Chapter 394 You Are Not Good Enough
Sheng Minglin lowered his eyes and rehearsed the situation in his mind.

Then, he felt that the "monitor" next to Li Xuan was probably Xu Jingqian.

Xu Jingqian is:

When I come back, I will show you my excellence, making you think you have a genius son. You will be happy about it and plan far-reaching plans. Then the day before your plan is to be implemented, it will come to an abrupt end. Even when you are escaping, you will not forget it. Put on the new clothes you bought for me, and I guarantee that you will be deeply impressed by this last scene I left behind.

Li Xuan said:

I'm staring at you. It's obvious that I have abilities that even Wei Shifeng can't detect, but in front of you, a much weaker person than Wei Shifeng, I deliberately expose my whereabouts so that you can notice, so that you know that someone is watching you. , but you can't escape no matter what, making you fall into despair, but at this moment, I let go slightly, giving you a chance to ask for help. You asked Sheng Minglin, and you thought you could get rid of me... But at this moment, I am harvesting your life calmly.

This whole style of doing things is so similar, this cat-and-mouse-like bad taste, the style of throwing things up and down, is so similar, this person is definitely Xu Jingqian! !

and many more!wrong!
Sheng Minglin suddenly thought of something.

He was supposed to go to the appointment!
His absence should be a surprise to both Li Xuan and Xu Jingqian.

Therefore, in order to realize his evil intentions, he should kill "Sheng Minglin" when he was about to meet Li Xuan.

Therefore, he should also be in the teahouse at that time!
Sheng Minglin quickly took out the file from his arms and looked through it, while saying to Wei Shifeng: "You go back first, I will come back to you if necessary."

Wei Shifeng seemed hesitant to stretch his head to look at the file in his hand, but when he looked at Huo Chenzhao next to him, he did not dare to step forward. He nodded and stood up. When he walked to the door, he suddenly said: "Your Majesty."

Sheng Minglin didn't look up and just hummed.

At the end of the day, he asked, "Can I follow you?" He seemed to have summoned up the courage and continued, "I want to find out the real culprit for Li Xuan myself."

Sheng Minglin raised his head and said seriously: "No."

At no time, he asked: "Why?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Wei Feng was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Of course."

Sheng Minglin said: "Because you are not qualified."

Wei Shifeng immediately felt as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot, and the spikes all over his body stood up: "Why? Is it because I don't have as glorious a family background as you?"

Sheng Minglin said calmly: "If you didn't spend a lot of time hesitating after Li Xuan's death, but kept thinking of a solution secretly, then you can; going forward, when Li Xuan discussed the solution with you , instead of pushing me out directly, you choose to fight side by side with him, or do nothing on the surface and contact me or other people who can break the situation in private, then you can too. Just Li Xuan, this is the case. If' there's a lot."

He waved his hand and stopped Wei Shifen who was about to speak: "Shi Guaimingjian is used to taking care of himself, so he chooses to protect himself in many situations. This is not wrong, of course it is not wrong, but, This is a choice that 'ordinary' people would make. Excellent people never accept their fate. It's not nice to hear, but it's the truth. If you're not good enough and you're not capable enough, you can still learn, but if you're not good enough, it's fatal."

"Family background is the legacy of our fathers or ancestors, which is very important. People without family background must be good enough before they can make an exception for you. If you don't have family background and are not good enough, then why should I make an exception for you?" Are you making an exception? Give me a reason?"

He paused for a moment: "I have a family background and I am good enough, but I also have to face tests. For example, 'knowing people' is one of the tests I often have to face. When I say this, do you understand? ?”

His words were sharp and merciless, and Wei Shifen was stunned by what he said directly.

He was angry at first, but gradually became stunned.

Yes, when his friend was in danger, he obviously had good force, but he never thought of using what he was good at to help him. Instead, he immediately thought of self-protection, wanted to retreat, and even thought he was smart and pushed out Sheng Minglin... When this matter became a matter between Li Xuan and Sheng Minglin, he successfully escaped and was safe, but he also became a coward.

He said nothing, opened the door and left.Sheng Minglin's eyes showed deep thought.

His principles of dealing with things are similar to those of his father, that is, even if I am in a high position, I generally do not offend others.

The reason why I say it so sharply this time is, of course, because there will be that mysterious martial arts master "Mr. Ye" in the future!

He not only wanted to test Wei Shi Feng's character, but also wanted to test Mr. Ye through Wei Shi Feng.

He really didn't want to start a fight, and starting a fight in the capital would have a bad impact.

The main reason is that he really can't figure out what Xu Jingqian means. He taught Wei Shi Fengfu, but obviously, he didn't teach him the principles of dealing with others at all.

What is he trying to do?

Sheng Minglin couldn't figure it out for a moment, shook his head, and wanted to read the file again. Huo Chenzhao was nearby and couldn't help but remind him: "Let's read it when we go home. It's almost lunch time. I don't know how Qilang coaxed Zhuzhu. I’m a little worried.”

Sheng Minglin thought about it and said, "That's right, let's go, let's hurry up."

The two of them left the teahouse, got on the carriage, and rushed to the mansion. After entering the mansion, the concierge said that Jian Siqi had come and left. Sheng Minglin didn't pay much attention and went straight to Yueyuan.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw the seventh prince sitting on Zhuzhu's small bench, and the eldest son stood alone in front of the door.

Sheng Minglin was shocked when he saw it: "Brother Qi? What happened?"

The seventh prince raised his head and, in a rare act of wisdom, immediately said: "I didn't take Zhuzhu to do anything dangerous! I took a good look at Zhuzhu this morning!"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Then what are you doing here?"

"Isn't it hot?" The Seventh Prince said, "The brazier was lit in the room, and it was so hot that I couldn't stay any longer, so I came out... Since you're back, I'm going to go play with Shanda Weifeng for a while."

Sheng Minglin waved his hand tiredly: "Go, go!"

The seventh prince ran away happily.

As soon as Sheng Minglin walked in, it was really hot. Sheng Minglin asked: "It's not cold today, why did you light the brazier?"

Hong Zao said quickly: "Master is playing ball. He is sweating. He lit the brazier so he can change the little clothes inside."

Sheng Minglin suddenly nodded and went in to take a look. Tuanzi had already changed into his clothes. It was so hot that the tip of his nose was sweating. When he saw him, he didn't pounce on him. He looked at him with faint eyes.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What's wrong with Zhu Zhu'er?"

Little Tuanzi sighed like an adult, "Oh! You don't understand, being a polite child is too tiring!"

Lychee suppressed her laughter and told him the story. Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing. Even Huo Chenzhao was laughing next to him. It was really hard to deal with such a big dumpling, even a blind man had it on.

Tuanzi also stepped on him with her little feet, coquettishly saying, "Zhuzhu's feet are hurting!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and held it in his hand. His little feet had just been washed. They were chubby, soft and slippery. The little fingers were so round and cute. He wanted to take a bite when he held them in his hand. Sheng Minglin pinched them. Go and have a great time.

(End of this chapter)

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