Chapter 411 The cute kid
Little Fatty whispered back: "No! Yes, I am making friends!"

Cheng Biyu sneered: "Oh, is this even taking advantage of my younger brother?"

Cheng Chongjin said nothing, holding his brother's little head in his arms and wanting to go back.

Cheng Biyu lowered her voice and mocked: "She is indeed a bitch raised by a young wife. She is all charming and charming at a young age. Bah! Shameless! How could the Cheng family give birth to such a shameful thing like you?" , I shouldn’t have brought you out, it’s really an eyesore to me…”

Not far away, several girls came together. Cheng Biyu quickly stopped talking, and they entered the Cheng family's tent talking and laughing.

After chatting for a few words, a girl couldn't wait to say: "Have you heard? Prince Duan and the little princess met your family yesterday..." She raised her chin and gestured in the direction: "I told you We’ve been talking for a while!”

Cheng Biyu was stunned: "Oh?"

She then sneered and said: "That one is a born fox. If I meet any noble lady, I will have to worry about her acting ridiculously and insulting the lintel. I will have to knock him a few times. Prince Duan is fine, as long as he cherishes his reputation. How could a young man from a noble family associate with such a self-deprecating person? Isn't it just a joke?"

Several people agreed: "That's true."

A girl in yellow whispered: "But Prince Duan rarely goes out to socialize. Prince Duan may not know about his ridiculous rumors... After all, he is not a person on the stage, and no one will let his affairs go." Say it in the ear of the prince?"

Seeing Cheng Biyu frowning, she whispered again: "I heard that Prince Duan knows many people in the world and is very chivalrous. If they make friends, Prince Duan will probably not care about any rumors."

Cheng Biyu's face darkened.

The girl in yellow stopped talking and said no more.

The girl in yellow is surnamed Liu, Xing Er, her father is the Minister of Justice, and has been Lord Cheng's subordinate for the past few years, so naturally he wants to support her, but Cheng Biyu has a bad temper, and her words are very unpleasant when she gets angry.

She was also a legitimate daughter raised by a decent family. Why was she scolded as a slave every day?
But it happened that Mr. Cheng was promoted again, and her family told her not to offend her... Then let the people she couldn't offend deal with her.

Miss Liu Er lowered her head, and the girls next to her chatted casually, "What happened a few days ago sounds really interesting. Crown Prince Duan is only ten years old, but he was able to capture the thugs intelligently..."


Zhuzhu slept until almost 10 o'clock, and when she woke up, Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao were the only ones around her.

As soon as she woke up, Lizhi asked her: "What is Master wearing today?"

Zhuzhu thought for a while and asked, "Uncle Huang, is he in debt?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Uncle Huang went out hunting early in the morning, and dad and fourth brother also went." When he saw that Tuanzi wanted to say something, he added, "Seventh brother and Xingxing brother also went."

Tuanzi was a little dejected: "Oh! Zhuzhu just needs to wake up early! Then he can go hunting after waking up early! Zhuzhu doesn't wear hunting clothes. Without the help of Uncle Huang, Zhuzhuji probably won't be able to shoot far. "

So Lychee smiled and put her in the clothes of a herb gatherer.

The clothes of the herb-gathering girl are made of coarse cloth on the surface and have no patterns. The belt is tied with strips of cloth and has a matching little headscarf. After wearing it, it looks cute.

Sheng Minglin was watching with a smile when he heard Li Zhi say: "Your Majesty, Mr. Huo, I have prepared some for you. We are from the same family as our master!"

Tuanzi's eyes immediately brightened and he turned to look at him.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Okay, so Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao also put on farmers' clothes. They were also patched in conspicuous places, and both had backpacks.

Tuanzi was very excited. He ate a few mouthfuls of rice, quickly put his basket on his back, and wanted to go out.

Everyone was about to rush out, but suddenly he saw the small bow hanging on the bedside, and suddenly thought of it: "Ah! Zhuzhu almost forgot, I haven't gone to find Dayi Guoguo and Xiaoyi Ji yet!"

Sheng Minglin saw that she had forgotten and did not remind her, but now that she remembered it, she asked someone to find them with a bow.

This bow is not luxurious, but it is also very delicate. It looks better than the one used by Zhuzhu, because the one used by Zhuzhu was wrapped in rags in order to pretend to be a hunter, so it looked more worn, and this one looked more worn. But it is bright and beautiful.

As soon as the group of people went out, people passing by looked sideways. If it weren't for the guards behind them, they almost thought a farmer had run in.But there is such an advantage in being in a high position. Even if you wear a beggar's costume, no one will dare to say anything and will even say something funny.

Not too far away, Tuanzi walked on his short legs and followed the guards to find the Cheng family's tent. He shouted loudly outside: "Guo Guo, Guo Guo, Ji Ji Ji! Are you guys up? Zhu Zhu is here to play with you." La!"

As soon as the tent curtain was lifted, the little fat man rushed out like a flying boy. He was so surprised: "Zhuzhu!!"

He rushed over, and if Huo Chenzhao hadn't come over and pressed his shoulder, he almost knocked Zhuzhu away.

Little Fatty was held down, and he opened his little arms to try to hug Zhuzhu. He narrowed his eyes with a smile and said, "Zhuzhu! I thought you weren't coming." He jumped on the ground happily: "I'm so happy! You're so happy It’s coming! I knew you wouldn’t fail to come!”

Tuanzi said sheepishly: "Zhuzhu wakes up late." She gave him the small bow and said, "This Zhuzhu is for you!"

"Ah," Little Fatty was overjoyed: "It's so beautiful! I like it! Thank you Zhuzhu!"

Cheng Chongjin hurried out to greet him, but Sheng Minglin only waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite, while still looking at Zhuzhu.

Little Fatty touched the bow for a while, and suddenly thought of something. He ran into the tent and took out the small room: "This is my favorite toy. I give it to you."

Sheng Minglin glanced at it.

This is an ordinary little mortise and tenon toy. It is not very delicate, but it is obviously played with frequently. The corners are smooth and rounded. It seems to be very cute, but it does look a bit broken.

Cheng Chongjin froze slightly.

He actually thought they wouldn't come, so he didn't stop his brother from taking the toy. As soon as he took it out, he felt a little embarrassed and hesitated whether to kneel down and apologize.

But I saw the little princess who looked like a glutinous rice dumpling taking over the small room with both hands. Her eyes were crooked and she said softly, "Thank you very much. Zhuzhu likes it too."

Cheng Chongjin was slightly startled.

For a moment, there was a layer of tears in his eyes.

It's's really...the little princess is so lovable, no wonder the emperor loves her so much.

Little Fatty scratched his head in embarrassment: "You're welcome."

At this moment, several girls came out one after another from the tent next to them. The one leading the group was dressed in red, her hair was tied up in a high bun, her makeup was rich, and she looked domineering.

Several people came to greet Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao.

Nowadays, everyone lives together as a family, and it is not easy to distinguish between men and women. It is common to meet women.

Sheng Minglin didn't want to talk any more, so he said, "Everyone, please excuse me."

At the same time, he said to Cheng Chongjin: "Zhuzhu is going to collect herbs for fun. Do you want to come together?"

Cheng Chongjin quickly raised his hands and said, "Yes, the Crown Prince."

So Tuanzi took Xiaopangdun's hand, followed by several brothers, and the group walked slowly.

Behind the scenes, Cheng Biyu gritted her teeth and twisted the handkerchief so hard that her palms turned red.

Several girls exchanged glances, and after a while, they each found reasons to leave.

After all, Crown Prince Duan seems to have a good relationship with Cheng Chongjin. He needs to tell his family. If he rarely goes out, he also needs to let his brother at home meet him by chance. The most important thing... Cheng Biyu and her brother-in-law are like fire and water. , just in case, it’s better to stay away from her at this time.

Cheng Biyu looked at their backs with even more anger.

Few people know that her dislike of Cheng Chongjin is not due to any kinship.

(End of this chapter)

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