Chapter 397 He is not tied to Guo Guo

There were so many people at this moment, Sheng Minglin shook his head and said nothing further.

But I deduced it over and over in my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I was right!
He didn't go that day, which was an accident.

If he goes, he should sit at the top. In other words, where Li Xuan sits is where Mr. Chen sits.

Mr. Chen entered the private room right after Li Xuan left. What he experienced was what Li Xuan would experience.

In other words, it is very likely that the murderer placed a mechanism that shoots out poisonous needles where "Sheng Minglin" would sit. If he went there and sat down, Li Xuan would be poisoned by the needle. died on the spot in front of him.

The person you regarded as a life-saving straw killed you... This kind of dramatic development is the most suitable for Xu Jingqian's bad taste.

and then?
He continued to think.

So, is "Sheng Minglin" entering this game part of Xu Jingqian's plan?

If he goes and someone dies in front of him, he will definitely be involved. Even if he can get away with his power, he will pay special attention to this matter.

But he happened not to go.

He didn't go. If Li Xuan died afterwards, he might care, but he wouldn't care too much. He might think that Li Xuan must have provoked someone. It seems that he came to him for help, but he still died. ...Then the most he can do is help report a case, which would be the end of his benevolence.

It was probably because of this that the murderer wiped out the family.

It is even possible that the murderer decided to kill the family after Li Xuan received a letter from him saying that he would visit in the afternoon.

One human life is not enough, what about 20 more lives?
Let him face such a terrible situation, even if it is a person he doesn't know well, he will not care. He will definitely pay attention to it all the time.

So, Xu Jingqian dragged him into the game, and what drama was arranged for him?
Is the unexpected appearance a coincidence?
the other side,
After Zhuzhu got up, only the seventh prince was still at home.

Tuanzi was a little unhappy.

But her brother was not at home, and she had to take care of her children, so she could only mutter and comfort herself like a mature adult: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Guo Guo is not a debtor, so he must do something big to mess with Zhu Zhu." You can send a few to play with.”

Seventh Prince: "I'll play with you!"

Tuanzi nodded, held his hand, and stood there thinking for a long time, then suddenly thought: "How about we go and play Han Jiujiu?"

So the group passed by.

Han Zhenge lost too much blood and had been drinking medicine, but he was a martial arts student after all, and he seemed to be in good condition. After walking the inner breath several times a day, he could still free up an hour for Han Jiujiu to squeeze. Small-faced man.

So in just a few days, there were a bunch of villains on his desk.

As soon as Tuanzi arrived, Han Zhenge heard it from a distance, so he stopped breathing and gave up his body to Han Jiujiu.

Tuanzi came in holding the seventh brother's hand, beckoning with his little hand: "Han Jiujiu, Han Wanwan, morning!"

Han Jiujiu greeted her with a smile and squatted down in front of her: "Master."

Tuanzi consoled him in a decent manner: "Are you feeling better?"

Han Jiujiu smiled and nodded: "Much better."

"What about Han Wanwan?"

"He's doing much better too."

The seventh prince looked around strangely: "What Han Wanwan? Where did Han Wanwan come from?"

When Tuanzi heard that he didn't even know this, he immediately pointed at Han Jiujiu's head and explained to him: "That's it. In Han Jiujiu's head, Han Jiujiu lives, and there is another person living there. It's a personal relationship." His Guoguo is called Han Wanwan."

The seventh prince didn't understand: "What do you mean? Where do you live?"

Tuanzi pointed at his head, "Jieli!"

Seeing that he still didn't understand, Tuanzi poked Han Jiujiu's head with his little finger: "Jieli, just Jieli!" The seventh prince was surprised: "Although people say I'm stupid, I don't usually feel like I'm delaying anything. Why can't I understand what you are saying today? Where do you live?" He touched Han Jiujiu's head: "Live in his head? Is there someone living in his head?"

Tuanzi pointed at his little head and explained to him: "That's right, Zhuzhu lives in Zhuzhu's head; Qi Guo Guo..." The seventh prince quickly squatted down so that she could poke his head: "Qi Guo Guo..." There are seven pots of pots living in my mind, and they all belong to one person."

She poked Han Jiujiu's head back: "His mind is filled with Han Jiujiu and Han Wanwan. It's easy to understand!"

The seventh prince scratched his head: "..." Is it easy to understand?
Han Zhenge laughed so hard that he said to Han Jiujiu in his mind: "Just tell him, one body and two souls."

So Han Jiujiu told him, and the seventh prince was shocked at that time: "One body, two souls?" He subconsciously picked up Zhuzhu, a little wary: "Does Minglin know about this?"

"I know!"

The seventh prince let go again: "Oh!"

Tuanzi finally explained clearly and breathed a sigh of relief, holding Han Jiujiu's hand: "Then let's go play?"

The person next to him quickly said: "Your Highness, Han Jiujiu's illness has not recovered yet. He is dizzy and cannot run."

"Dizziness..." Tuanzi touched his little head, "Why are you dizzy?"

Han Jiujiu answered honestly: "I was sucked a lot of blood by bugs. I need to replenish blood to avoid dizziness."

Replenishing blood... Tuanzi tilted his head, thought about it seriously, and said: "Then you sit there and watch us play well, otherwise you will only feel bored if you leave the money in the house."

She looked back and forth and called again: "Hongzao, help him hold the head."

Han Zhenge couldn't help but laugh again.

This little guy actually knows that red dates nourish blood.

So Hong Zao obediently came over to hold his head, while Han Jiujiu sat there and watched them play ball.

The servant also asked Zhuzhu if he wanted to go out to play, but Tuanzi refused without hesitation.

Just play in the yard to avoid meeting strange outsiders.

This kind of running and kicking method is just the right amount of exercise and just the right level of fun for Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu is having a lot of fun playing it.

Outside, Sheng Minglin is back.

Although they were not close, they were still covered in the smell of corpses, so they changed their clothes specially before coming to look for my sister.

It happened that Zhuzhu had been playing for more than half an hour. It was so hot that she took off her coat and her face was flushed. When she saw her brother, she jumped over to her brother with open hands and said happily: "Guo Guo!!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and opened his hands to receive it.

Tuanzi had already touched his hand, and suddenly, as if he had encountered some invisible attack, he suddenly paused. The little hand pushed his hand away, and took a few steps back in panic. His grape eyes widened and he stared unblinkingly. Look at him.

Sheng Minglin was even startled: "What's wrong?"

He stepped forward.

Tuanzi turned around and ran away, saying as he ran: "Qi Guo Guo! Qi Guo Guo!!"

The seventh prince came over quickly, "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi took his hand and dragged him back. The seventh prince let her pull him a few steps: "What's wrong?"

Han Zhenge thought something had happened, so he quickly grabbed the body, looked back and forth, picked up a plate from the side, and walked to Tuanzi.

The seventh prince looked at Sheng Minglin and then at Zhuzhu: "What's wrong? Did you and your brother quarrel?"

Tuanzi shook his head violently, clenched his hands tightly, and said extremely nervously: "He doesn't tie Guoguo!"

(End of this chapter)

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