Chapter 42 Interesting Baby

"No," the companion said eagerly, "The little princess is so cute, just let her come, and I will take her."

"That's right!" Companion No. [-] also said, "Your Highness, the little princess is so good and cute. I really want to hug her."

Seventh Prince: "..."

He looked at the two of them and if he had been betrayed.

But such a big child needs face most. Her friends wanted to hug her so much, and they all looked at him expectantly. The seventh prince's brain twitched, and he blurted out: "Well, isn't that easy? She cries when I call her. Come shouting."

Two people: "Really? Your Highness, please scream!"

The seventh prince couldn't keep his face and he really stuck his head out.

At this moment, Prince Duan listened to his daughter's instructions and pulled it left and right. Finally, he was satisfied with the arrangement of the skirt for his daughter. He hugged her out of the car and passed their window.

The seventh prince walked to the door and said cautiously: "Zhuzhu, do you want to get in my car and play?"

He thought that the little brat would come as soon as she screamed, and he stretched out his hands to pick her up, but Zhuzhu looked at him and politely refused: "No, Zhuzhu wants to go find Guoguo."

The seventh prince was stunned: "...??"

Damn it!What a little liar!

My brother is chasing after me every day. I want you to come over and play with my little friend, but you won’t!

The seventh prince lost face and slammed the car door angrily.

Sheng Minglin was already waiting outside. Zhuzhu kicked her calves onto his carriage and hugged him: "Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin caught her with a smile, nodded to his father, and then closed the car door.

As soon as the car door closed, Zhuzhu immediately pushed the pot away. The little chubby hand held her skirt and swayed it in circles for him: "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful. Zhuzhu'er is so beautiful."

Just as the carriage started to move and swayed, Sheng Minglin smiled and hugged his sister.

Xiaotuanzi grabbed his hand with both hands and moved it to the side. He leaned his little head over to look at his clothes and said, "Wow!!"

Sheng Minglin was wearing a tuxedo, with the hem spread out, the front placket covered with tangled flowers, and the pleats under the waist had a pattern, which looked really handsome and gorgeous.

Zhuzhu nodded fiercely, "Guo Guo looks good! Guo Guo spins around!"

She turned around stupidly first.

Sheng Minglin smiled, held hands with his sister, turned around a few times, and hugged her casually: "Come on, brother, give me a hug."

"No," Zhuzhu pressed against the car wall again, her little hands behind her back: "Zhuzhu is afraid that her skirt will wrinkle!"

"Ah, that's it."

Sheng Minglin nodded seriously, and without trying to persuade her, he sat in the corner of the car, opened the book, and nodded as he read: "Ah, this book is so beautiful. How can it be so beautiful..."

The innocent breast dumpling was immediately hooked, and couldn't help but glance there, and then slowly moved over with her little feet.

But her brother was sitting in the corner of the car, and she couldn't see the pages of the book even though she was leaning against the car wall...

The three-year-old little dumpling couldn't think of a question like "Actually, I don't know the words either. It doesn't matter if I see the words or not." So she asked him: "Guo Guo, what is written in the book?"

Sheng Minglin exaggeratedly said: "I wrote an interesting baby, ah, it's so interesting!"

Zhuzhu's eyes lit up and she squeezed in. Then she squeezed and squeezed until she squeezed in between him and the small table. She sat on his lap and said in a sweet voice, "Zhuzhu, help brother turn the book."

Sheng Minglin held back his laughter and nodded: "Okay." Then Tuanzi sat upright, staring at the words, his little head tilted left and right, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Guo Guo, where is this interesting baby's debt?" ?”

Sheng Minglin laughed out loud, lowered his head and kissed her forehead... Isn't this interesting baby right here?
The carriage soon arrived at Baoguo Temple.

Baoguo Temple occupies a large area. Because Emperor Mingxi stayed with the Queen Mother for a period of time before he ascended the throne, Baoguo Temple has a very special status. People who come in and out are either rich or noble, and ordinary people are not qualified to clear the place.

Prince Duan did, but he took the route of Corporal Li Xian, so he didn't ask anyone to come and only reserved the courtyard in advance.

Because the seventh prince was still young, everyone lived in a big courtyard for easy care. Prince Duan sent someone to ask, but the seventh prince didn't want to ask, so they went as a family.

Although Zhuzhu didn't understand much, she knelt down when asked and kowtowed when asked. She was a small one, and her movements were precise and very obedient.

After paying homage to the Buddha and adding money for sesame oil, Prince Duan took his children and wanted to see Master Zibai. When he asked the young monk next to him, he was told that the master had been in seclusion for more than a month and he didn't know when he would be able to leave.

Princess Duan was very disappointed.

Prince Duan didn't care much, so he comforted her: "As the saying goes, the heart knows God. What's more, we have already worshiped the Buddha and paid our respects to him. Why do we have to meet the master in person? Why don't we just walk around here more and get close to him?" For the fragrance of Buddha, it is enough to seek the connection with Buddha."

Sheng Minglin secretly raised his eyebrows.

He thought his father believed in Buddhism, but it turned out that he didn’t believe in it at all...why did he get close to the incense of Buddhism to find a connection with Buddhism? In fact, he just wanted to play around?

But Princess Duan was convinced by him: "That's fine."

Zhuzhu was a little afraid of the tall Buddha statues around her. She hugged her father's legs tightly with her two little hands and pressed her little face against them. She was too scared to move and didn't dare to look around.

When the family left the Buddhist temple, Zhuzhu became lively all of a sudden. She let go of her hands and ran over to grab Sheng Minglin's hand: "Let's go play!"

"Go!" Prince Duan nodded and ordered his servants to follow him.

The brother and sister held hands and went out.

Baoguo Temple is located halfway up the mountain. Because it occupies a large area and has many noble people who want to meet various noble people by chance, it is quite prosperous at the bottom with many restaurants and shops.

Walking up, the main thing is to see the scenery and mountains. After walking for a while, there is a pavilion, and around the back of the mountain, there is a waterfall.

Zhuzhu had been here several times and without hesitation pulled her brother back, wanting to play in the water.

The road was paved with gravel and uneven, and Zhu Zhu’s little feet were too small, so they would slip on them from time to time. She thought it was quite fun, holding up her little skirt, jumping around while walking, and singing a ditty she made up. Son: "Little stones, little stones, little stones, little stones..."

A child's happiness is so simple, and I don't know what's so fun about it, but she is just happy.

The Seventh Prince, with his two companions, was also playing here. When he saw Zhuzhu, he frowned, snorted, and turned in one direction with a big movement.

Zhuzhu didn't see him at all originally, but when he snorted, Zhuzhu saw him and immediately chased him: "Qi Guo Guo, wait for me!"

The Seventh Prince pretended not to hear and ran faster. He almost bumped into another group of children at the turn, making the other group scream and almost fall down.

The young master in Jinyi at the head was only seven or eight years old. He raised his head and cursed: "You are rushing to be reincarnated! You are running like this...ah! What a ghost!"

He backed away in fright.

The people next to him quickly comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's not a ghost, it's just an ugly monster!"

Some people rushed up and yelled: "Where did you come from, you ugly monster! You are running around and scaring our young master. You can't bear it!"

The seventh prince froze there for a moment without saying a word.

The Seventh Prince and his companion are all wearing Yishui's "powerful clothes", which are actually Kung Fu clothes with the cuffs and trouser legs gathered up to facilitate the use of fists and kicks. They have no patterns and colors, and there are no servants around them. At first glance, they look like rough warriors. He's a young boy, so the other party is very arrogant.

Moreover, the Seventh Prince and his companion rarely left the palace, and the concept of showing their identity to be scary did not come to their mind at all, so they froze for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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