Chapter 398 She has no brains herself
"What? He's not Minglin?"

The Seventh Prince became alert on the spot, took a step forward and half-covered Tuanzi, looking around for weapons.

Lychee and the other servants had no doubts at all, and quickly became alert and surrounded Tuanzi. There were already more than one boy in a sprint position, ready to rush out to find the guards at the risk of death.

In the extremely tense atmosphere, San Cun Ding Danzi, who was surrounded in the middle, continued with a serious face: "He is smelly! He is a very bad smelly!"

As a parent who leads so many servants and has seven alcoholic children, Tuanzi's calves were shaking but he did not run away. He concluded: "Zhuzhu thinks he might be a stinky spirit!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Zhuzhu has a good nose, but she shouldn't have smelled the smell of corpses. Is it based on some kind of intuition?Know it's a bad stench.

Sheng Minglin couldn't explain it, so he sniffed himself and said, "Is it still smelly? Zhuzhu, my brother accidentally encountered something very smelly today, but it's really my brother, not the smelly spirit."

He opened his hand and turned it around: "Zhuzhu, take a closer look, right?"

Tuanzi Maomao tilted his head.

The seventh prince did not let down his guard until now. He only said: "I think it's not someone pretending to be someone, it looks real!"

Tuanzi had a strong sense of responsibility in front of Qi Guo Guo, and immediately said: "Don't speak yet, wait until Zhu Zhu asks him tactfully."

Han Zhenge had already relaxed.

But he thought this scene was too funny. Why were the people in the whole yard so confident in using the brain of Xiao Naituan?She obviously has no brains herself!

His big eyes almost disappeared from laughter, and he watched without saying a word while suppressing his laughter.

Then Tuanzi bravely took a step forward, with a very heroic posture, and only a slightly timid voice: "You, are you the Guoguo with beads on it?"

Sheng Minglin nodded seriously: "Yes, I am! I am not a smelly spirit, I am Zhu Zhu's Guo Guo."

"Then," Tuanzi thought for a while and said wittily: "Then tell me! What is your name!"

Sheng Minglin still looked serious: "My name is Sheng Minglin, my favorite sister is called Sheng Mingzhu, and her nickname is Zhuzhu."

"Ah!" Tuanzi suddenly said, "So you are really a Guoguo! But why does Guoguo smell so bad? Why is Zhuzhu so scared if it decreases or decreases?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Hey, there was a person who was sick just now, and there was very smelly blood coming out of the wound. Beautiful Guoguo treated him, and I got a little bit... maybe because it was the blood of a seriously ill person, which is very bad. , so Zhuzhu feels scared, right?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Oh!"

She wanted to step forward, but covered her nose again, "Let's quickly subtract the pots and wash them!"


Sheng Minglin could only go back to take a shower.

Huo Chenzhao was about to come over there, but after hearing what happened here from a distance, he immediately went back to wash again.

Sheng Minglin changed three buckets of water, and the skin almost fell off the whole room. The room was so incense that the windows could not be closed.

Zhu Zhuer came over from outside and stood waiting at the door. Sheng Minglin smoked for a while before he came out and asked her, "Zhu Zhu'er, does it still stink?"

Tuanzi glanced at him with complicated eyes: "It's just like a fragrant bun with a smelly stuffing inside."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Xiaotuanzi hurriedly came over and tried to comfort him: "Zhuzhu doesn't mind that Guo Guo smells bad. Zhu Zhu still loves Guo Guo so much. Guo Guo... ugh!"

The little man just walked in front of him and retched on the spot.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He really felt how sharp his sister's nose was.No wonder drinking medicine used to be like fighting a war.

Tuanzi retched for a long time, his big eyes full of tears, and he stretched out his little hands in vain, trying to say something to his brother, and then he was quickly taken away by Lychee.

After a while, Huo Chenzhao also came over with a fragrant scent, looked at him, and sighed: "I hate you."

Sheng Minglin said: "It's useless to hate me. Good brothers, we share the bad news and share the hard times!"

So Sheng Minglin didn't dare to approach his sister all afternoon, and they didn't even eat together.

The seventh prince almost died laughing, and when Zhuzhu took a nap, he came over to laugh at him.

Sheng Minglin asked him: "Can you smell it?"

The seventh prince said, "I smelled the fragrance and it hit my nose." He started sneezing as he spoke.

As he was talking, Lu Wuqi came outside and covered his nose as soon as he came: "What's going on in your house? It smells good and smells bad?"

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "You can still smell the stink? I washed it several times, threw away all my clothes, and applied osmanthus oil to my hair! I changed the bathtub three times!!"

Lu Wuqi stood at the door and sniffed: "But there is still a lingering smell mixed in the incense that lingers."

Sheng Minglin waved his hand wordlessly: "Okay, what do you want from me?"

Lu Wuqi immediately came over and said, "Found it."

He took out the paper from his arms and presented it. Sheng Minglin immediately took it over and took a closer look. Lu Wuqi had found the location of Han Jiuzhou's lair. Judging from the usual purchases, there would be no more than 50 people on the mountain.

Sheng Minglin waved his hand for the seventh prince to see the child, and said directly: "In that moment, Shen Zhao will accompany you and ask Uncle Zhou to take someone with you. In addition, prepare a carriage and ask Han Jiujiu to follow. , he should be able to help.”

"Okay." Lu Wuqi responded directly.

Changmu Feierlou is good at spying, not fighting, so even though it's revenge, he doesn't mind borrowing other people's power.

Lu Wuqi added: "In addition, the matter about the food shop you wanted to investigate was also found out. A total of eight Jinyiwei went there that day. Three of them didn't know their names, but there were a few who went there often. Their surnames were Zhou, He, and Chen, I don’t know their names. Another one is called Feng Er, and the person who caused the stomachache is a small boss named Jian Siqi. Do you need to continue to investigate? "

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Jian Siqi!?"

Lu Wuqi nodded.

Sheng Minglin was surprised for a while and then said: "There is no need to investigate anymore. The person who went to investigate didn't expose anything, right?"

"No," Lu Wuqi said, "Don't worry, we are just investigating this kind of thing."

Sheng Minglin nodded, and carefully arranged a time with him, then asked Huo Chenzhao to accompany him, and also asked someone to inform Han Jiujiu.

Then I started to wonder...Jian Siqi? ?
With the benefit of hindsight, he thought that if Jian Siqi was the same person, then his behavior of teasing Zhuzhu would indeed be quite funny.

But if Jian Siqi is Xu Jingqian, then he should know that the ancestor, Han Jiuzhou and the person he knew are the same person!
Then why didn't he save him?
Did they guess wrong?He doesn't love him?

Jian Siqi was Wang Shuzhi's confidant, and he worked for thousands of households in Jinyiwei. The key is that Jinyiwei is the emperor's personal guard. Even an ordinary Jinyiwei is not something he can move at will. If he wants to monitor things in advance, he doesn't have the right manpower.

After all, Xu Jingqian, the "No. 1", is said to have higher kung fu than Han Zhenge.

When a person's force is too high, dealing with him will indeed be very passive.

Sheng Minglin was going to find the fourth prince, and then ask the fourth prince to ask the emperor for instructions.

He sent someone to ask first. It was rare that the fourth prince was in the mansion today, so he went directly there.

(End of this chapter)

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