Chapter 38 Zhuzhu takes the first prize

Prince Duan laughed: "Shabao, I should say, my brother looks like my father."

Zhuzhu didn't think there was any difference. She blinked in confusion, and Prince Duan explained to her: "Because father is father, and brother is father's son. Father comes first before son, so the son looks similar to father. "

Naituanzi was stunned by the series of daddy sayings at that time: "What's the matter, daddy... I just... Zhuzhu can't understand!"

Sheng Minglin said softly: "Zhuzhu, it's just like the big rabbit that Brother Seven gave you, and then, did my mother make a lot of little rabbits for you? Because there were big rabbits first, and then there were little rabbits. That's why. Sometimes, it’s time to say that the little rabbit looks like the big rabbit.”

Zhuzhu understood: "Oh!"

Princess Duan also took a few glances and said with a smile: "It's true, you two really look alike, you both have good eyes."

Both of them have beautiful peach blossom eyes, with long eyelashes, and the texture of the double eyelids is extremely exquisite. They are as exquisite as those drawn by a fairy painter. At first glance, they are father and son.

Prince Duan glanced at his son and saw Sheng Minglin saying with a smile: "Zhuzhu is the most beautiful, Zhuzhu is the most beautiful baby in the world."

Tuanzi was happy and smiled with his little white teeth: "Guoguo looks good too."

Princess Duan was also happy, because Zhuzhu looked like her, so she smiled and tapped the tip of her daughter's nose: "Little Smelly."

Prince Duan: "..."

A man like Prince Duan could detect it instantly.

Sheng Minglin was gentle, meticulous and considerate towards Zhuzhu and Princess Duan, but he was neither salty nor indifferent to him!
Ah!This brat!

Not to mention, Sheng Minglin did it on purpose.

Putting Zhuzhu aside, Princess Duan is a stepmother and has no blood ties. Her kindness to him goes beyond the rules, and he appreciates it very much.

But Prince Duan is his biological father, and he looks like this. Do you still want him to respect and trust him?
Think beautifully.

So, the father and son had a meal, and they kept saying nothing to each other. Silly Bai Tianzhuzhu, mother and daughter, didn't notice, and they ate quite happily.

If a child takes a nap late in the afternoon, he must go to bed quickly at night, otherwise he may not be able to stay energetic until midnight after being overly sleepy.

So not long after the meal, Princess Duan coaxed her to sleep.

Prince Duan originally wanted to have a chat with his son, but after such a fuss and nonsense, he just waved his hand and dismissed the brat. Anyway, the emperor gave him three days off, so he had plenty of time to chat.

Prince Duan and his wife had a great time all night, and even had an extra show in the morning.

After finishing his work, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Prince Duan waited for his ancestor to get up in a low voice, and then hurriedly ran to comfort his daughter.

In fact, Zhuzhu's biological clock is very accurate now. When they went there together after breakfast, Sheng Minglin was already waiting in the flower hall. He put down the book when he heard the voice. When he saw his father, he quickly put away his smiling face and gave it a serious look. One salute: "Father."

The change in expression is so obvious.

Prince Duan was sure that he did it on purpose.

Sheng Minglin also knew that his father had noticed it.

But so what?
He smiled and started learning with Zhuzhu. After a while, Xu Heshu came over, but he usually didn't get involved. Sheng Minglin still explained to Tuanzi.

Review the previous ones first, then teach a new sentence. After teaching, recognize the words of this sentence one by one, and then let Zhuzhu take the wooden blocks and go to the wall to spell the sentences.

Prince Duan watched with great interest.

And he could also see that Sheng Minglin was really sincere towards Xiaotuanzi. There were many things that he wouldn't have expected to be so considerate of if he didn't care.So his attitude immediately softened, and he asked him: "Why don't you just ask someone to engrave this word? The edges of the paper are all curled."

Sheng Minglin said: "I originally thought that Zhuzhu is very smart and can finish learning the Three Character Classic very quickly. After learning, these wooden blocks can be glued with other characters."

Prince Duan really didn't expect such a simple answer.

He stayed for a long time before saying: "Your mother didn't give you monthly money?"

"It's done." Sheng Minglin said sternly: "My mother is very good to her son and takes very good care of her. She has never delayed her monthly payment and has never been short of daily necessities."

Xu Heshu glanced at him appreciatively.

Filial piety is a very simple matter, and there is no need to make a big show of it. If you explain this kind of thing carefully and use unambiguous words, in his opinion, it is filial piety and a gentleman.

Prince Duan also thought it was good. He nodded and said, "I mean, don't worry about these little things. Prince Duan's palace can't afford a few pieces of wood."

Sheng Minglin didn't argue and said, "Since I want to change it, I'll find someone to write it. These words were written by my son himself and they don't look good."

He paused for a moment: "In addition, if you ask someone to make some tricks, such as kittens, puppies, flowers and fruits, etc., and change them every once in a while, it will save Zhuzhu the trouble of playing with catkins."

"Wait a minute," Prince Duan was shocked: "Did you write this word?"

The writing was so good that he thought it was written by Xu He!

Xu Heshu was very courageous and asked him directly: "Your Majesty, you don't know your son's handwriting?"

Prince Duan hesitated for a while.

Xu Heshu pinched his beard and smiled and said: "Look at me, Ming Lin's handwriting is excellent. This is written for the little princess. The strokes are round, gentle and gentle, suitable for children to learn. Ming Lin's usual handwriting is clean and neat. , Give both the square and the round, show humility in your pride, and given time, you will surely become a great person."

Sheng Minglin himself was a little embarrassed by his praise.

His calligraphy had been practiced hard in his previous life, and he had slowly come back to it in the past few days. Xu Heshu admired it very much, and it was a bit exaggerated.

Prince Duan is not familiar with Xu Heshu, but he also knows his ability and temperament. Since he praises him, it means that he is indeed good. At such a young age, he has achieved success in both handwritings. This is a real genius.

Prince Duan couldn't help but put away his undisciplined mind, thinking that he really needed to have a good chat with this kid.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Xu said it's good, and I think it's good, so you'd better write it. Write down the three hundred thousand, draw a picture of what you want to do, and just tell the housekeeper to do it."

Sheng Minglin responded and went to look for Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu had already climbed up the small steps, and the maid next to her was helping her carry the big basket, so she turned over the words one by one.

Turned it over, stuffed it in, and pressed it with a click. After a while, all the words were pressed. Zhuzhu came down by herself, pointed and recited: "The first is filial piety, the second is knowledge. Know a certain number, and know a certain article."

"That's great," Sheng Minglin praised her skillfully, "Zhu Zhu'er is so smart, she never makes a mistake! Zhu Zhu'er is great!"

Zhuzhu'er stood there, dizzy with the praise, her little head shook back and forth, and the little fat on her cheeks was hanging out. She couldn't help but look at her father, her big eyes full of expectation.

Prince Duan was so cute by his daughter, he looked at him with a smile, his face was full of pride, his fingers couldn't help but tap on the armrest, and his heart was full of...

Ah, my daughter is so smart!My daughter is a genius!She may have finished studying the Four Books and Five Classics in a few days. Then what reason should I use to get the emperor to agree to her taking the top exam?When she gets the top pick and people praise me, what should I say so that she can show off enough without appearing too arrogant?

well!What a worry! !
(End of this chapter)

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