Chapter 414 Dasheng’s No. [-] Favorite
Sheng Minglin stood up to greet him. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "The rumors are really terrible. They are spread like this just half a mountain away."

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Did you really find it? Show me quickly."

Tuanzi immediately jumped up and showed it to her, saying nonchalantly that this one is for Uncle Huang and his mother-in-law, this one is for you, and this one is for daddy.

Princess Duan smiled and said, "I'll take it out and show it to them."

Tuanzi, who was still alive and kicking just now, immediately sat down in his brother's arms and said softly: "Zhuzhu has dug so many medicines. Zhuzhu is exhausted. She can't go with her mother! Don't forget to take it with her, mother." When you come back, Zhuzhu will show it to Uncle Huang and Daddy."

She thought about it, felt uneasy, and added, "Even if there is one for the Emperor's mother, I have to wait until the Emperor, my father, and everyone have seen it before I can give it to you!"

"I see!"

Does the child want to show off? The princess knows this kind of thing very well. She held Polygonum multiflorum and ginseng, with the dumpling behind: "Flowers! There are still flowers!"

Okay, Princess Duan has no choice but to come back and pick up the basket of flowers.

On the Queen's side, all the noble ladies had not dispersed yet, waiting to see the rare objects. After taking them in, they all came over to take a closer look and admired them one after another.

The main reason is that it's too mysterious. How many people cleared the place and didn't notice that Zhuzhu'er, a three-year-old baby, actually dug up something like this? It's like God left it for her specially! !
The little princess is incredible, she is so blessed and capable, and the emperor and queen are in pain as much as her eyeballs. This life is really, really enviable!
Everything was shouting in Zhuzhu’s mind: “It’s gone up again! It’s gone up again!!”

Tuanzi leaned back and hugged his little head: "Huh?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and grabbed his calf, pulled the dumpling down, brought his head close to her, and nudged her nose: "Huh?"

Tuanzi hugged his brother's face and whispered: "To tell you the truth, both lines are going up and up! Keep going up! The group favorite line can be entered into a lottery!"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows and whispered to her: "Tell everyone, don't take the prize directly outside because there are too many people here!"

Tuanzi closed his eyes and said, "Say it!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Just smoke it if you tell me."

Zhuzhu then closed her eyes again, clicked, and drew one:
A pet tiger (absolutely loyal, protective of the owner, with an IQ of about eight human years, and a combat power equivalent to the strongest beast in the world)
At the back, there is a height of about two meters, a body length of about six meters, etc. It is also specially noted that it can grow.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

The last time I drew a pet, I could still choose, but this time I had no choice. When Shanda Weifeng first came out, it was "two meters tall and has a wingspan of eight meters." Now a tiger is bigger than a giant eagle in Shanda Weifeng. High, how high is that! !

So, can that be cute? ?

As a result, Tuanzi's eyes lit up after he finished explaining, and he stood up on his lap: "What's wrong with it? Zhuzhu likes it, and Zhuzhu just wants one! Big!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He had no choice but to say: "Let's go outside tomorrow and let it out tomorrow."

Tuanzi hugged his hand and said: "Cash the debt, cash the debt! Go ahead if you cash the debt!"

"It's too late today," Sheng Minglin coaxed her softly: "Let's go, brother will take you to the door to welcome Uncle Huang and the others back."

Tuanzi was distracted and nodded: "Okay then."

So Sheng Minglin sent someone to talk to Princess Duan, and then took his sister to walk over and wait.

Princess Duan understood very well and immediately sent the things over so that Zhuzhu could give them away in person.

Not far from the camp gate, there was a temporarily enclosed stable. It smelled a little bit when you got closer, so the three of them moved a little farther away and found an open space to play.

Huo Chenzhao picked grass from the side and knitted it into small puppies and kittens for Zhuzhu. Sheng Minglin was pacing back and forth slowly beside him.A girl in red walked towards me. Sheng Minglin glanced at her and she said, "Your Majesty."

Sheng Minglin nodded and was about to turn around. Cheng Biyu said, "Master, please stay. I have something to tell you."

Sheng Minglin stood still and felt a little funny in his heart when he saw her head held high and her posture proud.

The Ministry of Personnel is the head of the six departments. As the only daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and having an uncle named Marquis, she can indeed look down upon many people. But, what can I say, among the officials of the entire Dasheng Dynasty, no one can compare with Prince Duan. No one can compare with him, and no official can shake Prince Duan's status as the most favored minister of Dasheng.

Cheng Biyu obviously understood this. She came over and bowed politely. Then without saying anything, she went to tease Tuanzi: "Your Highness is so cute. How old are you, Your Highness?"

Sheng Minglin frowned.

This person is obviously not good at socializing. You know, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority. There are really few people in this world who are qualified to tease Zhuzhu. It doesn't matter if you are familiar with him, but if you are not familiar with him, it will look very frivolous.

Sheng Minglin interrupted her directly and said, "Ms. Cheng just said something happened?"

Cheng Biyu's expression froze.

She was used to being flattered by her little sisters, and when she suddenly met someone who didn't give him face, she felt a little embarrassed. She chatted for a while, but didn't dare to get angry, so she said: "I'm just kind-hearted and want to remind the prince that my father is That bastard seems to be kind, but his heart is like a snake and a scorpion, and he is extremely vicious. The prince must be careful when dealing with him, so as not to be tricked by him."

Her father's concubine... How disgusting must he be to not even call him concubine in front of outsiders!
After getting in touch with Cheng Chongjin, he felt that he was a good person, smart and gentle, and very talented in economics, so his heart was inevitably biased towards him, and he felt a little displeased with this person.

Sheng Minglin was speechless and said politely: "Thank you."

He raised his head and looked at her calmly, meaning "Do you have anything else?"

Cheng Biyu didn't expect him to behave like this, so she bit her lip immediately and looked at him in shame for a while. Seeing that he had nothing else to say, she stamped her feet and left.

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He did not give her face, but he didn't give her face either. She suddenly came over and said some incomprehensible words. How could she blame him?
To put it bluntly, no matter how many grievances and grievances there are in your family, what does it have to do with him, an outsider? ?

He walked away in disgrace, even losing his etiquette, and he was indeed spoiled.

Sheng Minglin shook his head.

Tuanzi didn't realize at all that this person was related to her new friend. She just looked at her a few more times. Once she saw her leaving, she relaxed and continued to play with the beautiful pot braid.

After waiting for a while, there was a sound of horses neighing outside, and a hunting team came back.

Sheng Minglin asked the guard to inquire. The guard came back shortly after leaving and said with a smile: "It's the emperor who is back."

Tuanzi immediately gave Huo Chenzhao the straw puppy and other things to hold, then he held Polygonum multiflorum and ginseng in one hand, and wanted to carry the basket with the other hand.

But the basket was very big and fluffy, almost taller than her, and the dumplings couldn't be lifted at all. Sheng Minglin had to say: "Zhuzhu, my brother will help you carry the basket. My pretty brother will help you hold the ginseng. You only hold Polygonum multiflorum. When the time comes, just point it out, otherwise if you hold it too much and it falls, it will not be beautiful or chic."

Tuanzi was convinced and went over holding Polygonum multiflorum in his arms.

Those imperial guards were very clever. When they went to inquire about the news, they took on the responsibility of announcing the good news. The guards who followed said that the little princess was waiting for the emperor's uncle and father at the door and had something good to offer.

Therefore, Emperor Mingxi dismounted his horse before entering the camp gate and walked all the way.

As soon as Tuanzi saw him, he ran over like flying: "Uncle Huang!!"

(End of this chapter)

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