Chapter 409: Zhuzhu, the Little Red before the Emperor

Zhu Zhu's eyes lit up, and she pointed at him and said to her brother: "Guo Guo, he also has pitfalls!!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and pressed his sister's little head.

Although he has not yet entered the court, he is aware of the important personnel changes. After the fall of Yang Xianrong a while ago, the original Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, Cheng Fengqi, was transferred to the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel. This should be his son, but he seldom When I go out to socialize, I really don’t know him.

Sheng Minglin returned the gift.

Cheng Chongjin pulled Xiao Pangdun behind him, bent down slightly, and whispered to Tuanzi: "Xiao Yi offended me. I will apologize to His Highness for Xiao Yi. Please don't be angry, please?"

He has white skin and big eyes, and his appearance is a bit sweet like a girl's. When he smiles, his eyebrows are curved. Although his dimples are not as deep as Korean wine, they look extra sweet, sweet and soft. He is the kind of person who is kind-hearted at first glance. looks.

Tuanzi said tolerantly: "It doesn't matter, Zhuzhu is not angry!"

Cheng Chongjin thanked him quickly, and Tuanzi raised his little face and asked: "But...can your toes really talk? Can you recite the Three-Character Sutra?"

Cheng Chongjin laughed anxiously and said: "You can't speak, your highness. It's Xiaoyi who is talking nonsense. Don't be offended, your highness."

Tuanzi suddenly nodded: "Oh!"

She returned her brother's hand and raised her chin proudly: "But there's no nonsense in tying beads! Guo Guo's toes are really bright, and she really wants to tie them! Qi Guo Guo said Damn it, Guo Guo is smarter than him even if he thinks about it with his toes!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Before Sheng Minglin could speak, Cheng Chongjin said with a surprised look on his face: "Really? Your Highness's brother is so powerful!"

Tuanzi's tail suddenly raised, and his big eyes almost stopped laughing, "That's right, the pot will fall, the stick will fall, the stick will fall!"

"Yes," Cheng Chongjin said sincerely: "Your Highness has such a brother, it is really enviable."

Tuanzi shook his brother's hand, and the whole group shook their heads, almost bubbling with joy. Sheng Minglin laughed and said nothing.

But I heard the chubby Cheng Zhongyi whisper: "My brother is also pretty good. My brother can make money."

Cheng Chongjin wanted to interrupt, but Tuanzi said very generously: "All our pots are great!"

Satisfied, Little Fatty walked around his brother and reached out to hold her hand: "What's your name?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu's name is Zhuzhu."

"Zhuzhu, my name is Xiaoyi." Xiao Pangdun said: "You are so cute, can't you really be my daughter-in-law?"

Cheng Chongjin's face changed slightly and he said anxiously: "Xiaoyi! Don't talk nonsense!"

Tuanzi shook his head, turned around to look around, and then pulled Huo Chenzhao over: "Zhuzhu already has several daughters-in-law! Zhuzhu's daughters-in-law are very beautiful, Nuo, let me show you!"

Huo Chenzhao looked at him with a smile.

His appearance was the kind of beautiful and handsome that even children can appreciate. Xiao Pangdun looked at him, maybe feeling that he couldn't compare, and immediately felt aggrieved: "Well, can you be friends with me? I'm the only one. I don’t have any friends.”

Cheng Chongjin pursed his lips slightly and quickly glanced at Sheng Minglin and the others, feeling a little anxious but helpless.

After all, who wouldn’t want to be friends with Zhu Zhu, the little celebrity before the emperor?He was afraid that they would think it was taught by adults.

But Sheng Minglin didn't intend to interfere in the small social interactions between the children, and he could see that the little chubby boy was innocent, so he just looked at it with a smile.

Sure enough, Tuanzi nodded: "Yes!" Little Fatty was very happy: "Then we are friends! I have a very fun house for you!"

Tuanzi thought for a while: "Zhuzhu has a beautiful bow, and I can give it to you!"

Little Fatty said: "Then just wait, I'll get it."

As soon as Tuanzi nodded, Sheng Minglin said: "It's a bit late today, we have to eat, Zhu Zhu'er, can we play together tomorrow?"

Tuanzi touched his stomach and found that he was indeed a little hungry, so he said, "Zhuzhu is hungry. It's time for a meal. We'll go out to play tomorrow. If you're not careful, I'll see you in debt. If you're careless, I'll see you in debt."

Cheng Chongjin waved quickly, and Little Fatty reluctantly followed behind her, saying repeatedly: "Then you must come and play with me tomorrow."

Tuanzi patted her small chest: "Don't worry! Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu..." She couldn't remember what she said for a moment, and held it in for a long time: "Zhuzhu is tied with a nail! It will definitely come!"

They walked quite a distance, and Little Fatty was still craning his neck behind to watch.

Tuanzi said happily: "Xiaoyi Jiji loves Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Yes, everyone loves Zhuzhu."

He glanced back, and in the dusk, only a silhouette of the two brothers remained.

When they returned to the tent, the food was already on the table. Prince Duan did not come back to eat. Only Princess Duan was waiting for them. They quickly washed their hands and started eating.

When I go out, the food is definitely not as exquisite as when I am at home, but it also has a different flavor. The main reason is that everyone is hungry, so I eat the dumplings without raising my head. I only remembered halfway through eating and said: "Sister Lychee, Zhuzhu is so red." Where is the bow?"

Lychee quickly said: "It's in the luggage. Master, do you want it now?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Just pack it up later. Zhuzhu will be given away tomorrow."

He just said it.

Princess Duan said: "Cheng Chongjin? I know that child. He is very smart and knows how to advance and retreat. Unfortunately, his life is not good."

Shen Lingjue was very interested and immediately asked: "What does it mean to have a bad fate?"

Princess Duan gossiped with them: "His father, Mr. Cheng, doesn't have much family background. He comes from an ordinary family. Back then, he married the daughter of the Marquis of Yan'an. But this daughter of the Marquis of Yan'an had been married once before. I fell down two or three times..."

She looked at the curious little girl and swallowed her words: "Anyway, she was not in good health and had nothing to do for five or six years after getting married, so Mrs. Cheng gave him the dowry maid next to her, and soon the baby was born. One son is Cheng Chongjin. Originally, it was discussed that Mrs. Cheng’s name should be recorded as his direct son, but it was never remembered. Later, Mrs. Cheng gave birth to a daughter named Cheng Biyu. It seems that she was born last year? "

"Later, this concubine gave birth to another son, the little one. I forgot his name. He seems to be five years old this year. But the bad thing is that not long after the child was one month old, Mrs. Cheng fell ill. Within a few days, He died, and then Cheng Biyu insisted that her mother was killed by that child, so she always hated the two brothers and made troubles several times. Even outside, she would scold them without saving any face. "

Princess Duan waved her hands as she spoke: "We don't know what's going on with the disputes in other people's backyards, but it's just a quarrel between wives and concubines. We have to come out and put this kind of crime on one There's something about Milk Baby that's... hard to say. In short, this girl is making too much noise, and her own marriage has become a big problem. She's stuck in a high position and a low position, and she hasn't discussed the marriage yet. "

"Let's talk about Cheng Chongjin. He is a concubine. He has a bad relationship with his sister-in-law. He doesn't know how to study. Anyway, he has no reputation. He is quite talented in business. But the more he behaves like this, the young masters from the aristocratic family say What a copper-smelling person, but the less you interact with him, he is also a very pitiful child."

Sheng Minglin nodded while listening.

These people are also poor and aloof. Even Princess Duan, as a princess, would be laughed at in private when doing business, let alone a concubine.

Sheng Minglin said: "Master Cheng, don't you care?"

You must know that no matter what the internal situation is, the tension between children and children can be widely spread, which will greatly affect the reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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