Chapter 5 Raising a Cheap Son

Rather than being beaten, he didn't want to make the emperor angry.

Emperor Mingxi was a man of great talent and strategy, and was wise and powerful. Although he was a martial emperor, he was not weak at all in terms of culture and governance. The future he wanted, no matter how it started, would ultimately be "goods for the emperor's family."

Moreover, in his previous life, Emperor Mingxi was still alive and well until his death. If he was displeased by the emperor, his life would be many times more difficult.

But even so, he has no regrets.

So what if it’s difficult?
Even if you travel to study among the people, it will be a thousand or ten thousand times better than in your previous life!
At this moment, the servant rushed in: "Young Master! Hurry, hurry! Someone is coming from the palace!"

Sheng Minglin stood up suddenly and walked out a few steps. He saw Zheng Zhongshun, the eunuch of Emperor Mingxi, coming over with Zhuzhu in his arms and surrounded by a bunch of people.

Sheng Minglin stepped forward to greet him with a salute.

The eight-year-old boy was born with unparalleled beauty. Even though he was a little uneasy at this time, he still looked very calm, and his every move had a bookish air.

Zheng Zhongshun's attitude became even lower, and he repeatedly called him a slave...

Sheng Minglin didn't look like he was here to ask questions, and he felt a little relieved.

The next few people came over and asked where the study was. Sheng Minglin pointed blankly, and the eunuchs entered the study and nailed a painting to the west wall. It was a picture of a sunrise.

Zheng Zhongshun then put down the beads, stepped forward, pointed and said: "Master Lin, this is the painting given to you by the emperor. The emperor said..."

Sheng Minglin knelt down anxiously to listen.

Zheng Zhongshun didn't stop him, but he didn't say anything, he just said kindly: "Although the little princess's words are offensive to the deceased, she is naive and ignorant and has no malice. Since you want the sun to come out from the west, the emperor will give you the sun to come out from the west. From now on, the brother and sister will stay close to each other, and you must also fulfill your eldest brother's responsibilities and take good care of your younger sister."

Sheng Minglin gave a great gift: "Minglin sincerely respects the holy edict."

He originally thought that Emperor Mingxi came to warn him, but unexpectedly he came to comfort him.

You must know that Emperor Mingxi was an emperor who dared to write straight women, thieves, turtle sons, etc. in the imperial edict. He would not make twists and turns. Since that was what he said, it was obvious that he meant it, and he did not blame him. .

Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief.

There were only two servants around Sheng Minglin. Fortunately, Granny Ning next to Zhuzhu was a mature woman. She stepped forward with a smile and stuffed her purse, and then a group of people sent Zheng Zhongshun out.

Zheng Zhongshun got on the horse and walked away. On the back, Zhuzhu jumped into his brother's arms happily: "Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin felt very complicated. After hesitating for a moment, he opened his arms and picked up Xiaotuanzi.

Zhuzhu finally defeated her brother with her own skills, and she felt so happy. She kissed him on the face several times and said softly and coquettishly, "Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin responded softly.

After receiving a response for the first time, Naiduanzi became even more excited. She held his hand and pulled him back to his yard.

As a little princess who is surrounded by stars, Zhuzhu's yard is magnificent. Things that others could take as heirlooms are everywhere in her house. The coral tree that is as tall as a person is just a shelf to hang necklaces and chains.

But Sheng Minglin had seen this situation many times in his previous life and was very calm.

The servants laid out thick cushions for him and he sat down in the chair.

Zhuzhu spread her short legs and ran around the room, wanting to show her brother everything. After a while, Sheng Minglin had a bunch of them in his hands.

What kind of pig eats beans? It's just a sewn cotton pig, stuffing "peas" into its mouth. The beans are all real pearls as big as the finger belly.

What kind of play house is there, a canopy bed made of gold, a small table, a small chair, a bookshelf, etc... The small canopy bed has three entrances, and the carvings are so exquisite that even beads can't move it.

In short, her house of toys is more than priceless.

Sheng Minglin sighed silently in his heart, while patiently playing with her and throwing the ball for a while.

From time to time, he would throw her out hard enough to knock her upside down. In her previous life, she would have gone crazy and asked someone to deal with him, but now, she was laughing so hard that she didn't seem to feel any offense at all.

Seeing the silly and happy look on her face, Sheng Minglin couldn't help but wonder, was that vicious Sheng Mingzhu just a dream he had?

in the afternoon,

Princess Duan heard about this as soon as she returned home.She was so surprised that she looked at her daughter for a long time: "Zhu Zhu'er has grown up in skills. She actually dared to enter the palace by herself and find the emperor's uncle by herself..."

Tuanzi opened his little mouth and laughed.

She also felt that she was incredible, how could she be so smart!He could think of begging the emperor's uncle and bravely kissed the emperor's uncle, so he did what his brother wanted!
She is so awesome!

Princess Duan glanced at Sheng Minglin again, clicked her tongue, and said without saying much, "Let's set the food."

It was now the time for the general examination. King Duan and other officials were still in the Gongyuan, taking the exam at the moment. When Juzi left after the exam, the Gongyuan was locked and could not come out until the papers were read, so there was no need to wait for him.

Sheng Minglin had dinner with them for the first time since he came back.

Zhuzhu was so happy that she wanted to feed her brother everything she ate. Her eyes were bright: "It's a good time for me! It's a good time for me! It's a good time for me! It's a good time for me!"

Sheng Minglin knew that Princess Duan and the servants in the room were secretly observing him. He was calm and composed, and only showed softness when his eyes touched the milk dumplings.

It was just a show at first, but seeing her face full of food and the table all over, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I took the serving chopsticks and held them to her personally.

Princess Duan was completely pampered towards her daughter. She told her to eat by herself early in the morning and no one was allowed to feed her.

It's reasonable to eat by yourself without worrying about staining your clothes and the table. Is it a good way to practice your little hands?But he really couldn't understand it without teaching her how to use a spoon, how to hold a bowl, etc.

Thinking in his mind, he removed the bones and skin on his hands, divided the large pieces into small pieces, and mixed meat and vegetables with soft and hard meat, making sure that every spoonful of the dumplings was filled with richness.

Naituanzi is the best at climbing along the pole. When she saw her brother's good looks, she immediately started acting like a baby: "Zhuzhu doesn't eat vegetables."

"No," Sheng Minglin said very calmly: "Caicai and Rourou are good friends. They don't want to be separated and want to reunite in Zhuzhu's belly, so they have to eat together."

Naituanzi was stunned.

She thought about it with her mouth open, and thought it made sense, so she looked at him with admiration: "Guo Guo is so annoying!"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said, "So Zhuzhu should listen to her brother and eat more vegetables."

Naituanzi nodded bravely, opened his mouth wide, and ate a full spoonful of green vegetables. After finishing chewing with a wrinkled face, he opened his mouth to his brother and said, "Ah!"

"Well, Zhuzhu is awesome!" Sheng Minglin said skillfully, "I will reward you with a bite of meat!"

Tuanzi was completely fooled and had forgotten that the meat on the table was meant for casual consumption. He excitedly ate one bite after another of green vegetables.

Princess Duan and Aunt Zhou quietly looked at each other and felt relieved.

Regardless of whether he is sincere or not, as long as he can make his daughter happy, Princess Duan is rich and doesn't care about raising more cheap sons.

So after dinner, Princess Duan said: "From today on, there will be two more boys and two maids in your room. The monthly payment is mentioned at 200 taels. Later I will ask Butler Feng to come over. , especially in the study, write down whatever is missing and ask him to buy it as soon as possible, so that no guests come to the door and think that I have treated you poorly. "

Sheng Minglin stood up and saluted, saying solemnly: "Thank you, mother."

Even the legitimate son of a duke's family could only earn 20 taels or 200 taels per month at most. She opened her mouth and asked for [-] taels. She was indeed a generous person and worthy of the name of her daughter Shi Chong.

He is only eight years old now, and he doesn't go out to socialize. He spends all his daily expenses on work. He doesn't actually have much monthly money, but he has money in his hands, so he can do things calmly.

In his previous life, although he hated her, he did not dislike her.

Because Princess Duan is really an open-minded person. She hates you all for the sake of it. She never engages in those underhanded methods. And even if she hates you, there are many things on her face. The most is that the servants are not attentive. That’s all.

If she really used those back-house methods to deal with him without showing any blood, he would have no choice but to suffer.

So, from this point alone, he was somewhat grateful to her.

Sheng Minglin thought to himself and said respectfully: "Can I ask my mother to send someone to move my grandfather's books over with me someday?"

Princess Duan said: "Okay. Just ask Butler Feng to arrange it."

Sheng Minglin said again: "Thank you, mother."

As they were asking and answering questions, they suddenly heard someone say from outside: "Master, the Queen has sent someone here."

(End of this chapter)

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