Chapter 408: Brother Xuan and so on
Emperor Mingxi laughed.

Prince Duan sighed behind him.

His archery skills are also good, but there is also a process of drawing and aiming the bow, instead of just playing like his brother, without even looking, he just pulls and swishes.

Emperor Mingxi was not in a hurry, so he played with the dumplings, which attracted the seventh prince to come down with his bow and shoot.

Originally, there were only a few birds on the roadside. After everyone came down, there were no more birds fluttering around.

Emperor Mingxi found something else for her, a fruit on the tip of a tree, or just a leaf, and shot the arrows until the bag was empty, leaving the dumplings still unfinished.

The guards had already brought the first two birds over. Tuanzi saw it and said excitedly: "Jie Xie Zhuzhu shot! Zhuzhu is great!!"

She got excited and got down from Emperor Mingxi's arms, then took her own small arrow, took a stance, pointed at the bird in the guard's hand, and pulled the bow...

The guard was hesitating whether to get out of the way, and then he saw that as soon as the small arrow was shot, it fell to the ground, far away from him.

Tuanzi: "Huh?"

She looked at her hands and soon found the reason. She hurried over and stuffed herself into Uncle Huang's arms: "The beads are not far away. I need help from Uncle Huang's hands."

She took Uncle Huang's big hand and placed it on her little bow.

Emperor Mingxi held a small bow that was thinner than his own fingers and hesitated to speak: "..."

The naughty Prince Duan immediately perked up: "Yes, Zhu Zhu'er, your uncle Huang is the best in the world. With his help, you can always hit the mark! You, put the bird there, right there, Zhu Zhu'er, please let uncle Huang quickly Cum for you!”

Tuanzi nodded in agreement: "Oh!"

Emperor Mingxi looked at his troubled brother. Prince Duan smiled as if he had picked up money. Emperor Mingxi pointed at the bird and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu, watch it!"

Tuanzi stared at the bird without blinking: "Look at it!"

Emperor Mingxi made a gesture and pulled the small bow, but in fact he didn't dare to use any force at all. He just waved his hand and threw the small arrow out, hitting the bird.

Prince Duan: "..."

The group played for a long time before continuing on the road. Emperor Mingxi carried Zhuzhu to his car. The emperor's car was very spacious, and Emperor Mingxi taught Tuanzi archery skills in the car.

The Queen also changed into light clothes and looked on with a smile.

Tuanzi has been trained by several people, and his posture is quite standard. His little fingers are bent in that way. He looks like a little adult, and he is very cute.

The itinerary was relatively relaxed, and we arrived in Yongqing County two days later.

Emperor Mingxi said that hunting was real hunting. There were a lot of people who came, and they all lived in tents. Although the place was not cleared, in fact the inside was cleared and surrounded. But after going out, it was really deep in the mountains and old forests, so there were no two It's best not to remove the brush, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

It's almost winter now, and it's already quite cold, but the tents are spread out so it doesn't feel too cold.

Tuanzi was so excited that he couldn't hold back anymore. Everything in front of him was so novel.

Such a mountain!never seen it! !
Such a tent!never seen it! !

There are so many people living together, I’ve never seen them! !

The weakling Sheng Minglin didn't listen to the old man's words and read a book in the carriage. He felt a little dizzy and couldn't hold on any longer, so he could only tell Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao to take Zhuzhu out to play with them after repeated instructions.

As soon as she let go after the instructions, Tuanzi ran out of the tent. From a distance, she could hear her little voice singing, and she ran away as fast as she could.

Huo Chenzhao and Huo Chenzhao did not restrain her and let her run around.

Tuanzi spread her legs and ran around. Everywhere she went, there were people everywhere, and she didn't recognize them all, but everyone knew her and greeted her one after another.

Zhuzhu ran several laps before she finally exhausted some of her enthusiasm and stopped panting.

There was a child not far away, with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain. He looked to be four or five years old. He kept looking at her from a distance. When Tuanzi turned around and saw it, he smiled at him.

The little boy was encouraged and immediately ran over to her and said, "You are so beautiful, please be my wife!" Shen Lingjue couldn't stop laughing and looked at the child.

Tuanzi asked: "What is my wife's profession?"

The little boy said: "She is my wife, my wife."

As soon as she mentioned daughter-in-law, Tuanzi understood and immediately shook her head: "No, Zhuzhu has a daughter-in-law to protect her. Zhuzhu's Guoguo is her daughter-in-law!"

The little boy said: "Brother can't be his wife! The wife must be from someone else's family."

Tuanzi thought for a while, then turned around and took Huo Chenzhao's hand: "That beautiful pot with beads, and the daughter-in-law who wears beads."

The little boy asked: "Is he your brother?"

Tuanzi said: "No, it's my daughter-in-law who protects the pot."

"Oh!" said the little boy, "I have a lot of candies, can't you be my wife?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "Zhuzhu also has a lot of candies."

"I still have a lot of money, I have a house full of money."

Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu has more money. Zhuzhu has two houses of money!!"

Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue both couldn't hold back their laughter. Why did the children change the topic so suddenly and start showing off their wealth all of a sudden?

The two of them didn't interfere and just listened with smiles. After all, Zhuzhu rarely interacted with people of the same age, so it was good to be able to talk.

Little boy: "My dad is so awesome! He can beat ten with one."

Tuanzi said weakly: "My father is also tired of being hurt, he can fight a hundred of them!"

Little boy: "My brother is the most powerful. He has read a hundred books!"

When talking about this, Zhuzhu's voice became much louder: "Zhuzhu's Guoguo has read...more than a hundred books!! Zhuzhu's Guoguo has read so many books!" He made a huge gesture with his arms: "Zhuzhu's Guo Guo has so many big holes! Guo Guo's toes have big holes!"

The little boy was stunned by what she said, and then said: "I, my brother's toes, are also very smart! And I can also recite the Three Character Sutra!"

The group stayed for a while.

She felt inferior.

She looked at her little feet angrily, then suddenly thought of something, and said loudly: "You are lying! There are no mouths on your toes, so you can't speak or recite the Three-Character Sutra!"

The little boy's face turned red and he said harshly: "He just knows how to recite the Three Character Sutra!"

Tuanzi's logic was clear, "Zhuzhu doesn't believe it! Just ask your Guoguo to come and recite it to Zhuzhu!"

Little boy: "Then you also call your brother, I, I don't believe it either!"

Tuanzi turned to look for someone: "Xingxing Guoguo, call your brother quickly."

The little boy turned around and ran away: "Just wait, I'll call my brother right away!"

So after a while, the little boy called his brother over. Sheng Minglin slept for a while and recovered, and was pulled over by Shen Lingjue.

The little boy's brother looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. He has an unparalleled good-looking appearance. His eyes are round and as bright as autumn water. He is completely different from his chubby brother. His smile is extremely gentle. He saluted Zhuzhu and said, "I have met His Highness, the Crown Prince."

He then handed over to Shen Lingjue and the others: "I have met the young prince and the young marquis. I am Cheng Chongjin, my younger brother Cheng Chongyi, and my father is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel."


I suspect someone sneaked into my head to read the plot!Why did another little cutie guess my next move?It’s not too strange that someone guessed that the old monster is Lu Wuqi’s grandfather. Why can anyone guess that I want a stuffed animal for Tuanzi in Winter Hunting?Tuanzi’s wish has been separated for many chapters!Huh... the reader's IQ is too high, and the author doubts life (⊙v⊙)
(End of this chapter)

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