Chapter 40 All the children rush to school
Prince Duan couldn't help but hug her.

This is indeed a matter of course for Princess Duan, because Sheng Minglin knows nothing and has never done anything, so she will not bear the grudge of the previous generation on him.

The people in their family are really heroic at heart, and they are used to taking care of the young and weak.

Prince Duan hugged his wife and rubbed her back and forth: "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind. Why are you so kind? My wife, I love you."

Princess Duan also felt that she was very good and was in a happy mood. Just as she was about to nod and accept these words, she felt something poking her.

Princess Duan gasped and pushed him away quickly: "Are you an animal? It's not over yet! My waist still hurts! Get out of here!"

"Alas!" Prince Duan pulled her and lowered his eyelashes: "I feel uncomfortable, so uncomfortable. I was cheated by my son and rejected by my daughter. Now I only have you, daughter-in-law, how can you bear to reject me... "

The big fox talked sweetly while half-supporting and half-carrying the beauty and dragging her into the nest, and finally succeeded again.

What to announce during the day? He simply finished his meal quickly and waited for his wife to go to bed. Prince Duan went over to find his daughter again.

Zhuzhu was still taking a nap.

At this moment, the advantageous son was walking on horseback, and there was no one to compete with him, so Prince Duan did not hesitate to lie down next to his daughter, looking sideways at the fragrant and soft little girl.

He was a little tired from the hard work during the day and night. He was itching to poke his cheeks, but accidentally fell asleep.

Fortunately, handsome men don't snore when they sleep. The father and daughter sleep next to each other and it's so sweet.

In the end, Zhuzhuer woke up first.

Tuanzi, who put down his paws and forgot about it, had already forgotten the previous grudges with his father. He got up without hesitation, threw himself into his father's arms with misty eyes: "Daddy."

Prince Duan just said something, and Tuanzi closed his eyes again, his little fleshy face resting on his father's face, and he dozed off in a daze.

Prince Duan moved her down, and just as he was about to sleep a little longer, Zhuzhu's little feet lifted up and were placed on his neck.

Prince Duan: "..."

After a while, Prince Duan woke up and picked up his daughter to put some water on her. After holding her for a while, Zhuzhu woke up and said to him, "Dad, Zhuzhu doesn't want to go to school anymore."

Xiong’s parent said nonchalantly: “If you don’t want to go, you can go, you’re still so young!”

Zhuzhu perked up and put her little face close to her, making a simple wish: "Na Guo Guo and Qi Guo Guo don't go to school anymore. Let's play with Zhu Zhu."

Ah this...

Although Prince Duan was indeed not a good father and was very partial, even though he knew that Sheng Minglin was giving lessons to his daughter, which might be a waste of his own time, he still pretended not to notice anything.

But he is still a father after all, so I really can’t tell you, son, why don’t you stop going to school and play with your sister... something like this.

So Prince Duan coughed and asked softly: "Then why doesn't Zhu Zhu'er want to study anymore?"

Zhuzhu said: "I'm too tired! It's not fun!"

"Ah?" Prince Duan quickly said exaggeratedly: "Isn't it fun? Then why are everyone rushing to play? You see, every child has to go to school as soon as they grow up. It must be because studying is fun!"

Zhuzhu was stunned.

She thought about it and thought it made sense. It seemed like all the other children were studying!
She reached back with her little hands and touched her head blankly, a little confused as to why.

Prince Duan said: "Maybe it's because Zhuzhu has learned too little now. When he learns more, he will know where the fun is..."

He secretly glanced at his daughter's expression: "In the future, if Zhuzhu plays with other children, and everyone else knows how to read strings of words, Zhuzhu must also be able to recite, otherwise, won't others think Zhuzhu is not good at it? meeting?"

Oh yes!

Zhuzhu immediately felt convinced: "Zhuzhu goes to school! Goes to school! Zhuzhu is better than other children... huh?"

She suddenly remembered something: "Yu Wangguoguo..." Prince Duan didn't want her to think of that terrible thing, so he quickly changed his mind: "Zhuzhu, daddy will take you and your mother out of the city to play tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay!" Zhuzhu was very happy and sat up immediately: "How about Guo Guo and Qi Guo Guo?"

Prince Duan had no choice but to say: "Zhuzhu wants them to go?"

Zhuzhu nodded fiercely, and Prince Duan had no choice but to say: "Okay, then daddy will go talk to Mr. Xu."

The main reason is that Princess Duan has been thinking about Zhuzhu's previous bad luck and wanted to go to the temple to worship.

The Dasheng Dynasty highly respected Buddhism. When the dynasty was first established, even Emperor Taizu and civil and military officials often attended Buddhist dharma meetings. Nowadays, Emperor Mingxi occasionally summons eminent monks to the palace.

Prince Duan actually doesn't believe this very much, but he pretends to believe it just to fit in with the crowd. Besides, it's a rare day off and the flowers are blooming in spring. It would be nice to go out with his wife and children for two days.

He got up and called someone to change Zhuzhu's clothes and comb her hair, and then went to ask for leave from Sheng Minglin and the Seventh Prince.

The seventh prince had been living in the palace for a long time. Even in his previous life, he had almost never left the palace, let alone gone out of town to play. He was really a little tempted, even though it was with Zhuzhu... he still agreed without hesitation.

When he went, the two companions had to go with him, and the two Hanlin companions told them to go home.

Because the prince was to be taken away, Prince Duan had to go to the palace and tell his brother.

Emperor Mingxi was very happy that his younger brother would not see him outside. He agreed with a wave of his hand. Princess Duan was also very happy. Then, as usual, he asked his servants to open boxes and pick out clothes for the family.

Prince Duan was very patient. He accompanied his wife and children until the evening to select clothes, and even accompanied Zhuzhu to select clothes for his brother.

In fact, Princess Duan didn't have any of Sheng Minglin's clothes. They had all been picked out and had someone make them or change them overnight.

Waiting until Zhuzhu'er fell asleep, Prince Duan came out under the moonlight, ready to talk to his son.

The lamp was lit in Sheng Minglin's room, and he was drawing wooden block patterns for dumplings under the lamp.

He was pacing in the afternoon, and he kept thinking about this.

If you just change the appearance, it will only be fresh for two or three days, but if the gameplay is too interesting, it will make Tuanzi focus on playing and forget about business.

So this degree should be grasped well.

Anyway, we don’t need any good wood. Since Prince Duan has said that there is no shortage of money, let’s make a few more kinds. If the wadding is the same, just change it.

Prince Duan went in directly.

Sheng Minglin put down his pen to salute, Prince Duan waved his hand, and he sat back.

Prince Duan sat down by himself, looked at these things on the table, and said with great interest: "Are you going to make it into a peach shape? Since you want to make fruit, why not just make it into a round shape?" He said and compared it casually: "It's like a peach shape." Take a small ball, put a hook on it, and then make a tree, let the beads hang on it, one sentence at a time, wouldn't it be fresh and interesting?"

Sheng Minglin directly denied: "No."

Prince Duan asked: "Why?"

Sheng Minglin glanced at him and said, "When Zhuzhu hangs things, he sometimes becomes unsteady and wobbly. Just like your comparison, when it is made into a tree, whether it is the trunk sticking out or the nails on the hook, It could hurt her."

When Prince Duan thought about it, he really said: "Yes, you are still thoughtful. Then forget it."

Sheng Minglin added: "But... it can also be made into a circle. The inside is made into a tower shape, with the top pointed and the bottom rounded, and the 'peach' still embedded in it."

"Well," Prince Duan nodded: "It should be more interesting to turn it into a sentence."

Sheng Minglin nodded, and the two of them discussed several drawings. When they were almost confirmed, Sheng Minglin handed the manuscript over and asked the boy to send it to the housekeeper.

When he turned around, Prince Duan had already taken a sip of tea, put down the tea bowl, and said, "What do you think of Xu Heshu? Do you want to find a gentleman for you alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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