Chapter 416 Shanda Huahua
While Sheng Minglin was thinking about it, he saw the fourth prince raising his glass and looking over with clear eyes. Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded towards him.

After Zhuzhu was full and fell asleep, they sat and chatted for a while. Before leaving, Sheng Minglin whispered to the fourth prince, who only nodded.

The next day, Sheng Minglin called the Seventh Prince to his tent early in the morning.

The good thing about the Seventh Prince is that he won't complain after he agrees, and just sits there and winds his big bow carefully.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, someone came over to invite him, and Sheng Minglin and the two went together after greeting each other.

The fourth prince came here soon. He waited until Zhuzhu got up and then took Zhuzhu, Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao out of the house. He didn't take the guards with him. He just said he would take a walk nearby to let Zhuzhu grow up. experience.

Shen Lingjue carried Zhuzhu on his back and jumped up and down on the branches, flying very fast.

Originally, it was very strange and fun to fly around among the green mountains and green waters, but now Tuanzi was thinking about her big tiger and had no intention of playing. She kept saying: "Is it a current debt? Zhuzhu called it come out?"

"Don't worry," the fourth prince said, "let's find a suitable place."

A few people walked a long way before they found a suitable place. The trees around them were dense and tall, and there was an open space in the middle.

Huo Chenzhao listened carefully and saw that there was no one nearby, and nodded towards the fourth prince.

The fourth prince said: "Zhuzhu, that's it."

The dumpling couldn't wait to release it.

Because when the system is released, it does not just pop out like a space, but it looks natural on the surface.

So everyone waited for a while before they heard a tiger's roar, which stopped the moving clouds, and then the sound of branches brushing leaves. A beast shadow slowly approached until it completely appeared in front of them.

This is actually a white tiger, very big!Super high!

The fur shines in the sun and is easy to touch at first glance. The head is bigger than the average tiger, and the eyes are black and big. It has a round-headed and round-headed look like a cat, so although it is super big, it is not big. How majestic, cute and cute.

Tuanzi held his hands in surprise, his eyes nearly beating with two hearts: "Wow!!"

The big white tiger approached slowly step by step, then put his chin on the ground and slowly approached the little master, looking very gentle.

But even though its chin is on the ground, its big head is still much higher than its little master.

Tuanzi stretched out his little hand and touched its fur, and turned around in surprise: "Okay, it's so soft! The Brain Ax is so soft!"

The big white tiger stretched out its furry paw again, which was very big. Tuanzi immediately jumped on it, touched it with both hands, and buried his little face in Maomao, shouting: "Four pots of pot!"

The fourth prince stepped forward and pulled her out of her furry paws.

Tuanzi grabbed his hand: "Si Guo Guo, please touch it! Sit in the debt agency and touch the brain! Beautiful Guo Guo! Star Guo Guo, come and touch it! It's so good, It’s okay!”

The two of them tentatively walked forward. The big white tiger didn't even look at them. He stretched out his paws and put his big head on his arm. Tuanzi kept pulling the fourth prince to sit on his paws, and also connected the other furry paws. Come over and watch her play with gentle eyes.

Shen Lingjue and the others also moved closer to the tiger.

Such a huge furry one, pounced on it all at once, and the whole body was immersed in the soft fur, especially the feeling when the skin on the face and hands came into contact, wow, it was incredible!Even Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but hum with satisfaction.

The little dumpling was rolling on the furry mat, his face flushed with excitement, and he said, "It's so beautiful! Zhuzhu wants to give it a name!"

Shen Lingjue said vaguely: "Shanda and beautiful?"

"No way!" Tuanzi's little head shook: "Beautiful, she is the only one named Pretty Guoguo!"

"What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of with the same name as a big tiger?"

"No, no, no!" Tuanzi still refused: "Everyone should have a name to send some to! You can't steal it from others! Zhuzhu, think of a better one for it!" Tuanzi began to think.

She thought and thought and thought, and then she made a final decision: "Its fur is like a flower. From now on, it will be called Shanda Hua, Hua."

Perhaps because of her sense of responsibility as a master, this was the clearest time she pronounced the word "花".

Several people were obsessed with stroking their fur and did not comment on the name. Tuanzi called it: "Shengda Huahua?"

The big white tiger opened its mouth a little and called out softly: "Uh-huh..."

Several people:"……???"

Several people straightened up instantly and looked at each other...

The main reason is that this cry is too soft and clipped. It doesn’t have the roaring voice of a real tiger like a bellows. It really doesn’t match the physique of the big white tiger. It doesn’t match the tiger that resonated with the world before it appeared. The roar was completely unlike the one coming from the same tiger.

But it's good, so as not to scare Tuanzi.

The four of them played randomly for a while and couldn't put it down until an arrow shot from a distance. Huo Chenzhao reacted quickly and quickly raised his hand to open it while raising his voice: "His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is here, who is over there?"

The fourth prince and Shen Lingjue quickly stood up straight and entered the performance state, only the dumplings were still rolling on their paws.

Over there, a hearty voice immediately said: "It turns out to be Your Highness, I'm so rude, I just saw animal fur at a glance..." He walked over, and then paused: "God..."

He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed again: "What, what is this!?"

The fourth prince said solemnly: "It seems to be a sacred beast in this mountain forest. When it sees Zhuzhu, it shows its surrender and recognizes Zhuzhu as its master."

The military attache was stunned and didn't react at all.

Several people with him walked over slowly, and then they were also stunned.

Finally, General Xie came over and said, "Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi was rubbing her fur until she felt dizzy. She sat up straight and said, "Uncle? Come quickly." She ran over with weak legs and pulled General Xie: "It's so nice to touch!!"

General Xie put one hand on Zhuzhu's shoulder, his arm straight, vaguely alert.

But the big white tiger didn't respond at all.

The people brought by General Xie were all very brave, and immediately some people wanted to come over and touch it.

As a result, as soon as they took a step, the big white tiger turned its head, staring at them closely with a pair of big tiger eyes, with the look of the king of beasts. They had no doubt that the next moment, the big white tiger would open its mouth wide, Bite their heads off in one bite.

They were so frightened that they took a few steps back and said, "General!"

Tuanzi also came to his senses.

The dumplings are quite generous. Of course it doesn’t matter if my brother or uncle touches them.

But she still wasn't very happy to treat people she didn't know. After all, this was Zhuzhu's second child!

So he immediately said: "Shengda Huahua doesn't like others to touch her. How many people can touch her if she sends her firewood?"

The big white tiger's eyes turned gentle in a second, and his head turned back, looking at Xiao Zhuzhu, and nodded, which obviously meant that the master was right, and I listen to the master.

A group of warriors whose brains were not very good to begin with looked at the scene in front of them, and they were all stunned, so shocked that they could not recover.

(End of this chapter)

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