Chapter 424 The same amount of love
Duke Dingguo frowned, and Xu Jingyao said again: "Minglin also looked back, but today Minglin came to me to borrow clothes. He obviously wanted to make friends with me. He should not have doubted me."

Duke Dingguo nodded: "Prince Duan is extremely smart and well-measured. If the emperor raises him as his son, he will never fall. If Sheng Minglin is as you said, Prince Duan's palace will surely prosper and prosper forever." Make friends.”

Xu Jingyao nodded.

At the same time, Duke Rong Guo was also talking to Zhang Qianyu about this matter.

Compared with the peacefulness of Dingguo Gong and his son, Rongguo Gong and his son were as if they were superiors and subordinates.

Duke Rong Guo had a violent temper. Zhang Tingyu did not dare to make any mistakes in front of him. He described the meeting in detail and said: "When Shenhu first came over, we were behind Sheng Minglin. I seemed to see Changxin Hou Mansion." Xu Chen pushed him, and Sheng Minglin staggered and turned around, but he didn't see who it was."

Rong Guogong said: "How could such a thing happen? Xu Chen is so brave!"

Zhang Tingyu was silent, and Rong Guogong said again: "If you see a suitable opportunity, then reveal this matter to Sheng Minglin and make a good sale."

Zhang Tingyu agreed.

After he came out of his father's tent and entered his own tent, there was someone guarding the door, and then the confidant came over and reported in a low voice: "Young Master, Cheng Chongjin is awake. He just woke up and the little one just came back."

Zhang Tingyu asked: "Has anyone seen you?"

"No," the boy quickly knelt down and said, "You are very careful, and many people secretly went over to see the divine tiger. I also pretended to go to see the divine tiger, and no one noticed me."

Zhang Tingyu hummed and said, "Where is Cheng Biyu?"

The boy said: "Miss Cheng was tied up and put in the tent. Master Cheng is kneeling in front of the imperial tent. He hasn't said how to deal with it yet."

Zhang Tingyu hummed again, called her hand for him to come closer, and said in a low voice: "Let Xiao Tao find a way to kill her and pretend to commit suicide."

The confidants were frightened and knelt down quickly: "Young Master, Xiao Tao has not been exposed! Huo Chenzhao's medical skills are amazing. It is said that he can almost bring the dead back to life. If he sees something or saves him..."

Zhang Tingyu was silent for a long time, with a gloomy look on his face, and waved him away.


Cheng Chongjin had indeed woken up.

In fact, he didn't completely lose consciousness most of the time, he was just groggy.

He could feel Huo Chenzhao rescuing him, and he could feel someone changing his clothes. He murmured thank you, and begged them to save his brother first... He thought he had said that, but in fact, listening to Sheng Minglin and others In human ears, it was just a few vague murmurs.

After changing clothes and taking medicine, the fever subsided and Cheng Chongjin finally woke up slowly.

Huo Chenzhao didn't use needles, just pressed several of his acupuncture points with his hands, and then pulled him up and supported him with both hands.

Sheng Minglin took the porridge at the back and brought it directly to his lips. Cheng Chongjin subconsciously took it with both hands and drank it slowly.

Sheng Minglin pressed his shoulder with one hand and said word by word: "Cheng Chongjin, listen to me, you had a windstorm this morning, and the guards wanted to send your brothers out. It happened that Zhuzhu wanted to play with you, so he intercepted you. , but then things accidentally broke out, and the emperor already knew about it, and now your father is asking for forgiveness in front of the imperial tent, and has been kneeling for most of an hour, so hurry over now, do you know what to do? "

Cheng Chongjin had just woken up and was quite overwhelmed. He didn't have time to say thank you. He took a moment to digest it and nodded.

Sheng Minglin warned: "Don't say anything. It's not the right time. This is an accident. Do you understand?"

Cheng Chongjin nodded: "I understand." He looked at his brother: "Xiaoyi?"

Huo Chenzhao said, "He's fine, he just has to wake up later."

Cheng Chongjin nodded, bowed deeply to express his gratitude, and then forced himself to pass.

This matter has already started, so this is all we can do. When he wakes up, he must go there as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if Mr. Cheng is hurt or something because of him, it would be unfilial.Or maybe the emperor killed Cheng Biyu because of this, then his rationality became irrational, and outsiders would not care whether he was innocent or not.

Because Zhuzhu was worried, Prince Duan never left. He sat at the back and used his daughter as a human chair, holding Zhuzhu and tossing her with his little hands.

Zhuzhu, on the other hand, kept her big eyes wide open and watched the incident quietly. It wasn't until Cheng Chongjin left that she asked in a low voice, "Did Zhuzhu do something wrong?"

Prince Duan was very happy: "What do you think you did wrong?"

Tuanzi tilted his head: "Not many! But it's Guo Guo... it's Guo Guo..."

She tried hard to express that feeling: "Guo Guo usually takes his time and smiles."

She thought for a while and tried to imitate that calm expression: "Just, that's it! But the current debt, Guo Guo doesn't take it easy or smiles, it's all the same! Guo Guo is sure If you can't do wrong with Qing, then you must do wrong with Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin was also amused: "No, Zhuzhu didn't do anything wrong. It was someone else who did something wrong. It was just because Careless Guoguo's father was kneeling outside, so my brother quickly asked Careless Guoguo to save him. Daddy."

Tuanzi nodded suddenly, "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin went out and asked, "What time is it?"

He turned around and replied: "Your Majesty, it has just passed the third moment of Shen Zheng (16:45)"

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized: "No wonder I'm hungry."

He asked his father: "Where should we eat?"

Prince Duan said lazily: "Tell someone to tell your mother that we are ready to have barbecue here."

Sheng Minglin responded and went out to give orders.

Tuanzi said: "Is it Xiaoyi Jiji who hasn't woken up yet?"

"It's okay," Huo Chenzhao said, "He should wake up when the food is served later. And he can't eat barbecue now. I will ask someone to cook noodles for him."

Tuanzi nodded.

Prince Duan stood up and said with a smile: "Actually, this is just right."

Emperor Mingxi was not from Moji, so he would probably settle the matter before dinner, so Cheng Chongjin wouldn't be able to kneel for long.

He took his daughter and went out to have a look.

The big white tiger was lying on one side of the tent, and its majestic presence was on the other side. The birds and the tiger were far apart.

It wasn't until they saw the two people coming out that the two pets moved at the same time. Sheng Mingfeng used his wings at such a short distance, and brought a gust of wind with him. He didn't stop his feet, and almost shoveled Prince Duan and his daughter. .

The big white tiger was very calm, its movements were slow and graceful, so Prince Duan and Prince Duan, who quickly retreated, fell on its back.

Tuanzi was caught off guard, her eyes were blurred, and she stretched out her hand to rub her eyes. Sheng Minglin turned around and saw her, and quickly stopped her: "Don't move!" He slightly opened her eyelids, blew hard, and tears came out, Only then did the dust come out.

Sheng Minglin turned around and said, "You are the elder brother. You came first. You can fly. What are you anxious about?"

The grand majesty suddenly chirped, chirped, chirped, quacked...but it was competing for favor!If I don’t fight, won’t I lose?
Shanda Huahua also kept moaning.

Tuanzi moderated softly, "No quarrels, no quarrels at all. Zhuzhu's heart can hold many, many people, and many, many birds, and many, many brains. Zhuzhu treats each of you, and birds, and Nao Ax’s love is all the same and abundant! It’s all real! No need to quarrel!”

(End of this chapter)

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