Chapter 415 A weak man with no power to restrain a chicken
They were already very close, and Tuanzi's short legs kicked very fast, but the wilderness was not home after all, and the ground was uneven. Tuanzi was running, tripped under his feet, and fell down.

Huo Chenzhaofei stepped forward.

He was still holding the ginseng in one hand, and he was holding the dumplings with only one hand.

Emperor Mingxi also rushed to pick it up, but he took it empty. He was stunned for a moment when he found a pair of Polygonum multiflorum in his hand.

The dumpling was picked up by the beautiful Guo Guo with one hand. She hung her hands and feet and hung in the air for a while. She was put down with a dazed look on her face. She was a little frightened. After a while, she suddenly remembered her Polygonum multiflorum, scratched her little head, and turned around. I was looking back and forth, with words written all over my little face: Where can I find a pair of Polygonum multiflorum that is so big?Where did it fall?

There were a group of guards and military officers standing behind. They didn't see Polygonum multiflorum, they only saw Tuanzi holding something in his arms and falling unconscious. He looked very stupid and couldn't help but smile with his big teeth.

Then Emperor Mingxi asked her: "Zhuzhu, where did this come from?"

The little dwarf dumpling raised his face and saw that Polygonum multiflorum was in Uncle Huang's hands.

Although she never remembered how she handed Polygonum multiflorum to Uncle Huang, she did not forget to express her gratitude and immediately said: "Dig out the beads! Give them to Uncle Huang and his mother-in-law!"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "Zhuzhu dug it? Is Zhuzhu so good?"

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Zhuzhu is great!"

The people behind me didn’t believe it at all, and while laughing and joking, they all said, “Your Highness is so awesome!”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "It's true, Uncle Huang, we were collecting herbs inside and saw it accidentally."

As it turned out, there was a Master Fu behind him, who happened to be responsible for the early cleaning work here. Hearing this, he laughed and said, "Don't be kidding, Sir, I have cleaned this place several times. Although I haven't pulled out all the grass, it's just to add more grass." You are a wild boy, if there is anything good, those boys will not leave it to us!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said no more.

It wasn't that he wanted to give his sister a reputation, but the main reason was that everyone saw it with their own eyes and couldn't hide it. He didn't believe it was just right.

Just then Prince Duan rushed over and said with a smile from a distance: "Zhu Zhu'er, daddy hunted a deer for you and will make boots for you when the time comes."

At the same time, he said: "Did Zhu Zhuer find this?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhuzhu accidentally discovered the male and female Polygonum multiflorum. As soon as Zhuzhu dug it out, he said he wanted to give this ginseng to Uncle Huang and his wife." He pointed to Huo Chenzhao's hand: "That's right. I dug it out from Zhuzhu and said I would sell it to my mother for a lot of money."

After he said this, everyone saw that Huo Chenzhao still had a ginseng in his hand, and they gathered around to look at it, amazed.

As expected, Prince Duan started to make trouble: "What about mine? Zhuzhu'er? What about daddy's!"

Tuanzi quickly turned around, stretched out his two short hands, snatched the basket from his brother's hand, lifted it two steps with his belly pouted, and pushed it to his father: "Introduce me to Daddy! Daddy is as beautiful as a flower. So Zhuzhu picked off her hair and gave it to daddy!"

Several military attachés couldn't help laughing.

Prince Duan didn't care. He immediately looked surprised and kissed Tuanzi's face: "Thank you Zhuzhu. Daddy likes it. Daddy is so happy."

Tuanzi turned his little head and asked his father to kiss both sides of his face. Then he turned around and gave his brother a small look... which meant that Zhuzhu was smart. Fortunately, Zhuzhu picked the flowers, otherwise his father would definitely have to There's a fuss.

Sheng Minglin immediately nodded solemnly to her, saying that dad was so childish!Thank you for your hard work, Zhuzhuer!

A group of people talked at the door for a long time before Emperor Mingxi reached out and hugged Zhuzhu, and everyone went in together.

They went in large numbers and harvested a lot, and they killed a lot of big and small game. Prince Duan personally shot two deer, which he wanted to make boots or trousers, and Emperor Mingxi also shot a lot.

Here they are counting the prey, and over there the Fourth Prince and his group are back.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhuzhu being held by Emperor Mingxi, comparing her small hands, telling her about her legendary herb-picking career, and went out to take a look.

The fourth prince also gained a lot, and even surprisingly shot a bear!Coupled with the presence of tireless little masters like Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince, as well as the grand majesty in the sky, they would not let any of them go, and the number of small prey they caught was countless. It should have been a great sight, but in the end Zhuzhu made such a fuss unintentionally, and no one came to see it.

Sheng Minglin had never seen such a scene before, so he turned around a few times in surprise.

The grand majesty is like a great hero who relies on his old age to show off his old age. He is already there pulling the prey and stretching out his paws to order food.

The fourth prince turned around and gave instructions: "Except for bears, if we hunt anything else, just give it to it if it wants to eat it. The same goes for my father's. Except for extremely rare ones, if it wants to eat it, just give it to it without asking."

The guards responded repeatedly, and the fourth prince said to Sheng Minglin: "You take your time and look at it. I'll go change my clothes and then take a look at Zhuzhu."

The fifth prince told him excitedly: "I shot a pheasant! I shot a pheasant!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "It's amazing."

The fifth prince continued to run and jump talking to others, and the camp was very lively for a while.

Sheng Minglin was curious and went to look at the bear again: "Is bear meat delicious? I've never eaten it."

Most of these guards came from well-off families. Seeing that he had no airs, they were quite enthusiastic and said with a smile: "It's delicious, it's delicious! But it's late today, I guess it won't be served until tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

It was indeed a bit late, mainly because on the first day, everyone was very excited, so it was a bit late.

Fortunately, before Emperor Mingxi and the fourth prince came back, several teams had already returned, so there was no shortage of game on the table.

Everyone cleaned up hastily, sat down directly on the ground, spread out the hunting felt, and started eating.

Because both Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan were drinking, and a group of generals were so loud that they almost overturned the roof of the tent, Zhuzhu soon became unbearable from the noise and ran over to her brother, covering her little ears.

The fourth prince smiled and said: "They don't know how long the trouble will last. Let's go to my tent."

So a few people packed up and went to his tent, and they suddenly felt that their ears were quiet.

Sheng Minglin thought that he happened to be in the wild, and it was just right to release the big tiger. He should have gone, but he just agreed to someone else's invitation yesterday. Although it was important to accept the invitation for the first time, it didn't mean that he couldn't refuse it, mainly because Well, he wanted to take away the fool, the Seventh Prince, to prevent him from being too excited after witnessing the miracle and accidentally spilling the beans.

So he first said to the Seventh Prince: "Seventh Brother, I will make an appointment with them to go hiking in the mountains tomorrow. Can you come with me?"

"Ah?" the seventh prince said, "Can't you let Shen Zhao accompany you? I still want to go hunting tomorrow!?"

Sheng Minglin said: "There will be time for hunting later, can't you stay with me for a day tomorrow? I'm a weak man with no strength and I go out alone. Can you rest assured?"

The seventh prince agreed: "Okay, okay, I'll just stay with you."

Sheng Minglin felt a little happy.

Climbing a mountain with a group of young people, this kind of thing was definitely a pain in the ass for the Seventh Prince, but he still agreed, so he said that although the Seventh Prince was a bit naive, he really took him seriously. From a close friend.

Once the two of them leave, try to find a way to get rid of the fifth, sixth and eighth princes. Then the fourth prince can take Zhuzhu, Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao.

He felt more at ease with his reliable fourth brother. The three of them would not be in danger even if they did not bring guards. When the big tiger came out, there would be no more danger. It was the most powerful beast in the world.

What does it mean to be the strongest in the world? It is not the strongest beast you can see, but the strongest that this world can achieve. If you meet the big tiger, Mrs. Liao, the old monster and so on, it is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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