Chapter 419 Ranking No. [-] is not to be messed with

Tuanzi called him: "Qi Guo Guo!!"

The seventh prince rarely agreed immediately and stared blankly.

Sheng Minglin turned around and said, "Brothers, I see that this tiger... the divine tiger seems to be very tame. Would you like to follow me down and have a look?"

Xu Jingyao frowned and said, "It's better to be careful. After all, it's a wild animal."

"It's okay," Sheng Minglin said, "My sister and Ling Jue are all here, so I'm not too worried. I'll go down and take a look. You can wait for now. After all, they have just been conquered. It's safe to observe more."

As he said that, he hurried down. As soon as he got downstairs, Shen Lingjue flew down directly, grabbed his arm and flew up the wall, saying: "Look! Isn't it so beautiful! So majestic!!"

He looked natural, but Zhang Tingyu behind him shrank his pupils.

He had never dreamed of being able to perform Qinggong as light as a flying bird while carrying a person with him.

Thinking that just now he had said that he would compete with the Seventh Prince, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he was extremely embarrassed.

Several people stretched their necks and looked at it for a while. They saw that there were several people over there surrounding a giant tiger. It seemed that there was no danger at all. Then someone said: "Shall we go down and have a look too?"

Zhang Tingyu said: "Let's go down and have a look!"

As soon as he took the lead, everyone immediately followed.

These people are used to seeing rare things, and they are also used to it when someone gets a rare thing that no one has seen before, so they are not too scared even if the white tiger is very huge.

After a while, several people came out. Zhuzhu was very happy. She took her brother's hand and explained where the big white tiger was best to touch.

When several people stood together, the big white tiger seemed even bigger. At first glance, its legs were thicker than their waists.

A group of elegant and reserved young men couldn't help but let out a very ignorant "wow" sound.

When Sheng Minglin heard this, he came over and said with a smile: "There have been rumors of giant tigers in this mountain forest for a long time, but I have never heard of giant tigers hurting people, but I didn't expect that it was actually a tiger with spiritual intelligence. No wonder it’s like this.”

He turned back and said, "Shengshan Huahua, turn around and show it to everyone, okay?"

The big white tiger didn't even glance at him, so Tuanzi quickly educated it: "Shengshan Huahua, you have to listen to Guo Guo. If you tie the child with beads, Guo Guo will also tie your Guo Guo. If you don't obey, you won't tie the child well." !”

The big white tiger couldn't figure out the relationship, but he stood up immediately, turned around, and nodded lazily towards them, which was considered a great honor.

Shen Lingjue was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he smiled and encouraged: "Sheng Shanhuahua, scare them!"

Tuanzi thought it was quite fun and nodded. The big white tiger had no principles, so he suddenly rushed forward, opened his mouth wide, and gave them a scare.

In fact, everyone heard what Shen Lingjue said, but after hearing it, they realized that it was indeed quite scary for such a huge tiger to attack them.

Several people exclaimed and backed away. Sheng Minglin was also a little frightened. But at this moment, a hand suddenly pushed him from behind. The force was quite strong. Sheng Minglin stumbled and fell to Shanda Huahua. On the face, it almost fell directly into its mouth.

The big white tiger was also startled. He quickly closed his big mouth, pushed his elbow out with his tongue, closed his mouth tightly, and looked back at Tuanzi.

The little dwarf dumpling couldn't see such a complicated thing at all, because Shen Ling was laughing mischievously after finishing his hair, and the dumpling laughed too, thinking it was quite funny.

Sheng Minglin turned around quickly. Several people were behind him, and it was impossible to see who pushed him.

But he still grimaced.

He is young and has a high status. If he is too humble, he will appear to be easy to bully. In any circle, being easy to bully is not a good thing.

After the panic, everyone quickly came to their senses and couldn't help but look at each other. After all, although they didn't see anyone pushing him, Sheng Minglin suddenly fell out and looked back for someone, wondering what was going on.Sheng Minglin glanced at everyone's expressions and didn't find out who it was, so he turned back without saying a word and said to Zhuzhu: "This is wrong, Zhuzhu'er, don't listen to Brother Xingxing."

Tuanzi was startled and quickly shut up. He looked at him with big eyes. Seeing that his brother was serious, he immediately apologized obediently: "I'm sorry, Zhuzhu didn't mean it on purpose."

Of course, a few people quickly said it didn't matter.

Then someone asked: "Your Highness, is this really the sacred tiger in the mountains and forests?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes!"

Someone said: "Your Highness, why does it only listen to you?"

Tuanzi said: "Because it's just a child wearing beads!"

Everyone burst into laughter. Huo Chenzhao stepped forward and explained a few words to everyone. Everyone praised: "This is amazing!"

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it! !

The dumplings are very happy.

Then she suddenly saw Xie Congyu, and immediately ran over and grabbed his hand: "Biao Guo Guo, come and touch it, Shanda Huahua is so easy to touch!"

Xie Congyu stepped forward with a smile, and then someone said: "Your Highness, can I touch it too?"

Tuanzi was startled.

Why did she have to come to see her brother? It wasn't because there were so many old men who wanted to touch her Shanda Huahua!
So Tuanzi squeaked: "No, you can't touch it randomly, Shanda Huahua is fierce, it can bite!"

After telling the lie, he felt very guilty and quickly turned his face away, picking at his little hands.

Everyone didn't dare to expose her, so they could only say: "Oh, then I won't touch it, I'm afraid."

Zhuzhu can be said to be the number one person not to be messed with in the Mingxi Dynasty.

She has been the eyes of the emperor and empress since she was a child, and the princes have to be soft and coaxed in front of her. Prince Duan is also a maniac who dotes on girls. He can be soft and hard, and he can do anything. She herself is too young to be reasonable. , so everyone really didn't dare to mess with her. It was inappropriate to say a word. If she went to cry in front of the emperor, let alone them, their father would also have to suffer.

Therefore, the beads were not allowed to be touched. Even if everyone was extremely curious, they all pretended to be afraid and stopped touching them.

The old god Xie Congyu is here, he is a member of his own family, why can't he touch him behind closed doors?
So he also said: "I'm so scared, I'd better not touch it!"

As a result, Tuanzi immediately forgot how he had just deceived others, and gently advised him: "Don't be afraid, Shanda Huahua is so good and doesn't bite. Just touch her. You have to be brave! Zhuzhu will protect you."

Xie Congyu couldn't help it, so he smiled and touched it. Tuanzi raised his little face with bright eyes: "Isn't it super soft and easy to touch?"

Xie Congyu: "..."

At this moment, he was too exaggerated, which was tantamount to causing hatred, but who would want to disappoint his little cousin, so he still smiled and said: "Yes, it is really soft and easy to touch, and the beads are awesome."

Others were very envious and looked at Sheng Minglin.

It would have been a joke, but seeing that Sheng Minglin only had a polite smile on his face, he knew that what just happened was not over yet.

Originally, such a big tiger was just harvested. Who knows whether it will remain wild?Pushing him into the tiger's mouth, isn't this just trying to kill him?
How much hatred?
So, who pushed it? ?

(End of this chapter)

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