Chapter 393: What did Xiaotuanzi become?

Tuanzi was wearing thick clothes, and his face turned red from the heat after playing for a while, and he stopped panting: "You, are you looking for Guo Guo? But Guo Guo is not a debtor."

The servant hurriedly said: "The prince gave his instructions before he left. He said he would be back in a while. If Lord Jian comes, let him come in and wait."

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

She thought she should help entertain her brother's friends, but she hadn't had enough fun and didn't want to go back, so she had an idea and warmly invited him: "Ms. Jane, do you want to play ball together?"

Jian Siqi smiled and said: "Okay, Your Highness."

So he walked into the circle very familiarly and occupied a position. Tuanzi ran over with his short legs and kicked the ball to him.

Jian Siqi kicked her again, Tuanzi kicked her back, Jian Siqi kicked her back again...

Originally, there were seven or eight people in this circle, and everyone would kick the ball to whoever it was, and no one would seriously compete with Zhuzhu. It would be quite fun to kick the ball, but now, Jian Siqi only kicks it to her, and Tuanzi needs every kick. Even though I don't have to run when I kick it myself, I can't rest either!

After playing for a while, Tuanzi was exhausted and overheated. He was panting with his mouth open.

But she was not familiar with Jian Siqi, and she was embarrassed to talk to him, so she said, "Qi Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu, can you change places?"

Of course the seventh prince agreed, so the two exchanged positions, but Jian Siqi still kicked the ball at Zhuzhu's feet.

Group: "..."

Lizhi Xin asked, is this person stupid and can’t even flatter him?Can't you see that the master is tired?

So he stepped forward and said, "Master, it's time to drink water."

Tuanzi immediately turned around and went to sit next to him to drink water. Lychee knelt down and squeezed her calf.

Jian Siqi put his foot on the ball and said with a smile: "Your Highness, are you tired?"

The martial arts master group didn't want to admit that they were tired, so they replied: "No, Zhuzhu's legs are just sore!"

"Oh," Jian Siqi said, "then sit down, Your Highness, and let's throw the ball and play, okay?"

Tuanzi: “…!!??”

Tuanzi looked at him in shock, never expecting that she would sit down and still refuse to let him go.

She stared at him blankly for a long time, then suddenly jumped off the stool, groping with her hands in front of her, and said as she walked out: "Oh! My beady eyes, why can't I see something wrong? Sister Litchi, hurry up and take Zhuzhu home! Call the doctor to take a look!"

Lychee almost laughed.

Look what they have forced our little princess to do.

She immediately responded, hugged Zhuzhu and left.

Those people were also stunned, and then Jian Siqi burst out laughing.

Although he had been smiling all day long, it was only now that his smile suddenly seemed real.

The seventh prince couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't know how to be tactful, so after he finished laughing, he asked him directly: "Why are you always staring at Zhuzhu'er!?"

Jian Siqi looked embarrassed and said, "I heard that His Highness is auspicious, and being close to him will bring glory to him. I thought that it is rare to play with His Highness, so I can say a few words as much as I can. No The thought of making His Highness unhappy..."

"Oh!" The Seventh Prince understood, and then he said directly: "You and Zhuzhu have nothing to do with each other, why do you have any glory? How can you get so much glory! My family is about the same!"

Jian Siqi looked surprised: "So only one family can do it?"

In fact, the seventh prince didn't know either, but he said without hesitation: "Of course!" Jian Siqi nodded: "I see."

Several people around Zhuzhu exchanged glances. They felt that even they were taking advantage of it!So there is no need for a family at all!But they didn't say either.

The seventh prince felt that he couldn't speak, so he didn't talk to him much, so he just said to him: "How about you come back in the afternoon? Minglin doesn't know when he will be back."

Jian Siqi responded with a smile and left. The Seventh Prince turned around and went to find Zhuzhu.

No one saw that as soon as Jian Siqi came out of Prince Duan's Mansion, he took out a dice from his pocket and threw it on the ground without looking at it.

The dice rolled all the way to the corner of the street and stopped at six.

Jian Siqi looked at the six and raised his eyebrows. Is it a coincidence, or is the auspiciousness really useful?
the other side.

Sheng Minglin waited until the last moment.

The teahouse he made an appointment with was owned by Princess Duan. The shopkeeper knew him and directly gave him the second floor to facilitate his discussion.

Sheng Minglin asked Wei Shifeng directly: "What else do you know?"

After some hesitation, Sheng Minglin said: "Everyone else is dead, what else do you have to hide?"

He patiently put a high hat on him: "If you had the heart to do nothing, you wouldn't tell me about Jin Yiwei. Since you have said everything, why don't you tell me everything? So that you can help Li Xuan find the real murderer?" "

Weishi Feng took a long breath and said: "I said."

He was indeed practicing Qing Gong and met Li Xuanyue while practicing swordplay, and the two got acquainted.

Because the two people's situations were somewhat similar, they both lived alone with a bunch of servants, so their relationship gradually became closer.

Just about a month before Li Xuan died, Li Xuan told him that the dim sum made by his chef was very good and asked him to try it. However, when he tasted it, he thought it was ordinary or even a bit unpalatable. But looking at Li Xuan, it seemed It was so delicious that I was intoxicated and even gave it to him twice.

Originally this was just a small thing, and he didn't care about it, but a few days later, Li Xuan suddenly and nervously asked him if he had eaten the snacks he gave him.

He didn't like eating, so naturally he didn't eat, but seeing how nervous he was, I asked him what was wrong with the snacks.

Li Xuan refused to say it, but looked very scared.

He was worried about Li Xuan and went to see him often. But after that day, he said he was not in good health and no longer came out to practice swordsmanship. He even stopped seeing him. When he talked to him, his words were different from usual, and he even hinted at him. , which seems to mean provoking someone you can’t afford to offend.

In fact, Wei Shifen was not a very loyal person, and he was not very courageous, but he couldn't bear to ignore it. During those few days, the streets and alleys were full of stories about magical birds, so Wei Shifen had an idea and chatted with him. Sheng Minglin, hinting him to find him.

Because he felt that Sheng Minglin was a young man with passion and curiosity at this time. He was also the heir apparent of Prince Duan and had no shortage of power and imperial favor. If it really interested him, he might still take care of it even if it had nothing to do with him.

He didn't know what happened after that.

But in those days, no matter day or night, he paid special attention to Li Xuan's family, vaguely feeling that something was going to happen.

I also saw the Jin Yiwei that day, and later learned that it was Sheng Minglin who reported the case. It seemed that Li Xuan really listened to his words, but still couldn't escape.

Wei Shi Feng said: "I have never fought with anyone, and I don't know if my kung fu is good or not, but my five senses are pretty good. I have been practicing for several years and feel that my ears are very good, but I have never found Li Xuan." The person watching me, I laughed at him and scared myself..."

He choked up as he spoke.

Sheng Minglin listened quietly, filling his mind with so much information, but still couldn't think it through completely.

There must be a thread in the middle that can connect these things together. What is it?

(End of this chapter)

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