Chapter 392 There is a painted ghost beside me
It can be seen that Xu Heshu actually put a lot of effort into checking the files. The files were extremely detailed. Sheng Minglin looked at them one by one and only noticed one thing.

Li Xuan and Wei Shifeng often gave each other small gifts, such as newly bloomed flowers at home and newly engraved seals. They seemed to be close friends at first glance, and their relationship was not as casual as Wei Shifeng said.

But on the surface, there seems to be no contact. Anyway, no one has seen Li Xuan go to his house, and no one has seen Wei Shi Feng coming to Li's house... The two families are close to each other, maybe Wei Shi Feng will come at night. ? ?

After all, practicing Qing Gong, coming here is just a matter of lifting one's legs.

Arriving at Li Mansion soon, Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao followed the people from Dali Temple and carefully entered the door.

The corpses in the courtyard have been removed, but there are painted human figures and numbers everywhere, which makes people shiver when they look at them.

Sheng Minglin walked all the way to Li Xuan's study.

It is said that Li Xuan died at the table at that time. At that time, the killer asked him to sit back on the chair, leaning back. At first glance, he looked like he was still alive.

Except for the removal of the body, nothing else in the study had been moved. The blood stains were still there, but they were covered with dust.

Sheng Minglin stood carefully and scanned the room one by one. Then he slowly went in and looked under the table and then under the chair. There was no writing.

Sheng Minglin said to himself that he was also wildly imaginative, while still looking around.

His eyes suddenly caught sight of the chess game on the table, his heart skipped a beat, and then he stared at it closely.

He has a photographic memory. Although it has been too long and has become unfamiliar, once he thinks of it, his memory becomes clearer and clearer.

He had learned chess in his previous life, but unlike others, he did not have the skills and no one to teach him. It was just because his grandfather had a wide collection of books, so he learned chess on his own from the chess records. If he was asked to play against others, he might still Not very good, but I have memorized a lot of Zhenlong chess games throughout the ages.

He remembered that what was on the chessboard now was a very ancient Zhenlong chess game. He didn't know who passed it down. There were three ways to break the game...

Zhenlong chess games and the like are mostly played by chess players deliberately showing off their skills, just to embarrass others. The harder the better, so those with only one solution are the best. Those with many solutions are not subtle enough and cannot be Zhenlong.

Speaking of which, this chess game is called "Besieging the Master", which means similar to "Bei Sanque". It means that even if you are sure of winning, you must leave a gap so that the enemy can feel the hope of survival. There will be no determination to kill the fish or defeat the net.

Sheng Minglin looked up first and saw many chess records on Li Xuan's bookshelf.

He lowered his head again and took a closer look at Zhenlong. After looking at it one by one, he found that a chess piece was missing in the lower left corner.

Sheng Minglin looked at the ground and couldn't find the chess piece. He also counted the chess box and found it wasn't in the chess box either.

Sheng Minglin pondered for a moment, then looked forward along the "que" of the chess game. On the bookshelf opposite, in the approximate direction, he took down the books one by one and pinched them.

When I found the fourth book, I found a chess piece! !

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but feel happy and quickly opened it.

This is a book of strange tales. Between the chess pieces is a story called Painted Skin.

It is said that a man married a beautiful woman. One day, the man came home and found that the doors and windows were closed. He thought his wife was having a private meeting with someone, so he quietly went around to the back window to take a look. He saw a green-faced and fanged ghost holding a pen and drawing. He took a piece of human skin, painted it, shook it, and put it on like clothes, and he became the beautiful woman. The man screamed in fear, and was discovered by the female ghost, who killed him.

Sheng Minglin was horrified by this short story.

There are chess pieces in this story, which is no accident. Li Xuan must have wanted to say something, but what exactly did he want to say?

Is there a painted ghost around you?

Sheng Minglin stuffed the book directly into his arms, turned around and went to the teahouse, and then asked someone to quietly call Wei Shifeng.

Here, Zhu Zhuer just woke up.

Shen Lingjue had to go to class in the morning. Only the seventh prince was left to take care of the baby, and there was a grand majesty squatting outside.

Sheng Minglin was extremely worried and warned him for a long time. He also wrote a note to remind him. So the seventh prince sat there. When he raised his eyes, he saw "Think twice" on the screen. When he turned his head, he saw "Be careful" hanging on the shelf. As soon as I lowered my head, one of the shoes said "Sincerity" and the other said "Careful".

The seventh prince sits like a girl, which is called being honest.

Finally, when Zhuzhuer woke up, the Seventh Prince said in a breathy voice: "Zhuzhu!!" Tuanzi opened his eyes wide and was very curious. He leaned his little head over and said in a breathy voice: "Qiguoguo, what's wrong with you? ?”

Seventh Prince: "Am I okay?"

Tuanzi came closer: "Then why are you talking like this? Are you afraid that others will hear you?"

"I'm not afraid of people hearing me. This is called gentleness."

Tuanzi: "...??"

Although I am young, you can't lie to me like this, right?

Tuanzi's voice immediately became louder: "This kind of firewood is not gentle! It's secret! It's not gentle! It's gentle... Guo Guo is like that, it's beautiful Guo Guo like that, it's Qin Guo Guo like that!" "

The seventh prince also said in a normal voice: "I don't know how to do that! Otherwise, let's talk like this. If you want to be gentle, let's say that."

Tuanzi was very curious: "But why do you have to be gentle?"

"I'm not your brother yet! Let me be gentle to you. I'm not allowed to lead you wildly. I'm not allowed to leave you to play with Sheng Weifeng. You're not allowed to do this or that. I don't remember that!"

"Oh," Tuanzi asked, "What about Guo Guo?"

The Seventh Prince said: "Your brother and Huo Chenzhao have gone out. Shen Ling is extremely valuable, so now I am the only one here."

"Oh," Tuanzi held his hand: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't remember. Guoguo is not a debtor. Just listen to Zhuzhu. Whatever Zhuzhu says, you just have to obey."

The seventh prince whispered: "But what you say may not be reliable. You are not talented..."

As soon as he showed his three fingers, Tuanzi's eyes were already wide open: "Zhuzhu is swollen, why is it unreliable! Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu..." She was so anxious that she was incoherent: "Zhuzhu, it's all right!" Zhuzhu, it’s reliable! It’s a stick!”

She stared at him: "Qi Guo Guo, don't you love Zhu Zhu? You didn't mind this before. You used to offend Zhu Zhu because of her words!"

The seventh prince's weak struggle died down on the spot: "Don't be angry, Zhuzhu, of course I listen to you, of course I love you, and I will always love Zhuzhu! I only love Zhuzhu, I love Zhuzhu the most!"

Tuanzi nodded with satisfaction and leaned forward with his little face: "Kiss."

The seventh prince quickly kissed her chubby face, and Tuanzi turned his little head: "I want to join the border."

The seventh prince kissed this side again, and then, like a submissive big dog, he leaned next to Tuanzi with a smile on his face.

Lychee from beginning to end: "..."

Although our master is only three and a half years old, Yomo is enough to discipline His Highness Seventh Prince.

Tuanzi finished his meal under the attentive service of the Seventh Prince, held his hand, and announced: "No one is sending Zhuzhu to school today, so Zhuzhu has a day off! Qi Guo Guo, let's go play."

The seventh prince asked: "What are you playing for?"

If her brother was here, Zhuzhu wouldn't be able to figure it out, but with her seventh brother here, Tuanzi's sense of responsibility was overwhelming. Maomao tilted her head, thought about it seriously, and said, "Let's play ball."

So Lychee asked someone to fetch two balls.

One is ordinary, made of pig bladder as a core and sewn with leather, which is very light; the other is filled with rice bran, which is slightly heavier.

Zhuzhu was young, so she gave it a try, and the light kick was just right. The Seventh Prince had the word "caution" on his shoes, so he didn't kick high and low happily, so the two of them formed a circle with the servants. Circle, just play football there.

Not far away, Jian Siqi slowly walked over and saluted: "Your Highness, Seventh Highness, Your Highness."


The story of Painted Skin is taken from the Painted Skin Ghost in Liaozhai. There is no Liaozhai at the moment, so I just borrowed this story for use.

(End of this chapter)

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