Chapter 410

Princess Duan said: "Cheng Biyu's mother-in-law is the Marquis of Yan'an. Now it is Cheng Biyu's uncle who has inherited the title of Marquis of Yan'an. Mrs. Hou is still alive. She feels sorry for Cheng Biyu's loss of her biological mother and loves her very much. Her uncle also loves her very much. She, Cheng Biyu, is always crying and complaining to her grandmother, and Mr. Cheng seems to be in trouble."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

No wonder, he felt that there was an indescribable feeling about Cheng Chongjin. He was polite and thoughtful, and his responses were tactful and appropriate, but his whole person had a tight feeling, as if he was always ready to receive a scolding, so Zhu Zhu Yi didn't blame him, and he didn't interfere, but Cheng Chongjin seemed a little confused how to deal with it.

Shen Lingjue was not satisfied with the gossip, so he asked again: "Auntie, have you ever dealt with him?"

"Well," Princess Duan said, "This kid seems to be living a very tight life, so he has been trying every way to make money, and I happened to have two encounters with him." She suddenly interrupted: "Ling Jue, try this."

While raising his hand, he secretly pointed at the back of Tuanzi, indicating that there were children and it was inconvenient to talk.

Shen Lingjue understood the idea and said quickly: "Thank you, aunt, I will try it."

Tuanzi didn't notice anything was wrong at all, but she didn't understand the story very well. While eating, she had a free mouth to ask: "Is someone bullying Guo Guoguo?"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "No, no, we don't know about their family affairs. In short, if Zhuzhu is happy with them, she can play more, and if she's not happy, she can play less. This trip is coming, isn't it? If you are a little kid, you can pick and play with Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi exclaimed: "They are pretty good!"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "It's good, just play more and let brother watch. If you meet a child with Brother Wu someday, let your beautiful brother and Xingxing brother come on."

Sheng Minglin was used to it and said with a smile: "Mother is right."

Zhuzhu ran around a lot as soon as she arrived. She was tired and fell asleep not long after eating. When she fell asleep, Shen Lingjue didn't forget to ask for follow-up.

Princess Duan laughed softly and said, "Not only can't you tell Zhuzhu about this, but you can't tell it to kids like you either."

Having said that, after all, Shen Lingjue and the others were in a special situation. Princess Duan still explained in a low voice: "Just a while ago, wasn't there that kind of medicine for men in the shop? Then Cheng Chongjin knew about it somehow and came over to ask if he could buy more. It was cheap, so the shopkeeper quoted him a price, and then Cheng Chongjin bought one pill. He took this pill and went around the brothel, selling a total of six to seven hundred pills... I don’t know how he followed it. That’s what people said.”

She lowered her voice and told them about her business experience: "No matter how useful this kind of thing is, there are still many people who don't want to buy it. It doesn't seem that big... but it doesn't hurt to buy more in a place like that. And my shop , my identity is here, even if I think about it, it is impossible to come to solicit business, and it is not good to ship a large number of goods from my shop, but for him to transfer like this, it is convenient for both parties, and he also looks good, but his own reputation is getting worse. Oh no."

The three and a half-year-old children each nodded and were too embarrassed to ask any more questions.

Princess Duan added: "There was another time, more than a year ago, when a batch of silk was paid off a debt in the shop. I don't know where the silk came from. It seemed to be silkworm seed. It was very thick and not frivolous at all. Then this child He came to the door... At that time, he was very thin, with a pair of big eyes. He looked smart and well-behaved. He smiled and told the shopkeeper that he had a way to sell this. He talked about an idea and sold it for ten taels of silver. I happened to go over at that time and saw it. Say it then."

"He told me to rename this batch of silk to longevity silk. He only said it was most suitable for the elderly, and then spread some rumors in the world about who bought it for his mother-in-law... You kids don't understand the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In short, this rumor is actually quite good, and this kind of silk is indeed suitable for the elderly. I heard it was interesting, so I gave him 20 taels of silver. When I heard that he had taken the silver, he immediately went to the drug store to get some medicine. Later, the silk was also sold. When I went out, the sales were quite good, and later I went there specifically to look for this kind of silk, and now I have it in the shop all year round."

Sheng Minglin said: "So he is talented in business."

Princess Duan nodded.

Then she chased them away: "Okay, it's getting late, let's get going!"

After going out, Zhuzhu slept with Princess Duan and his wife. Sheng Minglin, Huo Chenzhao and Chenling never wanted to separate, so they slept in the same tent directly. The three of them got up and left with a smile.

As they walked on, Shen Lingjue added: "Actually, there's nothing clever about thinking like this. Isn't it just a name?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Many of the eternal tricks are actually not complicated, just like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's favor order. Is it complicated? It's not complicated at all, but it is absolutely useful. It is called the number one conspiracy of the ages... Another example is that two peaches kill three people. , Golden Sword Strategy, is it complicated? None of it is complicated, but it is useful."

He glanced at him and said, "Many people are like you. They think these strategies are ordinary and they can think of them themselves. From this, a word is derived, called hindsight."

As he said that, he quickly grabbed Huo Chenzhao. Sure enough, Shen Lingjue rushed towards him to hit him, but Huo Chenzhao blocked him and the three of them entered the tent laughing.Early the next morning, Emperor Mingxi led a group of people into the mountain.

This was not a standard hunting ground, and he did not perform the rituals of shooting deer. He simply ordered a few people and went out with his guards, very excited.

The remaining people formed their own teams.

As soon as Sheng Minglin entered the hunting ground, he sent Sheng Mingfeng to the fourth prince's tent and sent Shen Lingjue there early in the morning, so the seventh prince and Shen Lingjue all followed him.

The eighth prince below was still young and did not follow him. Although the fifth prince was not good at anything, he still wanted to hunt. When he saw this posture, he immediately braved the situation and rushed over to hug his thigh. The fourth prince could only point at a few. The guards specially protected him, and then the group went.

The grand and majestic man followed behind with square steps like an old man walking around. As soon as he got out of the camp gate, he suddenly spread his wings and flew into the sky.

A large number of courtiers watched, each exchanging glances that only they understood...

It seems...


The fifth prince and the seventh prince are following...

There is also a young prince from the capital...

The key is the attitude of Prince Duan's Mansion...

Then everyone quietly dispersed with various thoughts in mind.

Many people did not come here just for hunting. As soon as the hunters left, the civil servants and women found their own things to do, and the camp suddenly became quiet.

In front of a tent, Little Fatty was holding a small mortise-and-tenon house and was waiting eagerly.

But from early morning until now, my neck has been stretched out, and I haven't waited for my friends to come over.

Little Fatty said: "Brother, can't I go to her tent to find her?"

"No," Cheng Chongjin said gently: "If she wants to see her, even if she doesn't come in person, she will send someone to summon us to see her. If she doesn't come... it's just inconvenient, and we can't disturb her."

Little Fatty hugged the small room and was silent for a long time before whispering: "Will she not come?"

Cheng Chongjin was still very gentle and said: "She must have her reasons for not coming."

"No way!" Little Fatty shouted loudly: "She is so beautiful and cute, just like the doll in the painting. She, she must be a good child! She will not be like others! She said she is my friend , there’s no way she won’t come!”

Cheng Chongjin had no choice but to put down the book and went over to touch his little head. He didn't know how to comfort his brother for a while.

Suddenly hearing a chuckle not far away, both Cheng brothers couldn't help but stiffen slightly.

The girl said coldly: "Who are you waiting for? Which girl did you hook up with again? I kindly advise you, even the emperor is here now, so you should keep it in check, you can't be on the stage like this When you give birth to a son, if you offend a noble girl from a certain family, others are not as easy to talk to as us, so I will just beat you to death, and you will also bring shame on your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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