Chapter 391 Helping the protagonist take revenge
Sheng Minglin wanted to go to Li Xuan's house immediately, but now he had to coax his sister dutifully.

As a result, Zhuzhu was so sleepy that she couldn't sleep anymore. Sheng Minglin hugged her and rocked her countless times, and her arms were sore. She still smiled at him with her big eyes open.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Sheng Minglin silently gave his sister to Huo Chenzhao, and Huo Chenzhao also started holding her in circles.

Sheng Minglin was so tired that he threw his hands away, moved his body again, and turned his head and neck. When he looked up, he suddenly found that the roof of the wing was actually a hard top of wooden slats. On the wooden slats were scriptures written in cursive, which looked like a Plant patterns.

Then Sheng Minglin had an idea and pretended to start counting: "One, two, three, four..."

Sure enough, Zhuzhu immediately asked him: "Guo Guo, what are you doing?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I'm counting the number of wooden sticks, eh, I can't count them no matter what."

Tuanzi took a look and said, "Zhuzhu will help you count!"

Then she lay in the arms of her beautiful brother and began to count: "One, two, mountain, four, five, six..." Huo Chenzhao held her around and around, Tuanzi's voice became lower and lower, his eyes slowed down. He slowly closed himself up and fell asleep.

The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Sheng Minglin made a gesture to Huo Chenzhao to guard his sister, and he went to the main room to find Princess Duan.

Before he entered the door, the princess's maid outside made a gesture to him, meaning that the person in the room was Mrs. Xu.

Sheng Minglin went in and greeted each other. Princess Duan smiled at Mrs. Xu and said, "You happen to be here. I want to ask you something. You have to tell me carefully. By the way, we ladies are talking to each other. Just don’t tell them.”

Mrs. Xu agreed repeatedly while sneaking a glance at Sheng Minglin.

She came with another lady just now. After chatting for a while, Princess Duan said that she had something to tell her and asked the lady to leave. Madam Xu was already worried, and now she saw Sheng Ming. Lin came and became even more panicked after hearing what Princess Duan said.

Princess Duan said: "The child who died in your family before was named Xu Jingqian. Do you still remember him?"

Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Of course I remember."

After she composed herself, she took the initiative and said: "When it comes to this child, I feel really aggrieved and panic... As you know, our master and the sister in front of us have a deep and righteous relationship, so marrying me is also a good idea. It's just to welcome and send you off, I'm not afraid of your ridicule, our master already agreed before marrying me that we are not allowed to have any children."

Princess Duan was stunned. She really didn't know about this matter, but Mrs. Xu would not lie about this kind of thing.

Sheng Minglin listened quietly without interrupting.

Mrs. Xu continued: "Our master has no concubines and the family is simple. After I entered the house, there was no big deal. It was a big deal for me to move back to Jing. At that time, my natal brother was still out. Something happened."

She smiled bitterly: "My mother passed away early, leaving me and my brother. My relationship with my stepmother and stepbrother was not very good. I only hoped that my brother would become a successful man. But as a result, he was involved in a dispute just after he became an official. , and my father can’t help, I’m so anxious that I can’t wait to kneel on the ground and beg my master for help.”

"Just at this time, Jing Qian came back. I was really afraid that I was not careful in any way. I wanted to serve him as my ancestor. I was not afraid of my mother's jokes. I have personally seen every piece of paper and grass in his room, even the respectful bucket. , Don’t dare to pretend to be someone else’s.”

"When Jing Qian met with the master and Jing Zhan, his attitude was cold, but there was no lack of courtesy..." She hesitated, looked up at Princess Duan, and Princess Duan said: "Just say it, this matter has nothing to do with you. It doesn’t matter.”

Mrs. Xu hesitated for a moment, then said: "It was his attitude at that time. It was not like he was reunited with his father and brother after a long separation. He was not excited at all, and his eyes were not red. But if you want to call him rude, he was very polite. , not one more, not less, just... can’t find fault with it. But it’s not cowardly or obedient, it’s like, it’s like it’s done deliberately.”

Sheng Minglin frowned and listened.

Mrs. Xu added: "But the master was testing his knowledge, and he answered fluently. I only roughly knew a few words and couldn't understand them very well, but the master's expression was very satisfied, and Jing Zhan's expression was a little surprised. It seems like he’s really good.”

"Afterwards, the master said that he was really smart, and sighed again and again, saying that it was a pity that God was jealous of talents. Naturally, I became more interested. After that, the master came over from time to time. I couldn't be present when the father and son got along, but looking at the master's expression, I became more and more satisfied, and even said that this child was an unparalleled genius, and that he would only wait until he was older to find a chance to become famous. At that time, everything seemed to be going well, and the master was also happy, and even helped my brother find a job. I’m also relieved.”

she stops.

Sheng Minglin asked: "Does he have any hobbies or habits? Or little tricks?"

Mrs. Xu shook her head: "I really don't know about this. After all, I am not my biological mother, and my child is older, so I don't try to get in trouble with him, I just give him things. Later I found out that he was very picky, so I prepared more every time. Let him choose. He seems to prefer fresh colors, such as peach red, apricot yellow, and sweet incense, and his food tends to be sweet. I also told the master that this is the habit of Jiangnan people, and talented people all have these It’s nothing, so I don’t care. Anyway, I’ll buy him whatever he likes.”

"Originally, everything was going well. The master was very happy every day. He also said that he would have a good time on his birthday. The guests at the banquet would also have Jing Qian show up... But the day before his birthday, early in the morning, ah Huan came to me in a panic and said something happened to Jing Qian."

She shuddered: "That day was chaotic, my mind was in a mess. Anyway, Jing Qian was lying on the bed so neatly and died, wearing the new clothes bought for him, brand new from head to toe, and his hair was not messy at all. There was a smile on his face. When I saw it, I collapsed to the ground. When the master came back and saw it, he vomited blood and went crazy. He said three times in a row, OK! OK! OK!"

Her voice trembled, "Really, I never expected this child to be like this. He seems to come back on purpose, show off his talent on purpose, and make his father happy, and then... and all of a sudden..."

If it stops suddenly, it will cause him pain.

At that time, Xu Fu probably had good intentions in sending him away, but for a seven or eight-year-old child, this was tantamount to his father giving up on him.

He killed his mother and unborn sister with a marble. Just when he was feeling guilty and sad, his father sent him away again. For him, this might mean that he had been given up.

If he has a dual personality, then the other personality might be helping the main personality to take revenge?
His brain circuit is probably telling Xu Fu, you people who give up easily are so good, but you can't take advantage of them?
So, does this prove that that personality is a person who is determined to retaliate against others?
Moreover, he is a wanton and evil person, and his way of revenge is different from others, which is really very heart-wrenching.

Sheng Minglin asked a few more questions in detail, and after Mrs. Xu left, Princess Duan also said: "Actually, she is a capable person, thoughtful, smart, and aware of current affairs. There is no news about such a big thing in the capital. , I have always only known that it was a sudden death, which shows that she has a strict control in the house, and what she said should be true. "

Sheng Minglin nodded.

In the afternoon, the family returned to the house.

Sheng Minglin wrote to the fourth prince to inform him and asked for a warrant. The next day, he went to Xu Heshu to prepare a visit to Li Xuan's house.

The case of Li Xuan's family was pending, but Dali Temple was already busy with other cases. Xu Heshu sighed and gave him all the files, saying: "Look, it would be great if we could find clues. After all, there are so many lives! "

Sheng Minglin read the files carefully on the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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