Chapter 405 The prince has great magic power

The person next to him handed him the incense, and Xu Jingqian bowed calmly, showing his back to everyone, showing his confidence to the extreme.

Sheng Minglin also performed enthusiastically outside, making various gestures to signal everyone to prepare.

A true master can completely replace his eyes with his ears.

Although Xu Jingqian didn't look back, Sheng Minglin's movements fell into his ears.

Xu Jingqian took a step forward without haste, inserted the incense stick, then turned back and walked out unhurriedly.

He stepped on the threshold.

He heard a swish sound, and a nail board under his feet turned over, and a large number of spikes were about to shoot out. However, at an incredible speed, he tipped his toes and turned the nail board over again. There was a muffled sound, and all the spikes shot into the ground.

Xu Jingqian, on the other hand, strode out with fluttering clothes and looked extremely chic and comfortable.

Sheng Minglin's face darkened, and he waved again, and several masters rushed forward. Xu Jingqian moved freely, and the fight was really effortless.

Sheng Minglin watched for a while, stepped back, raised his hand, and several wooden boards as high as a person were flipped up in the courtyard, surrounding the area. The officers and soldiers were behind the wooden boards, using their machines to move towards He shoots away.

Sheng Minglin "breathed a sigh of relief" and said loudly and harshly: "I must spare the life of you, the thief, today!!"

Xu Jingqian smiled softly.

As soon as Sheng Minglin lost his grace, he immediately regained the sense of joy and said with a soft smile: "I am really ashamed of the prince's kindness. How about this, the prince goes back to play with me for a few days?"

As he spoke, he suddenly increased his offensive.

Neither the masters besieging him nor the minions around him could hurt him at all. He just stepped closer to Sheng Minglin, but Sheng Minglin stepped back in "panic" and said, "How dare you! Don't come here." !!”

It turns out that’s all you have!
Xu Jingqian thought contemptuously.

At this moment, a man suddenly popped up from behind the wooden board and said loudly: "Jing Qian! Jing Qian!! Stop it!"

Xu Jingqian's body stiffened imperceptibly.

The man's voice was choked and he said loudly: "Jing Qian! Dad asked you to go to Jiangnan back then to protect you! It was because he was afraid that you would be harmed by rumors. Before your mother died, she gave you many instructions to let dad take care of you... …”

Xu Jingqian's movements were even more sluggish.

Even though he has abandoned his original identity, he can never forget the knot in his childhood. Therefore, even the most advanced master will feel slightly absent-minded.

at this time!

Suddenly a large group of shadows appeared in the sky, and it was the grand majesty flying over quietly.

The next moment, the hot vinegar turned into a downpour and splashed down, covering almost half of the yard...

Xu Jingqian reacted very quickly. As soon as he smelled the sour smell, his figure immediately rushed out, but was blocked by a wooden board as high as a person.

After only such a slight delay, the vinegar was poured on him, seeping into the black gauze and into the skin. Xu Jingqian was in pain and suddenly let out a miserable howl that was not like a human voice!

Sheng Minglin made a gesture, and Shen Lingjue kicked a board away from his feet. The two masters behind him kicked out in unison without hesitation. With a thud, Xu Jingqian fell into the huge vinegar vat at his feet. .

This is the mechanism that was prepared before Lotus Falls was released.

Xu Jingqian let out a hoarse howl again.

With his skill, this ordinary water tank can only rise and fall, but cannot jump out.

Several people waited for a moment, and then slowly stepped forward again. One person suddenly drew his sword and cut off his arm with one strike.

Seeing that he had no resistance, several people dared to take action, dragged him out, twisted his hands and feet out of joints, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, the actual fight only lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, but the feeling of being crushed by others while trying their best, was really terrifying. In just a short while, they all had psychological shadows.

Sheng Minglin looked at Xu Fu behind the door and cupped his hands: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu."

This time he could only succeed but not fail, so he invited Xu Fu, but it was unethical for a father to harm his son, and he felt a little guilty.

Xu Fu just smiled wryly and waved his hand, looking at the people on the ground, his expression was extremely complicated, and he couldn't tell whether it was hate or love.

Sheng Minglin didn't say any more, calmed down and quickly ordered people to clean up the battlefield.

Spread the news first, just say that the thugs have been arrested, and eliminate the previous impact.

Xu Jingqian was imprisoned, and Li Xuan and others were laid to rest... After the arrangements were completed, Sheng Minglin breathed a deep sigh of relief.

It's finally over.

The impact of this incident was much greater than expected.

Originally, the case of family extermination had been circulated for a while, but not many people knew about it at that time. As soon as the lotus fell, everyone began to pay attention, and the people began to find out the details in different ways. There will always be things that can't be found out. Idle people now compiled a few and spread the news.

And then, Xu Jingqian actually came.

After he arrived, he said something in a personal style, and then Jiang Qingyang cleverly made up for it.

Then there's the fight here.

Because Li Xuan no longer had a title, the house he lived in was not big, and the courtyard walls were not high. Many people saw these masters jumping around and many wooden boards higher than the walls.

Even if you can't see it, you can still hear various sounds, including crashing, rumbling, and finally turning into bursts of miserable howls.

The whole process was so legendary and exciting, and many people participated in it personally, so the story spread throughout the capital overnight.

Sheng Minglin became the most popular young master in the capital quite unintentionally... Everyone said that the prince was chivalrous and avenged his friends; they also said that the prince was extremely smart and could capture gangsters; they also said that the prince had magical powers. So profound, defeating the enemy bloody? ? ?
After hearing the report from Changmu Feierlou, Sheng Minglin immediately said: "Destroy the enemy with blood?"

"Yes," Elder Lu was in his forties or fifties, with a wrinkled face, but people who sell information are naturally fond of gossip. A rumor is more exciting than a storyteller, and said: "Isn't it jealous later? Everyone saw it Here we are, although we also released news that he was practicing kung fu to avoid jealousy, so it was jealousy, but many people didn’t believe it, and it was actually a black dog’s blood or something, and they couldn’t suppress it.”

Sheng Minglin was speechless for a long time: "Forget it, don't worry about it. If there are other new things in a few days, we will naturally stop talking about it."

Elder Lu responded with a smile.

Sheng Minglin asked again: "How are Wuqi and the others doing?"

Elder Lu said: "We have already reached the bottom of Huaishan Mountain and are slowly exploring. We haven't gone up the mountain yet."

Sheng Minglin nodded and was about to ask more questions when someone announced that the fourth prince was coming.

Sheng Minglin stood up and took a few steps forward: "Fourth brother?"

The fourth prince strode in, and Sheng Minglin introduced him: "This is Elder Lu from Changmu Feierlou."

Elder Lu saluted, and the fourth prince nodded. Sheng Minglin asked Elder Lu to go back first, while asking: "Fourth brother? Do you have anything to do with me?"


Sorry, something happened at the last minute, so it's even later.

In addition, I was confused when I wrote it at the beginning, so I temporarily added the details of applying corpse oil on a personal leather mask, so it became a bug that Zhu Zhuer didn't smell it before.Let me save it. There are many wrong chapters. Let’s correct them together. Don’t worry. Just pretend that Zhuzhuer was too far away at that time and didn’t smell it. Ahem.

(End of this chapter)

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