Chapter 41 I want to take the imperial examination

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

It was obvious that Prince Duan was really planning to have a good chat with him this time.

Before changing, he had to pause after saying something, but he handed over the words as if nothing had happened.

He said: "Mr. Xu is very good, full of talents and upright temperament. He is very patient in teaching me. Zhuzhu also likes him. The bad thing is that he is not very flexible in teaching, but this does not matter to His Highness Seventh Prince. , if it were any Master Wen, he wouldn’t have changed much.”

Prince Duan coughed twice, and without pursuing the matter, asked again: "Do you like reading?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said, "I will take the imperial examination."

Prince Duan was startled and turned to look at him.

After a moment, Sheng Minglin raised his head and looked at him quietly.

Prince Duan blinked.

Taking the imperial examination... That's not to say that you can't take the exam, but when Sheng Minglin said this, the feeling of "drawing a clear line" was too obvious.

Therefore, Prince Duan wants to say, even if you get the top score in the exam, compared with the path I can arrange for you, it will be very different, you know.

Sheng Minglin answered with his eyes, "I know, but I still insist."

So, this child would rather take the imperial examination and climb up the ladder on his own merit than rely on the power of Prince Duan's Mansion?

Prince Duan frowned.

He said seriously: "You are my son."

"Yes, I know," Sheng Minglin said calmly: "I know that father and son are inseparable and have an inseparable relationship. They share weal and woe, honor and disgrace. I know that even if I really pass the Jinshi examination based on my own ability, as a The people in Prince Duan's Mansion are bound to be different from other people...I can't refuse these, and I don't plan to refuse them, but for the others, my father doesn't need to worry about them."

He looked at him with a gentle tone but indifferent eyes: "My father is so smart. It is too tiring to pretend to be a father and son with a smart man. I thought about it and felt that there is no need to pretend. I will not be stupid enough to be an enemy of my father. He will not do anything that will damage Prince Duan's palace or destroy the Great Wall. This, father can rest assured. In addition, if father needs me to do anything, or sometimes needs me to pretend, just tell me directly, son You must do your best.”

The implication is that there is no need to keep in touch with each other emotionally.

Prince Duan still looked at him, and Sheng Minglin continued: "In addition, I love Zhuzhu, and I respect and appreciate my mother, so I won't let them worry."

What this sentence means is that I will act when it is time to act, and I will not let them know that our relationship is not good.

Prince Duan looked at him for a long time, then he let out an unknown sound, stood up, and said, "You little brat."

He turned away.

Sheng Minglin lowered his head calmly and opened a book, only to find that he couldn't stand it anymore.

After a long while, he threw the book away and sighed.

He thought that he had grown up and was mature enough, and what he said today was very upright.

He was resentful towards his father... so he would rather let him have doubts than speak out.

But it turns out that he still has some expectations for him?
So after he finished speaking, he just left. He was relieved, but in his heart, he also felt a little disappointed.

Sheng Minglin slowly raised his sleeves and covered his face. Tears welled up quickly, soaking his sleeves.

But just when the eight-year-old Sheng Minglin was crying sadly because he finally confirmed his father's ruthlessness...

The 20-year-old Sheng Minglin seemed to have been separated from him. He was thinking calmly in his heart, "What does my father mean when he calls a brat? Does he mean that he is naive and childish? His words have clearly made it clear. Where can I go?" Are you naive?"


The next day.

Everyone set out early in the morning, and the group was divided into five cars. Prince Duan and his wife, Zhuzhu, Sheng Minglin, and the Seventh Prince all had separate carriages, and the two companions rode in the same car.Before Zhuzhu woke up, she was immediately carried into the car by her parents. The seventh prince and two companions also crowded into his car. Only Sheng Minglin was not interested in crowding with them and got into his own carriage.

After leaving the Imperial City from Dasheng Gate, the streets became more and more lively.

The seventh prince was inexplicably excited. He and his two companions crowded together by the window to watch. Even the street vendors who carried burdens found it strange. They pointed and chattered endlessly, and their voices floated over from time to time.

Prince Duan was a little funny and chatted with his wife: "Qilang, this kid is not as shy as when we met him before."

Princess Duan smiled and said: "You have learned martial arts, are you still shy?"

"Ah?" Prince Duan raised his eyebrows: "What does learning martial arts have to do with temperament?"

"Of course it does matter," Princess Duan said: "Martial arts are people's courage! Just like my fourth brother's brother Yang, he is so beautiful. When he was a child, he was very thin-skinned. He blushed when he was teased. He has learned martial arts since then. , the whole child was changed. Someone teased him that day and asked him when he was going to get his wife. He opened his mouth and said, I will marry you when you send your wife over... The soldier ruffian learned the trick very quickly, and he never did it again. People dare to tease him.”

Prince Duan was dumbfounded when he heard this. He thought about it and said, "But Qilang is indeed born with great strength. I think Po Zhu taught him that day, one, two, three, four, five..."

He originally just wanted to learn, but Tuanzi was sleeping soundly. When he heard the sound, he jumped up with half his legs exposed, took a few steps, and danced with his little arms like lotus joints without opening his eyes. , and kept chanting: "Yaoershan four or five..."

Prince Duan: "..."

The two couples couldn't stop laughing. They quickly picked up Tuanzi and patted her gently, thinking that she was asleep and might still be able to sleep for a while.

Unexpectedly, Zhuzhu opened her eyes in a daze, saw her mother's clothes, and suddenly woke up: "Where's Zhuzhu's?"

She pointed to her mother's clothes: "Zhuzhu's flowers are there!"

"Here," Princess Duan said with a smile, "Are you getting up now?"

Zhuzhu nodded, and without calling anyone, the couple helped their daughter wash up, slowed down the carriage, and had breakfast before changing her clothes.

Zhuzhu picked out these clothes herself. All the members of the family have the same pattern, and this outfit is all covered with branches.

In fact, the tangle pattern can also be divided into tangle lotus, tangle peony, tangle vine, etc., but Zhuzhu couldn't tell them apart, so she picked four sets that looked the same.

Prince Duan wears a simple straight jacket, with the branch pattern only on the edge of the collar; Princess Duan's pattern is on the bijia, and Zhuzhu's pattern is on the skirt.

Zhuzhu was at home and rarely wore clothes with such complicated patterns. When she first put them on, Zhuzhu looked so beautiful. She held up her little skirt and tugged it here and there, looking at it and swaying it. Turned around several times.

Both Prince Duan and Prince Duan looked at her with smiles. Zhuzhu didn't sit down even when she was tired, so she leaned against the wall of the car. Prince Duan wanted to pull her to sit on his lap, but Zhuzhu waved her little hands without hesitation: " If you don't sit down, your skirt will wrinkle."

"It's okay," Prince Duan said with a smile, "Let's sit down and relax."

"No," Zhuzhu's little head shook like a rattle: "Quanquan will be unhappy."

With such stinking beauty, Prince Duan helplessly raised his forehead and said, "It's still half an hour away. Can you stand for so long?"

Zhuzhu nodded: "Yes."

She was leaning against the car wall, sticking her little butt out and twisting her little body around. She was having a lot of fun. As she was playing, she caught a glimpse of her father's flowers and thought, "Where's Guo Guo?"

Prince Duan said: "Brother is in the car behind."

Zhuzhu stretched out her hand and said, "Zhuzhu wants to find Guo Guo."

Okay, Prince Duan will order the carriage to stop.

It happened that they had left Yongding Gate and left the official road at this time. The scenery on the road was quite beautiful. If there were no children causing trouble, the couple could still enjoy the scenery from the car window.

Zhuzhu thought the second car was there, so she shouted from afar: "Guo Guo! Guo Guo!"

In fact, the second carriage belonged to the Seventh Prince. When he saw Zhuzhu coming, he was startled and immediately retracted his head, saying in disgust: "She won't come to me, will she? I don't want to take care of the child."

(End of this chapter)

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