Chapter 403 Brother’s Toes
Sheng Minglin said: "I just heard that, and Uncle Huang will not go hunting in winter for two or three years, right?"

"That's not important," the seventh prince waved his hand and said, "Isn't there a winter hunt this year? I have to buy a good bow first!"

Sheng Minglin reminded him: "Hunting is not only about bows and martial arts, but also about many ways. I heard that old hunters can distinguish the beasts in each area through the plants and beast excrement, as well as the various routes of the beasts. You have to find a good hunter to lead you."

The seventh prince said very matter-of-factly: "Then help me find a good hunter."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

The Seventh Prince said: "I don't have a master now. I just have two days of rest. What if I go to ask my father and he remembers me?"

"So?" Sheng Minglin said speechlessly: "I'm going to ask, why don't I give it to you? Why don't I have to remember it?"

The Seventh Prince said confidently: "But don't you know how to speak? You can say a few words to me when the time comes. At least don't ask me to go to class for these two days. Wait until after the New Year...or at least wait until we come back from winter hunting!"

Sheng Minglin was speechless.

Why did he have the illusion that he had a rebellious son before he got married?
You Qi Tuanzi was still there to join in the fun: "Zhuzhu wants it too! Zhuzhu wants it too!"

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to say: "The masters given by the General's Mansion have not left yet. They have all been on the battlefield, and some of them should also be able to hunt. Go and ask yourself, be polite, and see if anyone is willing to take you."

The Seventh Prince listened to him very much, responded and left immediately.

Tuanzi wanted to follow him with her short legs. Sheng Minglin quickly grabbed her little hand and said, "Zhu Zhu'er can't go."

Tuanzi rushed over there: "Zhuzhu can go! He can go!"

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools..."

As soon as his brother pulled Wen, Tuanzi immediately stopped and turned to look at him. Sheng Minglin continued seriously: "So, Zhuzhu is not in a hurry to learn hunting, why not make a small bow first? Once you have a small bow, let Xingxing Guoguo Let’s take Zhuzhu and learn archery, okay?”

Zhuzhu, who had tried every means to avoid class for several days, nodded fiercely: "Okay, Zhuzhu needs to learn and be beautiful!"

Then Sheng Minglin took Zhuzhu to the housekeeper to make a bow.

The three-year-old baby's bow was just for fun. Four bows were given to her in the afternoon, with different sizes and styles. Tuanzi couldn't wait at all, so she went to find Shen Ling Juejiao with the small bow.

Shen Lingjue is really good at hunting. After all, he spent many years training shadow guards in deep mountains and forests in his previous life.

As soon as Shen Lingjue heard that she wanted to learn hunting, Shen Lingjue immediately asked someone to set up some big grass targets, and then began to tell her how to hunt, how to detect whereabouts, how to squat at the water source, and how to secretly shoot an arrow when the wild beast came...'s so lifelike.

Tuanzi's mouth opened like an O when he heard it, his big eyes were bright, he was novel and excited. When he was learning archery, his fingers hurt and he didn't even hum.

Sheng Minglin watched from the side, feeling bad.

The dumpling was just a little bit old, so she didn’t know what hunting was. Her only impression of archery was probably when Shen Lingjue shot willows. But when Shen Lingjue said this, she understood. She probably thought that Zhuzhu was majestic and majestic at the moment. , one arrow kills a tiger...

Sheng Minglin quickly told the boy and asked the housekeeper to prepare some cute and beautiful baskets that Zhuzhu could carry on his back, as well as baskets that could be carried in his hands. When the time comes, Huo Chenzhao could take Zhuzhu to collect herbs. After all, collecting herbs must be rewarding, and hunting... He couldn't help anyway.

Zhu Zhuer studied all afternoon, and the Seventh Prince studied for a whole day. In the afternoon, he came over excitedly and sat next to Tuanzi, and the two of them exchanged their thoughts on their studies.

The seventh prince said: My targets all hit the red heart!Tuanzi: Zhuzhu is also great!
Seventh Prince: I can pull a ten-stone bow!Tuanzi: Zhuzhu is also great!

Several people watching: "..."

What are you, you little silly boy? You can't even draw a dozen bows!Shen Lingjue couldn't pull him away!

Good kung fu does not necessarily mean strong arm strength. For example, Shen Lingjue uses a six-stone bow. Therefore, the seventh prince can pull a ten-stone bow. It is really impressive because he is still young. He can pull ten stones now. When he grows up, he will definitely pull twelve stones easily. loose.

But the two of them spoke very cheerfully.Then the Seventh Prince remembered something and turned around and said, "There is a master named Deng who has fought in wars and is also very good at hunting. I asked him and he was willing. Can he be my martial arts master?"

Sheng Minglin said: "It should be possible, right?"

The seventh prince said: "Then do I need to tell my father? Or should I just learn from this?"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He said speechlessly: "What do you think? You should know such a problem by thinking about it with your toes, right?"

"Aren't you smart?" The seventh prince chuckled: "Even if I know, I still want to ask you again. You must be thinking more thoughtfully with your toes than I am!"

Tuanzi looked at this and that in surprise, muttering to himself: "Guoguo's toes..."

She looked at her brother's feet with super envious eyes, then at her own little feet, and then quickly retracted her little feet.

Sheng Minglin didn't pay attention to his sister.

He was helpless, and a little moved, and said: "If you are really worried, don't tell me, just ask during the winter hunting."

The Seventh Prince nodded: "That's okay."

During dinner in the evening, Princess Duan heard about it and immediately asked someone to make them some hunter's clothes. She heard that they would also need to collect herbs, so she also made clothes for the herb-gathering girl, and specifically told them to put on some patches.

Sheng Minglin burst out laughing after hearing this.

He discovered that no matter what Tuanzi wanted to do, Princess Duan would prepare her outfit first.

So for two consecutive days, Tuanzi was very enthusiastic about practicing archery. She was really good at it and worked hard. One hundred arrows were not enough for her to practice, so she made two hundred more.

Being busy here, Sheng Minglin will certainly not forget Xu Jingqian's Hongmen Banquet.

We sent people to arrange the arrangements, dig holes and set up mechanisms.

Xu Jingqian is a pervert, but he is not stupid. He is not an arrogant person, so when he is sure that he will not be caught, it is not impossible to come and take a look. Many arrangements are laid out for him. Yes, I tested it several times just to make him think that he can control the overall situation.

The night before, Prince Duan came back early on purpose.

Sheng Minglin was in Zeyuan. When he heard that he was back, he immediately opened the door and went to welcome him. He hugged him enthusiastically and said, "Dad! The kid is extremely nervous. Fortunately, daddy is back, and the kid has a backbone."

Prince Duan stood still. Sheng Minglin held back his laughter, slowly moved away, and looked at him.

Prince Duan said: "It's over, son."

Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing, stood up straight and said, "Then shall I do it again?"

Prince Duan kicked him lightly.

Sheng Minglin laughed.

He really wasn't nervous at all.

He was quite nervous when dealing with the old monster, but when dealing with Xu Jingqian, probably because his image in his mind had been completed bit by bit, clear, and had a context to follow, so he really wasn't nervous at all.

But his father is so childish and rarely cares about him when he comes back. If he finds that he is not nervous, he will have to say a few words to make trouble, so he will act out so that his father's love can be expressed.

(End of this chapter)

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