Chapter 33 If you want to sleep, someone will hand you a pillow

In this dynasty, in order to avoid the dictatorship of relatives and chaos in the government, most of the concubines were from small families, and many even came from poor families, and rarely accepted the favors of ministers.

Moreover, the relative was only given a title but not an official title, so being Wen Xinghou or something like that was, to put it bluntly, just a bald and empty title.

How could a family like them dare to confront Prince Duan's Mansion?
If they are not careful, even the empress in the palace will be implicated by them!

The old Marquis usually loved Wang Wang, his direct golden grandson, but now he was so angry and scared that he couldn't care about anything, so he almost pinched his neck and asked what happened.

Yu Wang knew he had gotten into a big trouble, so he didn't dare to hide it now, so he cried and said it.

This poem was not common, and the old Marquis didn't even know it. The prince was stunned when he heard it, and he told his father tremblingly.

The old Marquis was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground. When he came to his senses, he started beating the prince with a cane: "It's all you, it's all you!!"

The prince is very lustful, drinking and having fun in the mansion every day, raising a group of singing girls who do not want concubines or stealing concubines, and reciting those sour poems... Isn't this called Yu Wangxue?

The old Marquis, who was almost sixty years old, lost strength after a few beatings. He leaned on his cane and said tremblingly: "Is there any more?"

Yu Wang was so frightened that he cried and said everything he had chanted before.

Deep down, he felt that his father was very comfortable like that, and he envied him. He would often read it secretly, and naturally he learned poems like that, almost every sentence of which was taboo.

As the old Marquis listened, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

In fact, none of Zhuzhu's maids knew how to read and write, and no one could remember what they chanted before. But the Hou Mansion didn't know, and was frightened.

In comparison, asking for beads and jewelry is a trivial matter.

He didn't even dare to wait for the night, so the old marquis went to the palace in person to plead guilty.

But Princess Duan didn't see him directly.

The old Marquis could only continue to come the next day, and then he heard that Princess Duan had gone to the palace to see the Queen.

As soon as the old Marquis heard that Princess Duan had entered the palace, his legs went weak and he sat on the ground. He was reluctantly helped into the carriage by his family. He burst into tears at that time.

Although he also knew that Prince Duan's Mansion was closely related to the palace, and this matter would reach the ears of the Emperor and Queen sooner or later, he was still hoping for a chance. Until now, he only had one sentence in his mind... It's over. It's all over.

Princess Duan would not sympathize with him.

If you train your children like this and let them out, you will have to ask for any consequences!

She went straight into the palace.

After entering the palace, she saw that the eldest princess was also there. She looked as if she had been crying. Princess Duan couldn't help but said: "It's an unlucky time for me to come."

The eldest princess stood up hurriedly and said with a smile: "Auntie made fun of you."

Princess Duan sat down with a smile, and the Queen asked her, "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you bring Zhuzhu'er here?"

Princess Duan was also familiar with the eldest princess and did not avoid her. She said angrily: "Don't mention it. I was really angry to death yesterday."

She just said it directly.

She even looked for and read that poem, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

The empress and the eldest princess were both literate and very angry when they heard it. But after being angry for a while, they paused at the same time, and then... exchanged a look.

You know, there is a reason why the eldest princess entered the palace today.

Now that the princes are all grown up, and after getting married and opening mansions one after another, many things have become more and more obvious.

The eldest prince is the eldest son, has a kind-hearted temperament, and has many supporters, but the third prince is also talented in both civil and military affairs, and is becoming more and more popular.

The eldest prince got married half a year earlier than the third prince, but has not yet established a concubine, and no good news has been announced.On the other hand, the Third Prince's Mansion had a son last year. Although he was just a concubine, he had the honor of being the only grandson of the royal family, so he was still quite valued.

Talking about children with the king's father is a topic that is basically unmistakeable, so the third prince would talk to Emperor Mingxi from time to time, saying, "Emperor Mingxi can laugh, call me father, can walk..." Every time, he said, "Emperor Mingxi" I would think of it from time to time and urge my eldest son.

Originally, the eldest prince didn't take it seriously and just joked about it. But yesterday, the third prince suddenly said, "I know that my eldest brother and my sister-in-law have a good relationship, but we must also be considerate of my father's desire to have a grandson."

This is so heartbreaking to say.

It's as if the eldest prince would rather be disobedient and unfilial for a woman.

Being too affectionate is not an advantage for a prince; not being filial is not to mention, if you get a little bit involved, it will be over for the rest of your life.

So the eldest princess came into the palace early in the morning and asked the queen to help point out the two concubines.

The Queen is really angry.

She is a very open-minded mother-in-law. The husband and wife have a harmonious relationship, and she has never pushed her to have a legitimate son.

Who is like the third prince, who has a lot of concubines, concubines, and concubines? What is there to be proud of when so many women give birth to a bastard?
But she also understood that men's thoughts were different from women's. Speaking of which, she really had to start looking for this concubine.

But who would have thought that Princess Duan would tell them such a thing when she entered the palace today.

Although she felt sorry for Zhuzhu, the Empress really wanted to laugh a little, so someone would hand her a pillow when she felt sleepy.

Look at this ridiculous and disgusting family tradition!
Once Emperor Mingxi learns of this, he will definitely think of the women in the third prince's courtyard!I'm afraid that I won't even want to see that concubine's eldest grandson in the future!

The queen thought for a moment, discussed with Princess Duan and the eldest princess, and then directly sent a female official over to reprimand Madam Yu for "taking the imperial gift privately" and ordered her to be grounded and return the imperial gift.

Why do you do that?

First of all, in order to protect Zhuzhu's reputation, the Queen cannot tell the truth and cannot be punished lightly. It is very reasonable to use this excuse.

There were countless Zhuzhu things given by the emperor and empress. There must be some of the things they took away, even if they happened not to be there.

However, as a result, the reputation of Wenxinghou Mansion was instantly ruined.

Outsiders don't care how old your young master or young lady is, this thief name will stick with you for the rest of your life.

After Concubine De found out, there was no way she would not react.

You must know that the queen is the master of the harem. If the Wenxing Hou Mansion wants to communicate with Concubine De, they must first submit a letter to the palace. The queen agrees before they can enter the palace. After entering the palace, they must first pay homage to the queen. Can the queen see you? Not to mention, this step cannot be omitted...before you can go to see Concubine De.

In other words, Concubine De should not know that something happened to her mother now. Even if she knew about it through private channels, would she dare to tell her?

What's that called? That's called giving and receiving privately!

In the Dasheng Dynasty, it was strictly forbidden to give or receive privately. If you really tell someone, it would be a worse crime than that!
Therefore, whether Concubine De knew it or not, she would definitely react when she heard that the Queen used this crime to attack her sister-in-law.

But at this time, the greater her reaction, the greater her mistake!
The factor that is difficult to determine now is the third prince.

After the third prince learns about this, he may first go to the palace to find Concubine De, or he may go to his maternal family first to ask about the situation. If he goes to his maternal family first and comes back to apologize immediately after finding out, then the punishment will end there.

But so what if it ends here?

As long as the emperor knows the truth, the third prince's "grandson" advantage will be lost.

Therefore, the Queen did not make any extra arrangements.

I just felt sorry for Zhuzhu because she had been wronged, so he chose a lot of things to reward her. At the same time, because Sheng Minglin had contributed a lot in this matter, I also chose some things to reward him.

(End of this chapter)

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