Chapter 4 Unless the sun comes out from the west

Sheng Minglin almost jumped up as if he had been pricked by a needle.

His handsome face flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "That's enough! Leave, I don't want to talk to you!"

Naituanzi was stunned, looking at her with wide eyes, tears slowly filling his eyes.

At that moment, the hurt look in her big grape eyes made people feel a huge sense of guilt inexplicably.

Sheng Minglin looked at her for a moment.

With two tears in her eyes, Naituanzi thought blankly...

Why doesn’t my brother still like Zhuzhu?Zhuzhu helped you drive away the bad guys!

She suddenly thought of something and murmured: "Guo Guo, is it because Zu Zu is gone and Guo Guo feels sad?"

She gestured to her heart with her little hands, and said sincerely, "Guo Guo, don't be sad, Zhu Zhu can be Guo Guo's ancestor..."

Sheng Minglin was so serious that he was so angry that he forced her to do so.

Although she may not have meant to insult the deceased, even if it was unintentional, he couldn't stand it!
His eyes were full of tears, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Sheng Mingzhu, get out, I don't want to see you again! Get out!"

Zhuzhu's little body trembled.

The way her brother looked at this moment was inexplicably the same as the brother in her dream, which made her scared, sad and confused.

Zhuzhu's voice was trembling: "Yes, yes, Zhuzhu wants to be good with Guo Guo."

"Impossible! Never possible!" He lowered his voice and squeezed it out from between his teeth: "Unless the sun comes out from the west, it is absolutely impossible for me to forgive you, never!"

Zhuzhu's eyes were wide open and she looked at him for a long time.

Just when he couldn't help but look away, she sobbed, feeling extremely helpless, "But, but the west side, where to tie it?"

Sheng Minglin was so angry that he was speechless. He turned his head away and said coldly, "Get out."

Naituanzi cried a few times beside the couch, squeezing her shoulders, and then reached out to scratch him. When Sheng Minglin didn't move, she turned around and cried all the way out.

Although none of the servants were there, she cried and went out from him, fearing that she would be beaten again.

He knew rationally that he should endure it, but he really couldn't bear it when faced with the culprit who killed him in his previous life.

At this time,
Zhuzhu held her little paws together and stood at the door of the courtyard crying loudly. While crying, she peeked at the door from time to time to see if her brother had come out.

The servant came over with snacks. When he saw the little princess crying like this, he was frightened: "Master, what's going on? Did the eldest young master bully you?"

Zhuzhu shook her little head and continued to cry loudly. All her tears were used up, and she could only do thunder but not rain.

The maids, who have been serving you since childhood, were so distressed that their eyes were red: "Master, please stop crying. I will go and report to the princess."

"No," Zhuzhu cried so hard that she couldn't speak clearly: "No, mother can cook pots and pans. Zhuzhu will think of a way..."

She cried for a while, but she couldn't cry anymore, and her brother didn't come out.

Tuanzi finally stopped slowly, thought about it, and made up his mind: "Zhuzhu wants to enter the palace and wants to find Uncle Huang!"

Lychee said in surprise: "Master, isn't he most afraid of the emperor?"

Tuanzi looked determined: "For Guo Guo! Zhu Zhu is not afraid!"

Okay, so Lychee knelt down and picked her up: "I'll ask someone to arrange a ride."

Prince Duan and Jin Shang are biological brothers from the same mother. They have been very close since childhood. When people from Prince Duan's palace enter the palace, it is like going home.

Therefore, although Princess Duan was not there, the carriages and horses were quickly in place. Zhuzhu was washed in the carriage, changed her clothes, and went to the front to ask for an audience.

Emperor Mingxi was very surprised when he got the reward.

Emperor Mingxi was a brave and capable Emperor Wu. He was tall and imposing, with a beard and a very majestic appearance.

Although he was very fond of his little niece who looked like a doughnut, she was so afraid of him that she would cry whenever she saw her shadow in the distance. She didn't even hug her when she was little. It was rare that her niece came to see him, so he didn't care. The courtiers who were discussing the matter were called in directly.

Zhuzhu was outside, constantly cheering for herself, until she was carried into the palace by the eunuch Zheng Zhongshun, still muttering: "Zhuzhu is not afraid, Zhuzhu is brave! Zhuzhu will be a tiger girl..."

Zheng Zhongshun suppressed his laughter and reported in a low voice in front of Emperor Mingxi.Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but smile.

Then he pretended not to know and clapped his hands towards Naituanzi: "Zhuzhu, come here, Uncle Huang will hug you."

Nai Tuanzi was still a little scared when she saw the ferocious uncle Emperor. But for Guo Guo, she mustered up her courage and ran over with her short legs. She timidly opened her hands and was grabbed by Emperor Mingxi. Pick up.

The dumplings were light, small and soft, and felt surprisingly good. Emperor Mingxi tipped them with satisfaction and took a look.

The nipple has turned into a lump, the little head is buried low, the little hands are clasped together, and even the short legs are curled up, like a little milk cat whose neck is pinched, shaking in fear Suosuo's little appearance is very pitiful.

However, as Emperor Wu/a grown man, the way to love his children is to play with them.

So he pretended not to find anything, touched the fine cloth on her head, and asked her: "Why did Zhuzhu come to Uncle Huang?"

Because of fear, Naiduanzi's voice was thin and soft, soft and trembling: "I want to ask uncle for something."

"Oh!" Emperor Mingxi said, "It's not impossible. Only if Zhuzhu kisses uncle can he agree to you."

Naituanzi stiffened.

Several important ministers around him remained silent and silently watched His Majesty's bad taste.

Zhuzhu struggled for a long time and finally made up her mind.

Her little face slowly raised, and her big eyes filled with tears secretly glanced at Uncle Huang. Then, she stretched out her two small hands, hugged Uncle Huang's face, closed her eyes, and leaned her little face towards him. , kissed gently.

Emperor Mingxi was so cute: "One more."

Xiao Naituanzi's eyes widened, she never expected that Uncle Huang actually didn't mean what he said.

Emperor Mingxi looked at her seriously, and Naituanzi quickly became frightened, not daring to say anything, and kissed her again.

Emperor Mingxi: "One more."

Ministers: "..." I really can't stand it anymore.

Only Naituanzi had a calm face. He responded with every command and gave her a little kiss obediently.

Emperor Mingxi laughed loudly, the sound shook the room, and successfully frightened Tuanzi.

Then Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "Tell me, what Zhuzhu wants, uncle will definitely agree to it!"

Zhu Zhu's eyes lit up and her voice became a little louder: "Zhu Zhu wants the sun to come out from the west!"

Emperor Mingxi: "...???"

But the emperor is the emperor. Of course he will not say that it can't be done and just calmly say: "Oh, that's it. Why does Zhu Zhu'er want the sun to come out from the west?"

Naituanzi explained to him: "Guo Guo's ancestor is no longer here, so Guo Guo is unhappy. Zhu Zhu said that Zhu Zhu became his ancestor, and Guo Guo became angry..."

Emperor Mingxi: "...??"

No, no one has to be angry at this, right?
Your grandfather has just passed away, and you want to be their grandfather. Isn’t this just asking someone to treat you as your eldest grandson?

Emperor Mingxi coughed: "Then what?"

Tuanzi Nuonuo said: "Then, then Guoguo said that unless the sun comes out from the west, Zhuzhu will be in good terms."

She looked at him expectantly with her big eyes: "Daddy said that everyone in this world should listen to Uncle Huang, and the sun must also listen! Uncle Huang, can you help Zhuzhu?"

Emperor Mingxi coughed again, then waved his hand: "Of course!"

He turned around and called to the eunuch Zheng Zhongshun next to him: "Go and get my picture of the sun!"

Zheng Zhongshun hurriedly bowed in agreement, and then went to the emperor's warehouse to look for paintings related to the sun. Emperor Mingxi held his fragrant and soft little niece, and rubbed it for a long time like a cat. He was very satisfied and very satisfied. Unzip.

Prince Duan’s Mansion at this time.

Sheng Minglin was shocked when he heard that Zhuzhu had entered the palace.

You know, in her previous life, Sheng Mingzhu, who had a dark psychology, was extremely afraid of Emperor Mingxi. Even when she grew up, she was still very stiff when giving gifts when meeting him. How could she dare to enter the palace to see the emperor?
Even if you want to file a complaint, just complain directly to Princess Duan. Why not just alarm the emperor?
Does he, the brother she abandoned like a pair of worn-out shoes, really have such a big weight that she wants to kill him even though she is afraid?
(End of this chapter)

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