Chapter 423: Raising the granddaughter to waste
Mrs. Hou said nothing.

Cheng Biyu came to complain, but she didn't really cry. She quickly realized something was wrong and stood up: "Auntie?"

Mrs. Hou said coldly: "If you want to die, go die yourself and don't implicate us. We can't bear your inconvenience."

Cheng Biyu was so stunned that she even forgot to be angry and murmured: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?!" Madam Hou yelled at her with anger and hatred: "Your uncle is just a Hou! He is just a little servant of the temple! From the fifth rank of Zhima Guer!! This is so full There are so many noble people here, who can we afford to offend? If it hadn’t been for this hunting trip, and the accompanying carriages and horses had to be taken care of by Taipu Temple, we wouldn’t have been on the list at all!”

"Before I came here, I told you to be nice and keep your tail between your legs when you get there. If you are lucky enough to meet a noble man, you can get a good marriage... You didn't listen at all! It's dangerous in a place like this. Man, why are you not seeking death? Do you really think your father’s little official position can withstand your tossing? If you don’t want to live, don’t hold us back! We have provoked whomever! The married girl has to be fucked twice My heart forever!"

Cheng Biyu was unconvinced: "It's Cheng Chongjin who flirts with men and women everywhere. I can't see what's going on? I'm also afraid that he will tarnish the lintel! Who can go against my father for such an unworthy thing? No? My father is the Minister of Civil Affairs, the head of hundreds of officials!"

She paused, and then suddenly thought of something: "Besides, what evidence do they have? What kind of flowers are there in this kind of wilderness? What's so strange about causing windstorms? I heard that the kind of golden camellia the little princess picked is the best in the world. It's never happened before, maybe it's because of this kind of flower..."

Mrs. Hou couldn't listen anymore, so she pulled her hand away from her knees, gritted her teeth, and slapped her hard on the face.

She never expected that she could speak so openly.

She is a smart person. She dare not not fan her. Everyone saw her entering his tent. If she doesn't show anything, then the emperor will investigate and they will be implicated!
Cheng Biyu was stunned by her, and then she went crazy and screamed: "How dare you hit me! You bitch! How dare you do this to me when my grandmother and uncle are not here! I have to tell my uncle to divorce you, bitch..." …”

Mrs. Hou laughed angrily and waved her hand. Several people came up, tied her up and gagged her.

A girl who has not left the court talks about what kind of mistress, what kind of bitch or what kind of vixen she has raised every day. Who would dare to want such a girl?
Old lady, you really spoiled this granddaughter to death!
She called directly: "Come here, take her back to the Cheng family's tent, and ask Mr. Cheng to take good care of her daughter. Don't let her out to bite people randomly!"

When they were away from home, their status was low and they didn't have many people with them. The maid was weak, so it was difficult to drag them back. She kept struggling, which attracted the attention of others.

Cheng Fengqi was leading people to inspect the tent. He could not let his son stay in the tent of Prince Duan's Mansion.

He also felt cold towards this daughter, so he didn't even pursue her. He wanted her to understand that even the Hou Mansion couldn't save her if she did such a thing.

When he first heard that he was tied up and returned, Cheng Fengqi hurried out.

I saw the maid from the Hou Mansion standing at the door of the tent and pushed her in very roughly, making a loud bang.

The maid turned back and said: "Sir, our wife has said, please take care of your lady and don't let her go out again."

Having said that, after all, Cheng Fengqi's official position is here. The maid stepped forward again and whispered: "Miss Cheng wants to blame the young master's disease on the golden camellias picked by the little princess. She is making a lot of noise, and so is our wife. It’s a last resort.”

Cheng Fengqi turned pale and waved her down.

His whole body felt cold for a moment, and he stood there to collect himself before lifting the curtain and going in.

Cheng Biyu was tied up and thrown to the ground. The two maids were crying to untie the rope. Cheng Biyu's face was full of anger, and he didn't know what he was cursing.

When Cheng Fengqi saw this posture, she really didn't feel that she was wrong at all.

His face turned cold, and he made up his mind all of a sudden. The tears on his face were not dry, but his voice was deep, and he said: "Don't give up, and your mouth must be tightly sealed. You two, keep an eye on her, and don't let her make any sound, let alone Don't let her go out. If something goes wrong, I will kill you!" The two maids turned pale with fright, and they agreed again and again, not daring to untie the rope again.

Cheng Fengqi turned around, wiped away his tears, and went to apologize to Emperor Mingxi.

He knelt outside the tent. Emperor Mingxi ignored him, so he kept kneeling.

Once this kind of thing breaks out, we can't handle it lightly, we must kill it to serve as a warning to others.

Because if such people are not dealt with, everyone will find that it is okay to harm people on the emperor’s hunting ground!

Who will be in awe next time?
With so many family members living together, this matter naturally spread throughout the hunting ground instantly.

At this time, people in several tents were talking about Sheng Minglin with their elders, especially the young masters who had met him.

Xu Jingyao commented on him: "He is well-read but not sharp. He can deal with people with ease. He has a broad mind and is practiced and calm. He is not like a half-grown child, nor is he as bright as an ordinary precocious person. Instead, he is very gentle, just like It seems like he has been practicing in the court for ten years. In addition, when His Royal Highnesses the Seventh Prince, Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao get along with him, he is obviously their leader and their relationship is extremely close."

Duke Dingguo was surprised: "He is so outstanding?"

Xu Jingyao nodded.

You know, he didn't have a good impression of Sheng Minglin before they met.


Because the name of the person Sheng Minglin was dealing with was "Xu Jingqian"! !
Although it was really just a coincidence, Xu Jing's name seemed to have something to do with their family, so when the lotus fell off the song, many people asked him half-jokingly.

But after seeing it, he immediately felt relieved.

He believed that at that time, Sheng Minglin absolutely had no other choice but to use this method, because Sheng Minglin definitely understood the pros and cons of this method.

Therefore, if it happened to be affected, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Dingguo Gong said: "But he didn't do a very good job today."

Xu Jingyao said: "No, this was an accident. It was definitely not ordered by Minglin. When Minglin came to me to borrow clothes, he told me not to make any noise."

Duke Dingguo still trusted his son, nodded, and didn't ask any more questions: "Since we can chat, I will take this opportunity to get along with him more."

Xu Jingyao nodded, hesitated, and then said: "In addition, there is one more thing... When His Highness came with Shenhu this morning, someone pushed Ming Lin."

Seeing Duke Ding looking at him, he said in detail: "Ming Lin stood in front of us. He originally wanted the divine tiger to move to dispel our fear. But Shen Lingjue was joking and asked the divine tiger to scare us. The divine tiger rushed over and opened his mouth, and then someone pushed him and pushed him into the tiger's mouth, but I didn't see who it was. It's just that the people in that position at that time were me, Zhang Tingyu, and Xu Chen. I couldn’t guess who it was at the moment.”

(End of this chapter)

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