Chapter 404 Turning into a Dragon
Prince Duan sat down, looked at him a few times, and said, "Okay, this is a good mentality. If you can handle small things, you can achieve big things."

Sheng Minglin immediately saluted and said with a smile, "Thank you dad for the compliment."

Prince Duan thought he was pretending, so he clicked his tongue and said: "Okay, let's put these things aside quickly, it's time for winter hunting. You talk to Qilang in the next two days and ask him to follow his fourth brother during the winter hunting." .”

Sheng Minglin stopped smiling and looked serious: "Fourth brother?"

Prince Duan nodded, lowered his voice, and said to himself: "The good weather next year should not be wasted!"

Sheng Minglin nodded understandingly: "During the big hunt, I asked Qilang and Shanda Weifeng to follow the fourth brother."

Prince Duan said yes and left.

Huo Chenzhao just came over and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to establish a prince?"

Sheng Minglin nodded and shook his head: "It shouldn't be so fast. Build a momentum first."

This winter hunting should be based on the emperor's attitude and other aspects, and the fourth prince should be pushed out first, so that everyone can realize this.

After all, the eldest prince is the eldest son, and before this, he has always been the most respected, and he has the potential to be a quasi-prince. Although the affairs of the three palaces are very taboo, they do not shake the foundation after all, so whether it is the officials who are attached to him, or some important Officials who follow rules and regulations will object.

The main reason is that the fourth prince works in a low-key manner, is not very young, and does not have much achievements. Although he is responsible for the new grain, the new grain was presented by Huo Chenzhao, so it cannot be regarded as his achievement.

The most important thing is that the fourth prince's temperament is here. He is serious and sharp, calm and tough, and does not rub sand in his eyes.

There are only so many rights in this court. If the king is strong, his ministers will be weak, and if the king is weak, his ministers will be strong... Civil servants do not want such a harsh boss, and the eldest prince's temperament of giving in to too much advice is the most important thing. Recognized by civil officials as "kind and virtuous"!
Therefore, these people are likely to join forces to obstruct this matter, and the prospects are not optimistic! !
Sheng Minglin began to ponder.

The next day, October [-]th, Li Xuan's July [-]th.

The mourning hall is located in Li's Mansion, but it does not receive guests, and no one is allowed to pass by for the time being. It only holds road sacrifices at the intersection and invites monks to read scriptures about the past life.

There is never a shortage of idle people in the capital, and there is also no shortage of bold people. After discovering that the roadside memorial table was willing to accept silk money, he immediately paid five or seven taels, and then stayed and waited to watch the fun.

Sheng Minglin and his party arrived at Chenchu ​​(7 o'clock) and led people into Li's house.

After a while, the smell of burning paper wafted out from the courtyard, mixed with some paper money blown up by the wind.

There were more and more people watching, and even the restaurants and shops a little further away were full. Everyone was talking about it: "The person who passed by just now was Prince Duan, right?"

"Yes, it should be!"

"I heard that Crown Prince Duan had only a brief acquaintance with Mr. Li, but he wholeheartedly redressed his grievances. He also has a chivalrous heart."

"The chivalrous heart is true, dare the murderer come!"

The speaker gestured to both sides: "The officers and soldiers have surrounded this place. Isn't this going to end in death?"

"Yeah!" Someone who knew something about the inside story couldn't help but stand up and compare, "I heard that the murderer didn't blink an eye at the murder! There are dozens of people in the Li family, from master to servant... You know How did he die? It was all a knife attack!"

He gestured to his neck: "Kill with one knife! There are so many heads rolling on the ground! Tell me! How cruel! How terrifying!"

The onlookers all gasped: "Yo!"

The man continued to stand in the middle of the road, gesticulating, and did not notice that several people in front of him had stopped talking and looked behind him.

The man was still saying loudly: "Committing such a case is a capital punishment! Why don't you run far away? How can you throw yourself into a fishing net again?" At this moment, someone clicked lightly behind him His shoulder: "Please give way."

The man subconsciously turned around and saw a man in black robe standing behind him. He was slender, his head was wrapped in a long black scarf, and his face was also covered with a long black gauze, except for the eyes. A thread of white yarn.

The black gauze is all long and hanging, faintly glowing with gold in the sun. Although it is weird, it is inexplicably a little...noble?
Before the man came back to his senses, he felt himself moving a few steps involuntarily. The man in black robe stepped forward with graceful steps, as if he was sliding on the water.

Under the attention of everyone, the man in black robe suddenly seemed to remember something. He turned around and said in a gentle voice: "There is something wrong with what you just said... Killing with one knife is true, but I have never chopped off the head... Besides, that word It’s called throwing yourself into a trap, not a fishing net.”

He paused for a moment and said with a little smile in his voice: "They say I am like a fish caught in a net. Who knew that I wouldn't turn into a dragon when encountering a storm?"

Everyone: "..."

Not far away, Jiang Qingyang led people on guard, which made the boss unhappy. How did he say that?

Pretending to be so cool!
So Jiang Qingyang shouted loudly: "The filial son and grandson have come to express condolences!! The one dressed in black, please go to the mourning hall, kowtow and cry!!"

He yelled and flew away.

Otherwise, it won't be worth it if he kills you in a rage to take advantage of your words.

Sure enough, a few people were led astray by him and said, "Oh, it turns out they are dressed in mourning!"

"Why are you all dressed in black? What kind of custom is this? Aren't we all dressed in black here?"

"Who knows! With his face covered so tightly, he is quite sincere in mourning! He is probably a real relative! Maybe he is really his grandson!"

You don't need to read it to know that Xu Jingqian must be furious.

Originally, he expected that after he finished speaking and walked out a few steps, the idlers would suddenly realize that he was his murderer. He was here, so they started shouting and yelling. Then he walked past calmly, There is no leaf attached to the body, and the result is like this...

Fortunately, when he immediately walked to the sacrificial table, a guard in golden clothes came up to him and said loudly: "Xu Jingqian, you really dare to come!!"

Only then did everyone react: "Ah! He is the murderer!!"

There was a bang outside and the whole place was boiling.

Xu Jingqian was slightly satisfied and walked in slowly.

Sheng Minglin stood in front of the mourning hall and cupped his hands, just like a polite host entertaining an ordinary guest. He didn't even say a word of gossip. He just said: "The visitor is a guest. Please burn incense in the mourning hall."

Xu Jingqian paused for a moment.

The people around him were secretly on guard, lest he fall out on the spot.

Only Sheng Minglin was extremely calm.

Xu Jingqian is a pervert. What he wants is that kind of victory... when others roar wildly but I am calm and calm... that kind of victory. Therefore, when others are calm and calm, he will never lift up his clothes and say Stop talking nonsense and be bright!
Because if this is the case, he will become the loser he despises most in his heart.

Therefore, even though he knew clearly that there was a mechanism in the mourning hall, he was still very calm and accepted his move like a real guest: "Please express my condolences, Sir."

He stepped forward gracefully and slowly entered the mourning hall.

(End of this chapter)

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