Chapter 418: Entering the nest of the same kind
the other side.

Early in the morning, Sheng Minglin and others met at the foot of Yunshan Mountain.

The Yunshan Mountains where they are located is very large, with nearly ten peaks. The hills here are on the periphery. There are teahouses at the foot of the mountains and Buddhist temples on the mountains. It is much more lively than the mountain where they are stationed.

When Emperor Mingxi went out for winter hunting, the people he brought with him were already considered to be relatively high-ranking people, but this time the threshold for a gathering among young people was even higher.

Generally speaking, even if there is a title in the family, the father and brother have good official positions, and they are the top sons and buddies who are the direct descendants of the family. They are not too old or too young, and there are only a dozen or so in total.

The leader was the person who invited Sheng Minglin yesterday, Xu Jingyao, the second son of Duke Dingguo, who was also the nephew of the Empress.

In addition, there are Zhang Tingyu, the young prince of Rongguo Palace, and General Xie's eldest son, Zhuzhu's eldest cousin Xie Congyu, etc.

Although Sheng Minglin had met some of the people here, it was his first time to participate in such a gathering. It took a while for the two parties to just introduce each other and greet each other, and then the group went out and walked slowly up the mountain.

The mountain is not high, the slope is gentle, and the steps are low and flat. It is a very suitable place for literati to visit.

A group of people walked and chatted.

The hottest topic in the capital today is of course the story of Sheng Minglin's clever capture of the thugs. Everyone also used this to open up the topic and let him talk about it as a joke.

After all, after listening to this whole story, you can almost understand what his temperament is and how much stuff he has in his belly.

Sheng Minglin was prepared and told them with a smile.

From time to time, some people asked curiously, some made jokes from time to time, some sighed, and some even analyzed it carefully... How can I put it, they all seemed sincere and genuine, and actually the coordination was just right.

If Sheng Minglin was careless, he would have had a great time talking, and even the Seventh Prince would feel relaxed when he was next to him.

Of course, even now, Sheng Minglin feels very comfortable and enjoyable.

Because to him, this situation was almost like entering a den of the same kind. They could see what he was thinking, and he could also see clearly what they were thinking.

So let’s just say that there are really not many stupid men who are carefully brought up by the official family. They have seen a lot of the world since childhood and enjoy the best resources. Even if their qualifications are mediocre, they are at least passable in social interactions. If they are really useless, they will not be able to do anything. How dare you bring it out at this time!
The group of people went up the mountain while chatting.

This Buddhist temple on the mountain is not big and has been isolated from tourists in advance. Only the monks who met silently saluted.

The Seventh Prince wandered around, and a lively person had followed him and chatted with him. He would never neglect him. Xu Jingyao glanced at him from a distance and said with a smile: "His Majesty the Seventh Prince is quite interested today."

Sheng Minglin heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and said with a smile: "I asked Brother Qi to accompany me."

He knows what he means.

Generally speaking, princes would not easily participate in such gatherings, as they seemed to be forming cliques for personal gain.

When Sheng Minglin took the initiative to bring a prince here, it was usually to support himself. For example, if his status was not enough or his confidence was insufficient, he would bring the prince over to use his status to suppress him.

But it was obvious during the conversation that this was not the case, and the seventh prince was obviously not a sociable person, so Xu Jingyao asked him.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Brother Xu doesn't know something. My roommate is now learning martial arts and feels that she is very powerful. Therefore, in our house, it is recognized that I am the weakest in the family. Whenever I go out alone, my roommate will not allow me to go out. So I Every time, I would ask a master to accompany me. Brother Qi dotes on her very much and won’t argue with me."

Xu Jingyao smiled and said: "That's it." Next to him, Zhang Tingyu asked curiously: "Is Your Majesty Seventh Highness good at martial arts?"

Sheng Minglin nodded, "Seventh brother is born with supernatural powers and his kung fu is indeed very good."

Zhang Tingyu asked: "So, what was the thug's kung fu like that day?"

Sheng Minglin said: "My kung fu is average. I really can't say for sure. I only heard from others that that person's kung fu is indeed very high."

Zhang Tingyu asked: "But how many talented people are there in the Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards, why do they put so much effort into just one person?" He said in a gentle voice, "It is not good to make a fuss after all. People like us don't need to rely on reputation. , Minglin said, right?"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but take another look at him.

He seemed to think that in order to gain fame, he should not use the strength of the royal guards and imperial guards, so he kindly tried to persuade him.

It is not strange for others to think this way, and it is very reasonable, but now, the situation that day is all over the sky. When Xu Jingqian came over, several masters couldn't defeat him with their combined efforts. Haven't he heard this rumor?

Or maybe he had heard of it, but thought those masters were also his?Is it a child?
There was no grudge between the two houses. Sheng Minglin thought that he must have good intentions, so he smiled and said: "The man was dormant at that time, and those things were done to lure him out. Otherwise, this man would be lawless and highly skilled. , it’s really hard to guard against.”

He paused and said half-jokingly: "Brother Zhang, although Seventh Brother is young, his strength is not inferior to that of adults. Although we are also young and passionate, we dare not miss important events because of this."

Zhang Tingyu said quickly: "Just joking, I take it for granted. Don't be surprised, Prince."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "No."

Zhang Tingyu looked at the Seventh Prince and said: "I will ask His Highness the Seventh Prince for some advice some other time."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said nothing.

It seems that Zhang Tingyu is very confident in his own force value, so he pays special attention to this point.

However, although he has no force value, he has brains. The Seventh Prince is born with great strength. Before he learned the inner breath, he could compete with adult masters. Now that he has learned the inner breath, the kind of kung fu that the young master of the aristocratic family learned is really making trouble in front of him. For play.

The two of them did not continue the topic, and other people joined in, chatting away from each other. Xu Jingyao was obviously well-read in poetry and books, his conversation was elegant, and he was well-controlled in his advances and retreats. The two of them were quite able to chat.

While we were chatting, we suddenly heard a sound of exclamation outside, mixed with panicked shouts such as: "Tiger!!" "Run!"

As soon as he heard the word "tiger", Sheng Minglin's heart moved, he stood up, and then heard Shen Lingjue's voice shouting: "Minglin! Minglin! We brought the divine tiger to play with you!!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He walked over to the railing and looked over there.

He saw a giant tiger, leaped a few times, and arrived outside the Buddhist temple. Zhuzhu was riding on its back, as if it was still waving to him, but its fur was too long to see clearly.

The next moment, Shen Lingjue jumped up on the wall and said, "Come down! Come down and take a look! This is a sacred tiger in the mountains and forests. We were out playing with His Highness the Fourth Prince and Zhuzhu, and it suddenly appeared and scared us. It was light, but it slowly came over, started to kneel down, and understood human speech, it was a divine tiger!!"

Sheng Minglin nodded as he listened to what he said. The Seventh Prince had already heard it and ran like flying from the other side. He jumped directly onto the wall and exclaimed: "Wow! Ah!!"

(End of this chapter)

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