Chapter 422 White Tea Tiger
After passing this narrow road, the road widened, and the big white tiger wanted to move forward.

Then Sheng Mingfeng directly spreads its wings, blocking as much width as the road is. When the road is narrow, it shrinks it slightly. Anyway, it leaves no gaps at all. Not to mention tigers, even rats can't get through.

Just when Shan Sheng was feeling proud and majestic, the big white tiger suddenly called out "Uh-huh".

Tuanzi was being held by his father. When he turned around, he saw Shanda Weifeng blocking the road with his belly puffed out and his wings spread out with an arrogant expression.

Tuanzi hurriedly said: "Sheng Ming Ming, don't bully Da Huahua. You are all children who tie Zhuzhu. You must be good friends, just like Zhuzhu and Guoguo, otherwise you won't tie the bird properly..."

Shan Sheng Ming Feng silently folded his wings.

The big white tiger walked over slowly, tilted his head, and purred, his voice softer and sweeter than that of a cat.

Tuanzi quickly comforted it: "Da Huahua, don't be sad. If I want to bully you with my grand power, just tell Zhuzhu and Zhuzhu will reason with it!"

Shanda Huahua spoke softly and nodded, very well-behaved: "Uh-huh."

Even Prince Duan couldn't help but look back.

This big tiger of white tea is simply awesome. The silly Shangshengweifeng is definitely no match for it! !

And to be honest, round-haired animals just feel better than flat-haired animals!Who doesn’t want to touch something huge and furry?
The group of people searched all the way over, almost at the same time as Cheng Fengqi, who had been inquiring all the way.

When I entered the tent, I saw that everyone was busy, some were making medicine and some were boiling water. The Cheng brothers had been changed into clothes, but they were still unconscious, and their faces were red and covered with small rashes.

Sheng Minglin turned around and saluted: "Dad, Mr. Cheng."

Prince Duan asked: "How is it?"

Originally, if Sheng Minglin faced Mr. Cheng alone, he would naturally be more polite, but with his father around, he became angry on the spot and said: "I nearly suffocated several times! If Zhuzhu hadn't happened to send someone to pick them up to play, no matter what If the guards carry it out, they will suffocate to death before they reach the bottom of the mountain!"

He cupped his hands and said mockingly: "Master Cheng has a great career, so he probably doesn't care about these two sons. Please don't blame Ming Lin for being meddlesome."

Cheng Fengqi smiled bitterly: "Master, don't say such things, I really can't afford it. This... I really don't know."

Sheng Minglin said in surprise: "Master Cheng is actually so busy?"

Cheng Fengqi: "..."

Prince Duan pretended to scold: "Okay Minglin, you are the only one who talks a lot! Mr. Cheng, let's go out first. The tent is small, so don't block their diagnosis and treatment."

Cheng Fengqi looked at his two sons with tears in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then followed him out.

Prince Duan advised him: "Master Cheng should investigate this matter carefully. This matter may be an accident, but it is not a good thing after all the rumors about the back house... Even if you dote on your daughter, you cannot ignore it. In terms of moral upbringing, my beloved daughter has never lost to anyone, but I will never fail to teach her the rules and etiquette, don’t you think so, Mr. Cheng?”

Prince Duan said casually and patted his shoulder. Cheng Fengqi responded with a wry smile. Prince Duan said again: "I'm afraid you won't wake up so soon. Master Cheng, why don't you go back and check the tent first and take a look at your clothes?" Isn’t there still something stained on it?”

Cheng Fengqi had a very complicated look on his face. He cupped his hands and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and left.

Tuanzi asked him in a low voice: "Dad, is he a bad dad?"

Prince Duan smiled and said, "It's hard to say how bad he is, he can only be regarded as a stupid father."

Tuanzi asked: "Stupid daddy?"

Prince Duan nodded, hugged his daughter and went in again, briefly explaining a few words to them.Cheng Fengqi has a very upright temperament. Otherwise, the court has purged him several times. Why can he stay and be promoted?Isn't it because he has an upright temperament, keeps to himself, and doesn't form cliques with others?

Moreover, in the words of later generations, he is a workaholic. He is extremely serious and rigorous in doing things and likes to do things by himself. Therefore, he is often busy in the Yamen in the middle of the night and will not rest if he has something to do. Therefore, if he does not know much about things at home, he will not strangeness.

Another point is that everyone knows that he married the daughter of the Marquis of Yan'an, but few people know that the Marquis of Yan'an saved his life back then.

Therefore, although Prince Duan did not know much about his family affairs, he knew without thinking that if Cheng Biyu was protected by Mrs. Hou, he would indeed not disobey Mrs. Hou's wishes.

Cheng Fengqi had already jogged back to his tent.

His hands were trembling, and he broke into Cheng Biyu's tent without even caring about etiquette.

Cheng Biyu was eating snacks and screamed in fright. She was relieved when she saw it was him and said angrily: "Dad! What are you doing!"

Cheng Fengqi stared at her: "Did you drug Jin'er Yi'er?"

Cheng Biyu's expression changed, and then she said: "What kind of medicine? I don't know."

But Cheng Fengqi was a person who had been promoted from the Ministry of Justice. He had handled many cases and was very sensitive to the subtle changes in these expressions. He knew what was going on at a glance and couldn't help but be shocked and angry: "Why are you like this! How could you be like this?" !! Even if he is wrong in all kinds of ways, he is still your brother-in-law! This, this is two lives!!"

Cheng Biyu raised her hand and overturned the small table, screaming: "You protect him? You actually scolded me for him? They are just two shameless bastards!"

She covered her face with a handkerchief and burst into tears: "My mother is gone, and my grandpa is gone too, and you just watch them bully me, and now you want to accuse me without even saying a word. Are you me?" Dear father! I’m not alive anymore. I want to find my mother. Anyway, no one in this world will love me anymore..."

Cheng Fengqi's lips were trembling, and he said after a while: "Do you know that this is the emperor's hunting ground? You did this to kill the whole family..."

Cheng Biyu usually used that saying, which is universally applicable, but she didn't expect that it didn't work this time. She suddenly became angry and said, "You know how to scaremonger! I'll go find my uncle!!" She stood up and left.

Cheng Feng grabbed her arm anxiously: "How dare you make trouble! This is not home, and you can't be allowed to make trouble..."

Cheng Biyu was used to being arrogant, so she tried her best to break away her hand and ran away crying.

Mrs. Hou did not come, only the Marquis of Yan'an and his wife came. The Marquis is not here either, only Mrs. Hou is.

Cheng Biyu came crying all the way, and as soon as she entered, she cried: "Auntie! My father scolded me again! Wuwuwu..." As he said this, he cried and fell into Mrs. Hou's arms.

Mrs. Hou sat upright and motionless.

She was really fed up with this invisible niece, who couldn't even pretend to be affectionate.

Mrs. Lao Hou loved her so much that she even passed her daughter, but she didn't know how to be humble. She took whatever was given to her with peace of mind, and her daughter was allowed to play around. A granddaughter treated the Hou Mansion as her own. , doesn’t talk about it every day, her reputation is not good, it even affects her daughter, and it is difficult to get married...Who would like such a niece?
I just have to pretend sometimes.

But she also heard about what happened today.

This Cheng Biyu didn't have any education from her own mother, and Mrs. Hou always pampered her and didn't teach her, so she got into trouble.

Who gave her the courage to harm her concubine brother on the emperor's hunting ground?

But someone came to the rescue and brought the matter to the imperial court... She was doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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