Chapter 395 My sister is such a cute creature

After playing around, he said to his sister: "Zhu Zhu'er, Master Jian is not my brother's friend. She is only my brother's subordinate, a temporary subordinate... Moreover, even if this person is my brother's friend, if Zhu Zhu doesn't want to Play with him, or you can tell him directly, sometimes adults don’t know whether children like to play or not, and they won’t know until you tell them.”

Tuanzi said: "Master Jian is your guest! Zhuzhu is your master!"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said warmly, "but Zhuzhu is the princess who protects the country and has a respected status, so there is no need to wrong her because of him."

The little dumpling's head was tilted and he asked, "Is the pattern correct?"

"It's not wrong," Sheng Minglin explained softly: "Zhuzhu's status is higher than him, so whether you treat him better or not, play with him or not, it's not wrong at all. Brother just doesn't want to feel wronged. Got Zhuzhu.”

"It doesn't matter!" Tuanzi waved his little hand: "Master Jian is related to Guo Guo, and Zhuzhu is Guo Guo's sister... If Master Jian is related to an unknown adult, Zhuzhu can also be a princess!" "

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh. He came over and kissed his sister's little fleshy face again and again.

Although children cannot explain it in words, they understand it in their hearts.

What Zhuzhu meant was that Jian Siqi was her brother's friend or colleague, anyway, she was someone related to him, so she would be his sister and help him entertain. It didn't matter if she was a little tired. When she met someone she didn't know, Sir, act like a princess again, stop playing if you don’t want to, don’t force it.

Ah, why is there such a cute little sister in the world? Sheng Minglin smiled and kissed her left and right until lunch was served, then he reluctantly stepped away and put on her little socks and shoes.

Although he is not working hard outside now, after hearing about the lawsuit and going to the scene of the murder case, seeing his soft sister again is like walking into spring from winter. It is called a stress relief.

As a result, just after washing the hands on the table, Shen Lingjue came back outside. Tuanzi suddenly thought of something and started to look at him, then at him, and then at him again.

Sheng Minglin understood it immediately and pretended not to know.

Sure enough, Shen Lingjue asked her as soon as she sat down: "Why didn't Zhuzhu go to school? I stretched my neck so much waiting."

Tuanzi immediately said: "No one is sending Zhuzhu to school. Only Qiguoguo is here today, and Qiguoguo can't keep secrets!"

Shen Lingjue: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and brought vegetables to his sister: "Zhu Zhu'er is right, and Zhu Zhu'er is at home and helping her brother entertain the guests. The training is even harder than in martial arts class!"

Tuanzi felt relieved and felt confident: "That's right! Zhuzhu, thank you for your hard work!"

"Thank you for your hard work, eat more!"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, then closed his big eyes and started to eat with confidence.

After dinner, Sheng Minglin coaxed his sister to take a nap. He couldn't explain why, so he asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu, brother has something he wants to do. Zhuzhuer thinks that brother wants Master Jian to do it." Do it, or let Lulu do it?"

Tuanzi asked: "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Sheng Minglin said: "It's not a good thing or a bad thing, it's just a job."

Tuanzi then said: "Lulu!"

She looked at him with her big eyes, as sincere as a hawker: "Lu Lu, good-looking! Chong Ming! I also love to cry, Lu Lu will definitely be able to do it!"

Is being fond of crying considered an advantage?

Although Sheng Minglin didn't understand the brain circuit of the cub, he still decided to investigate the Jin Yiwei at the food shop. He would leave this matter to Changmu Feierlou instead of looking for the Jin Yiwei.

After putting his sister to sleep, Sheng Minglin had time to continue reading the files.

But looking at the people in the teahouse that day, Dali Temple had already asked around. They were all locals and ordinary people who didn't know kung fu. I couldn't see anything wrong.In such a temporary place, there should be no need for them to come up with such an identity. So, wasn't Xu Jingqian there that day?

But according to the temperament he showed before, he should be here!

Otherwise, how could he grasp what Li Xuan said and didn't say?Isn’t it superfluous to kill after saying that?
It's impossible to hide outside?
It was broad daylight, the teahouse was in the busy city, and he was hiding outside. If someone discovered him, wouldn't this... be a very unfashionable thing?Not in line with his code of conduct.

Sheng Minglin was puzzled.

Outside, Jian Siqi came again, and Sheng Minglin collected the files and looked at the materials he brought.

Jin Yiwei was indeed very efficient and checked all three of them in one day, but from the looks of it, there was nothing suspicious at all.

The reason why this is not suspicious is that, depending on Xu Jingqian's temperament, he may pretend to be a beggar, but he will never kowtow to others and beg for mercy... In other words, he can be deviant, but he will not be ordinary or cowardly.

These three people were too ordinary, and sometimes a little useless, which was not in line with the temperament he had shown before.

Sheng Minglin sighed and said to himself: "It was actually a mistake for us to choose the son of a noble family."

The reason why Han Jiuzhou chose the young master from an aristocratic family was because he had not yet recruited Xu Jingqian, so he used this condition to find "No. 1". But now that Xu Jingqian has escaped, he can pretend to be anyone, so this range is too big.

Sheng Minglin said: "Forget it, there is no need to check it now."

Jian Siqi smiled and said: "Then I wonder if the prince has any other instructions?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "No need for now, please excuse me, Master Jian."

Jian Siqi bent down slightly to express his disdain, and asked, "I wonder if your highness is here?"

Sheng Minglin said: "She took a nap."

Jian Siqi nodded, took out a scented ball from his sleeve, and made it look like a small house. The doors and windows could all be opened, and the shape was very cute.

Jian Siqi offered it with both hands: "I seemed to have made His Highness unhappy when I played with His Highness. Then I happened to see this and asked the prince to convey it to Your Highness to express my apology."

This fragrant ball should be made of gold, but it is small and delicate, not solid, and not expensive. Sheng Minglin made some excuses, but when he insisted, he accepted it.

Jian Siqi raised his hands and walked away with a humble attitude.

Jiang Qingyang happened to come in from the outside, and the two of them looked at each other and nodded.

Jiang Qingyang was familiar with them. He was serious when he met Jian Siqi. As soon as he entered the door, he immediately became lively and said, "Your Majesty, why is he here again?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What's wrong with him?"

Jiang Qingyang chuckled: "It's nothing, just us and Mr. Wang, we don't have to deal with each other sometimes... Jian Siqi is a smiling tiger, smiling every day, in private he is very skillful, and his attacks are vicious. After he came, he created He has invented many new methods of torture, and we are all horrified when we see them. The prince must be more careful when dealing with him, they are different from us."

Sheng Minglin nodded with a smile and asked, "How did he get into Jinyiwei?"

Jiang Qingyang said: "One of Mr. Wang's confidants was injured and had a fever, and later he died. Mr. Wang went to express his condolences and met Jian Siqi, his younger brother. It seemed that he wanted to enter the Jinyi Guard, so Mr. Wang asked him for permission. I brought it in, practiced it for two or three years and found it useful, so I kept it with me."

Sheng Minglin nodded and asked, "Did you come here for something?"

(End of this chapter)

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