Chapter 37 Zhuzhu grows up and opens up territory for her uncle.


Prince Duan also dragged his long tail and took his daughter over. He was reluctant to let go, so he simply carried his daughter with him.

As soon as he saw Emperor Mingxi, Prince Duan knelt down and saluted, saying, "Thank you, my dear brother, for helping my younger brother take care of Zhuzhu'er."

"Okay, get up quickly, there is no need to be so polite," Emperor Mingxi said with a smile: "You are not at home, why can't we look after the child for you?"

Zhuzhu only kept talking to her father along the way and forgot to report the results of these days. When she saw Emperor Mingxi, her big eyes lit up and she opened her hands to him enthusiastically: "Uncle Huang, Uncle Huang..."

In fact, Emperor Mingxi knew that his younger brother was a lover, and was about to ask him to go back to accompany his wife quickly when he waved his hands. When he saw Tuanzi being so enthusiastic, he was immediately flattered? ?
Anyway, he immediately left the throne, hugged her over, and said with a smile: "Zhu Zhu'er, do you miss your uncle?"

Naituanzi grabbed the collar of his dragon robe, pulled him over, and said eye to eye: "Zhuzhu is studying!"

Prince Duan hurried over and tried to pull his daughter's little hands away. Emperor Mingxi didn't take it seriously and pushed him away casually. He said with a smile: "What books have you read? Read it to your uncle."

Zhu Zhuer nodded eagerly and leaned back.

Emperor Mingxi was afraid of throwing her, so he quickly hugged her back. As a result, Zhuzhu hugged his arm with both hands and sent it back, saying: "No! You can't recite Zhuzhu like this! Zhuzhu wants Judou!" Giant beans are very powerful beans!”

Emperor Mingxi was really stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses and laughed repeatedly: "It turns out that I still need to read the sentence, then Zhuzhudou."

So while shaking Zhuzhu, she began to recite with a milky voice: "The silver is thick, the nature is good, the nature is similar, the habits are far apart..."

Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan stood in a circle to protect her. They originally thought that the little breast dumplings were so cute, so they listened with a smile. Unexpectedly, Zhuzhu actually recited a long list!

That's right!

Emperor Mingxi was surprised, and Prince Duan was also stunned. He was so excited that he even called out his old name, grabbing Emperor Mingxi's clothes: "Fourth brother, fourth brother! Ah, I, Zhu Zhu'er, am a genius!"

Emperor Mingxi also had a smile on his face and praised her highly: "Zhu Zhu'er is awesome! So smart! Just follow your father!"

Although it is said that other people's children can write poems at the age of three, what does that have to do with us!
My kids are the best!No rebuttal accepted!
Zhuzhu'er lost herself in the praise, her little chin almost reached the sky, and she said proudly: "Zhuzhu is still learning martial arts! Zhuzhu is good at both civil and military skills! When Zhuzhu grows up, she will open up new territories for her uncle!"

Emperor Mingxi couldn't hold back his smile, kissed her fiercely, put her down quickly, and let her show off.

Compared with reciting poems, which is a bit intimidating, Zhuzhu is not very good at fisting and kicking.

Because Zhuzhu is a chubby little chubby girl who is usually very squeamish. She often goes out without her legs. Her small body is as soft as a marshmallow, so her fists and kicks...what can I say, every move is very good. Unexpected.

Emperor Mingxi just watched her twisting and turning, her fleshy belly was particularly obvious, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

But her little expression was too serious. Emperor Mingxi couldn't hit a child, so he kept coughing, barely holding back his laughter, and praised her without changing his expression, "Zhuzhu is so awesome, just like your uncle!"

Tuanzi was so happy that he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

The father and daughter received a lunch in the palace before leaving the palace.

Emperor Mingxi also rewarded her with a set of four treasures of the study, and also rewarded her civil and military masters in a very formal manner.

By the time we got back to the house, it was long past the time for Tuanzi to take a nap, but Tuanzi was too excited and didn't feel sleepy at all. He opened his eyes and kept chattering to his father.

Prince Duan simply carried his daughter to the martial arts training ground.

Prince Duan has always been thorough in his work.

For example, although Emperor Mingxi treated him very kindly, he never lacked courtesy. After finishing his errands, he would go to the palace to see his brother regardless of whether he had anything to do or not.

Another example is that at this time, although the seventh prince is not favored and is his nephew, he is still a prince and belongs to the monarch and his ministers. Therefore, when he comes out of the palace, he will definitely visit the seventh prince and care about everything.

So he came over.

General Xie still didn't come today, and the Seventh Prince was practicing with his spear.Not to mention, although the seventh prince is just a little brat, when he practices a gun, he really has the aura of flying sand and stones, and he is worthy of being born with divine power.

Prince Duan looked on with a smile and applauded him repeatedly. When he finished the game, he expressed his concern and asked about the progress of Feng Pozhu. He also gave a few words of encouragement... The next step must be to go to Xu Heshu, and then he will go to Xu Heshu. I need to instruct the housekeeper to add some small details to their lives to show their uncle's care for them.

Sheng Minglin stood beside him, silently watching his father's performance.

To be honest, as a little worry, he felt quite at ease after seeing his father's behavior.

It's better than Princess Duan's behavior, where the daughter cheats on the emperor and doesn't apologize.

When facing an emperor, one would rather do more than be too careless.

So he said that based on his father's scheming and behavior, the past life... no, no, it should be said that the past life in another world, if Sheng Mingzhu hadn't been so clever, they would have been unable to topple the palace.

Just as Sheng Minglin was thinking about it, he saw Zhuzhu staggering towards him.

Xiaotuanzi was probably sleepy. He half-closed his eyes and looked like he was drunk. He twisted his calves back and forth in arcs. Finally, he turned in front of him, hugged one of his legs, and put his little face against his knee. Slide down slowly.

Sheng Minglin kept his horse stance while asking her: "Did Zhu Zhuer enter the palace just now??"

Zhuzhu regained a little energy, raised her little head, and said, "Dad carried Zhuzhu into the palace and told Uncle Huang, thank you, Brother Huang, for taking care of Zhuzhu... Uncle Huang said...said..."

The more she spoke, the softer her voice became, and she fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed.

Sheng Minglin quickly stopped and picked her up, fearing that the sun would burn her little face. He took a few quick steps and quickly stood on the porch.

He had long discovered that Zhuzhu was really good at imitating. Even though she couldn't understand a lot of what adults said, she could really remember a lot.

He thought his father's words were quite appropriate. He was worthy of his fox father.

You know, these things happened in the middle, which is equivalent to killing the third prince's maternal wife, but it was also a matter of patricide, and they committed suicide... So this matter is really difficult to say, no matter how you say it, It's appropriate, but when his father said, "Thank you, Brother Huang, for helping your younger brother take care of Zhuzhu," the feeling of being a family, of being on the same front, came out immediately.

Not bad.

He waited for a short while, looked at Prince Duan and it was almost done, and said at the right time: "Father."

In fact, Prince Duan had seen it a long time ago. When he heard the sound and turned around, Sheng Minglin hugged Zhuzhu to him: "My son still wants to practice martial arts. Please ask dad to carry Zhuzhu back."

Prince Duan then said goodbye to Feng Pozhu with a smile, encouraged the seventh prince and his companion, and left with Zhuzhu in his arms. Looking at the direction, he should be sending Zhuzhu back to the courtyard first.

Sheng Minglin felt relieved and continued to come back.

Because Zhuzhu took a nap too late, she didn't come to practice martial arts in the afternoon and didn't wake her up until dinner time.

Because Princess Duan had a good impression of Sheng Minglin, she even called him over to have dinner with the whole family.

In fact, Sheng Minglin really doesn't care about this anymore, but he also knows that Princess Duan has good intentions and is very happy.

Zhuzhu had just woken up and was still a little listless. Princess Duan held her in her arms and slowly fed her water.

Prince Duan was talking to Sheng Minglin nearby and asked him what he thought about these things.

Sheng Minglin responded politely.

Prince Duan frowned, feeling that his behavior was not in line with the image of the smart boy his wife described.

After talking for a while, Zhuzhu became a little more energetic. Looking at the two of them, she suddenly discovered something: "Dad, you and Guo Guo look alike!"

She pulled at her eyes with her little hands: "They are all big eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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