small wooden blocks. Then, after teaching the words of a sentence, Tuanzi Take the wooden blocks by yourself and go to the wall to spell sentences.

You can climb steps, play with wooden blocks, put together sentences and then memorize them, and then explain the meaning.

Just play and learn at the same time.

By reading and reading the words, you can successfully avoid, for example, when "Gunbu Tuo" occurs, Tuanzi will keep asking the question "Why doesn't the dog bark?"

Anyway, after being changed twice by Sheng Minglin, Tuanzi had a lot of fun and learned very quickly.

Princess Duan was very happy when she learned about this. When she was happy, she asked someone to send a pure gold statue of Confucius.

Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing when he received the gift. His stepmother's temperament was indeed very interesting.

It's been a quiet time here, but the Wenxing Hou Mansion is in a state of chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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