Chapter 34
Before Princess Duan left the palace, the female official had already arrived at Wenxinghou Mansion.

Mrs. Yu was immediately stunned. Before the female officer left, she lost her voice and said: "How can this be done! This can't be done like this! Wang'er's reputation..."

The old Marquis hurriedly asked someone to drag her down, while sending the female officer away in a low voice. He wanted to stuff the female officer with a banknote, but the female officer didn't take it.

The old Marquis was heartbroken. He dragged his steps back and saw Mrs. Yu crying: "Why, wasn't it just that I said the wrong thing? Wang'er is only ten years old! What happened to the wrong thing!" "

The old Marquis felt dizzy again, but he had to endure it to avoid passing out.

Why didn't he realize before that this daughter-in-law was so stupid!I still can’t understand something so obvious!
But when he saw the prince next to him, he also looked dissatisfied and angry, and said to him: "Dad, let's go and beg the emperor! Let the emperor make the decision!"

Mr. Hou's beard was trembling with anger... How could he raise such a confused and ignorant rebellious son!

He couldn't hold it on any longer, rolled his eyes and fell backwards.

At this time, in the imperial study, Emperor Mingxi was discussing matters with his courtiers. The eldest prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince were all there.

Near noon, Zheng Zhongshun took the opportunity to report a few words to Emperor Mingxi.

Emperor Mingxi frowned and sent the courtiers off to eat. Then he quickly got up and drove to Kunning Palace. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Sanlang, go to Wenxinghou Mansion to have a look."

With such a meaningless sentence, the third prince was confused when he heard it, and he quickly responded. When he came out to ask, the third prince was shocked, angry, and scared. He didn't even have time to eat, so he hurried to his grandfather's house.

When I entered the house, I saw it was very lively.

The old Marquis fainted from anger, but Mrs. Yu felt that the punishment was too severe, and was crying and shouting that she wanted to send a post to the palace to find Concubine De.

When a young prince saw him coming, he came over crying and begged him to make the decision!
The third prince really thought that his family had been wronged, so he quickly sat down and asked his uncle to speak quickly.

As a result, upon hearing this, the third prince's head was buzzing, and he almost fainted from anger like the old marquis.

Looking at the prince's fat face that was hollowed out by wine and sex, he still dared to look aggrieved. The third prince kicked him away more than ten steps!
Reciting female poems to the royal princess, even if the princess is inconspicuous and no one wants it, for the sake of royal dignity, it cannot be handled lightly, not to mention, Zhu Zhuer is really the eyeball and the thorn in the side of the emperor and queen!
As the emperor's own son, he had to be coaxed and coaxed into being a lowly person. How dare they! !

The third prince was so angry that he was going crazy, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was his maternal family, and this was a relationship that could not be broken or broken!

They are just a piece of stinking shit, but he still has to hold his nose and praise them as a flower!

The third prince was a shrewd man. He gritted his teeth and explained the matter to the prince first, and then whispered in a low voice: "At this point, you should forget about reputation. Reputation has become the least important thing! Father! If you hurt Zhuzhu so much, I'm afraid he will think the punishment is too light and have to make amends afterwards! You don't want to implicate your mother and concubine, do you?"

He stared at him closely: "You should know how capable you are. If my mother-in-law and I are not good, even your life will be in danger, let alone clinging to the red and green trees!"

The prince was so frightened that he trembled: "Please, your highness, please teach me what to do."

"What can I do! Of course I will go back to the palace to apologize to my father!"

The third prince stood up without leaving anything to say, and the prince followed him like a dog. The third prince didn't talk to himself until he was about to walk out of the courtyard, and sighed: "You can only kill with a nod, alas! Grandpa is so old. I'm so angry..."

He quickly walked out of the courtyard, mounted his horse and left.

The prince was left in a daze. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly started to tremble.

After noon, Princess Duan returned to the house with a lot of rewards.

While Zhuzhu was taking a nap, she called Sheng Minglin and told him the matter.

Princess Duan herself didn't realize it. She unknowingly regarded this child as someone with whom she could discuss matters.

The main reason is that there are some things that cannot be discussed with the servants, and Prince Duan is not here at the moment.

Sheng Minglin adapted well. After listening quietly, he comforted Princess Duan: "Mother does not need to care about such people, and my son does not think that Na Yu Wang is unjust. If he really doesn't know what he said, why doesn't he dare to talk to the superiors? Splitting things in front of a strong man? But he only speaks freely in front of ignorant children? So, he actually knew that what he said was not a good thing, but he just bullied Zhuzhu who didn't understand. Such people should be severely punished. "

Princess Duan couldn't help but nod: "You are right."

She said to herself, "I don't know what will happen next."

Sheng Minglin thought quietly for a while, suddenly thought of something, and stood up: "Mother."

Princess Duan was startled: "Huh?"

Sheng Minglin's tone suddenly changed and he said, "Mother, is there any way to send a few doctors to Wenxinghou Mansion? Isn't it in the name of our palace to find a more reasonable excuse?"

Princess Duan couldn't react: "Why?"

Sheng Minglin actually remembered some of the actions of the third prince in his previous life, and knew that he was a shrewd, ruthless and decisive person, but he could not say that now because these things had not happened yet, and the third prince's reputation was still good.

Sheng Minglin then said quickly: "Son, I just changed my position and thought about it. If my son were the Marquis of Wenxing, what would be the way to break the situation? Then I suddenly thought, if there is something wrong with the old Marquis... or even some shortcomings, The empress and queen mother will appear a bit aggressive and force the elders to death, which will harm their reputation."

Princess Duan immediately became serious.

She thought for a moment: "Yu Chen and I are cousins. I'm looking for my cousin? No, no, I remembered that your father's good friend Cui Ming is the nephew of Wen Xinghou. It makes more sense. But now, It’s not easy for me to go see him either…”

"Son, go," Sheng Minglin said, "Don't worry, mother, my son will go talk to Uncle Cui."

He thought briefly: "I heard that Uncle Cui collected a lot of books, so my son said he wanted to borrow books!"

"Okay." Princess Duan immediately called the housekeeper over, first sent the post and prepared a gift. Cui Mansion's post was returned shortly, and then Sheng Minglin went directly.

He had heard of this Master Cui, but had never seen him, but it didn't matter. Prince Duan's Mansion was here anyway. Who would offend Prince Duan's Mansion for a Wenxing Marquis Mansion?

Not to mention taking sides, you must know that the second prince is not a ship now, at most he is a big piece of wood.

So he is not worried.

Cui Ming, courtesy name Xiaolin, was the minister of Taichang Temple at that time. He received a post at his house and asked directly if he was free now. He knew that he was busy at first sight, so he replied to the post and called Mr. Cui back to receive him. Got Sheng Minglin.

Although Sheng Minglin is young, now that he is here on behalf of Prince Duan's Mansion, Mr. Cui will treat him seriously as a guest.

After exchanging a few words, Sheng Minglin had a good impression of him and he sounded like a smart man.

He directly told the story about the Wenxing Marquis Mansion, while tactfully saying that the concierge reported that the old Marquis looked very bad when he left. Princess Duan couldn't bear it, and she didn't know whether she should find someone to visit him?
(End of this chapter)

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