Chapter 407 Uncle Huang is too bored

The fourth prince smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is quite difficult to be an adult, so Zhu Zhu'er doesn't have to rush to grow up."

He stepped aside: "Zhuzhu'er, get up first. Let's talk after we get up."

Li Zhi and others then came forward to serve him. When Zhu Zhu got up and had breakfast, he took the fourth prince to sit down and actively showed him archery skills.

Although the target was a bit close, only one step away, no matter what, when I hit the target, many small arrows were shaking on the target, just like hedgehogs, and it felt like that.

Sheng Minglin laughed as he looked at it, and asked the fourth prince in a low voice: "Has the date been set for the winter hunting? Usually Zhu Zhuer can only practice for ten days or so to keep her warm, but it has been four days now."

The fourth prince also whispered back: "It's settled at 26."

This time is just right for Zhuzhu.

The hunting place is in Yongqing County, about two days' journey from the capital.

Emperor Mingxi left the eldest prince and two cabinet ministers to garrison in the capital. The fourth prince, seventh prince, plus the fifth and eighth princes in the palace all took them with him. Only the empress was brought with him from the harem.

Of course, all members of Prince Duan's Mansion were dispatched, including Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue, following them.

Fortunately, Han Jiuzhou and Xu Jingqian have been arrested at this time, and Mrs. Liao would not be able to come out. Otherwise, Qin Jiangbai would not be at home, and Sheng Minglin would be a little worried after leaving.

Because the Seventh Prince had just returned from a trip, it was the hottest time, so he took the opportunity to tell Tuanzi all kinds of strange things, which made Tuanzi very excited. The night before leaving, he chatted excitedly and told her father over and over again. My brother and I would point out the city gate to her when we saw it, and point out whatever we saw to her...

Prince Duan said: "It's not like you haven't seen the city gate before?"

Tuanzi immediately retorted: "Qi Guo Guo says it's different, it's not the same city gate!"


Prince Duan said nothing.

Xiaotuanzi was so excited that he didn't go to bed until very late. He was still laughing when he fell asleep, and he didn't know what sweet dream he had.

In the morning, she slept like a pig and was carried into the carriage. When she was leaving the city gate, Princess Duan scratched her for a while: "Zhu Zhu'er, look at the city gate!"

Tuanzi: zZZ~~~
Emperor Mingxi and the Empress both sent people to carry Zhuzhu over, but Zhuzhuer slept all morning.

Beizhili was the fiefdom of Emperor Mingxi. He was familiar with every place, and he was even more familiar going north. So at noon, he stopped early. Emperor Mingxi came down and told the courtiers with great interest how he had passed by here in the past.

As a result, while I was talking, I heard someone shouting from a distance: "Uncle Huang!! Uncle Huang!!"

Emperor Mingxi stopped talking, and the courtiers quickly moved out of the way. They saw a little dumpling running towards him with short legs. He stopped panting: "Uncle Huang, wait for Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is here!"

Everyone takes a closer look...

A little bit of meaty dumpling, dressed in standard Orion attire, wearing a small felt hat, knee-length slits, two patches in the most conspicuous place, a waist protector, and small boots. My son, his calves were tied up and his arms were tied up. They used cloth with the same pattern to look like animal skin arm guards. The main reason was that real animal skins were too heavy.

There is a bow on the small shoulder, and a quiver, a water bag, and a medicine bag are all available on the body, but everything is small, and even a dagger is pretended to be inserted into the boot... Although It's fake wood.

Moreover, her little arm was bent up. A hunter usually has an eagle perched on his arm, and there was also a black bird perched on her little arm.

Zhenzhen had all the outfits in place, and he was looking up at Emperor Mingxi with his little head raised, looking very proud of himself.

This little look was so cute that a group of elders couldn't help but smile.

But she herself didn't know that she was cute, so she put on a particularly majestic posture: "Uncle Huang, you are hunting! You can shoot red dots with pearls, and you can also draw a persimmon bow! You will always hit the mark!"

Ten stone bow?crack shot?

Emperor Mingxi couldn't stop laughing: "Zhu Zhu'er's outfit is so majestic! She outshines all of us." Tuanzi nodded happily.

Emperor Mingxi reached out to pick up her fat chin and asked her, "Zhuzhu'er, why are there patches on this dress?"

Tuanzi asked: "Can I apply a patch?"

Emperor Mingxi pointed at it, and Tuanzi quickly said: "Introduce a pocket! It's for candies!"

She reached for it.

Because the pocket was disguised as a patch, it was small and high, and it was very difficult to take out the dumplings. He almost hit himself with the bow. Prince Duan hurried over to help his daughter take it out. However, the crow was well-trained, and it would move as soon as she moved. Standing on her shoulder, there are so many people, and they will not be frightened and fly away.

Others asked: "Is this bird also a sacred bird?"

Prince Duan said: "It's just an ordinary bird."

Tuanzi dug it out and said, "No, it's Zhuzhu's pet, and its name is Sheng Xiaoweifeng!"

Others quickly said: "That's it."

Zhuzhu finally took out Tangtang and handed it to Emperor Mingxi, "Uncle Huang, I'll give you Tangtang!"

Emperor Mingxi took it with a smile, and she immediately stepped forward and took his hand: "Elbow, elbow, Zhuzhu will take you hunting."

Emperor Mingxi smiled and really followed her out. Prince Duan waved his hand to signal everyone to help themselves, and followed her with a small bow.

Zhuzhu'er didn't even notice that her bow was gone. She followed Emperor Mingxi into the wilderness and looked around: "There are no straws in the room, and there are no red spots? Why are you hunting?"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "The purpose of shooting grass targets is to practice archery. After practicing, you need to hunt prey, such as birds, rabbits, etc. You can't keep shooting red dots."

He looked back and forth, waved back without looking, and Zheng Zhongshun quickly handed over his bow.

Emperor Mingxi was the God of War. He was extremely powerful. He wanted to hit a bird with his eyes closed. He bent his bow and set an arrow. It seemed that he didn't even need to compare. He just shot a bird with a swish. fell down.

Tuanzi: "...!!!"

Tuanzi's eyes widened in shock. He looked at Uncle Huang for a long time, then turned his head and stared at the place where the bird fell.

Then she finally came back to her senses and reached back to touch her little bow. Prince Duan silently handed it over from behind, and Tuanzi took it back smoothly without noticing anything was wrong.

Then she grabbed Emperor Mingxi's sleeve: "Zhuzhu wants it too! Zhuzhu wants to learn it too!"

Emperor Mingxi smiled, made a shushing gesture to her, and then picked her up. After looking around for a long time, he finally found another one, so he slowly approached and held the dumpling with one hand. The dumpling did not hesitate. Then he put his hand on his hand.

Tuanzi had short hands, so Emperor Mingxi did not fully draw the bow. He just estimated that the strength would be enough and shot an arrow.

Once again, the bird hit the target, and the bird fluttered down. Even Sheng Xiaowei was frightened. He spread his wings and flew back as if to escape, and he stood on Sheng Minglin's shoulder.

Tuanzi was surprised: "Wow!!"

She thinks it was her cum!

Her eyes looked at it, her hands touched it, this was what Zhuzhu shot!

So Tuanzi held her hands in surprise and said, "Zhuzhu is so amazing! You can learn it as soon as you learn it!" She did not forget to praise Emperor Mingxi: "Uncle Huang, you are so annoying! You are so awesome! You are so good at teaching. !Uncle Huang is the best in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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