Chapter 428
Little Fatty nodded quickly, and Sheng Minglin sent the boy back. He also told him to come before early tomorrow (9 o'clock) to drink medicine and check his pulse.

After waiting for a while, Prince Duan came back and glared at him as soon as he saw him.

Sheng Minglin was also helpless: "I don't know either. Uncle Huang only drank a bowl of wine and is far from being drunk. How did I know he was so reckless."

Prince Duan waved his hand: "Okay, it's okay, you can go to sleep." He went to see his daughter and left directly.

Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue also came back, and the three of them went to bed hastily.

It really didn’t take much effort for Emperor Mingxi to tame the horse. The horse seemed to be humane. It seemed that it didn’t want to throw him off from the beginning, but jumped around, allowing him to experience a ride like flying in the clouds. .

So Emperor Mingxi liked it so much that he took his men and horses to hunt early in the morning. Because the Queen and Princess Duan also came out to play, they specially brought grandeur and grandeur.

Tuanzi slept soundly, and the seventh prince still got up early to practice martial arts. As soon as Shen Lingjue saw him coming out, he stopped practicing martial arts on the spot, went over to hug Tuanzi to sleep with the tiger, and actually fell asleep again in a daze.

The Seventh Prince also left after breakfast and lay down even if he didn't sleep. The three of them were crowded together, with an average age of no more than three years old.

Sheng Minglin went over to take a look, and when he came back and picked up the book, Cheng Chongjin came over with his younger brother.

As soon as they met, they immediately knelt down.

Sheng Minglin said: "It doesn't have to be like this, we didn't save you on purpose, it just happened to happen."

Cheng Chongjin didn't say much for his kindness, and only kowtowed a few times. Sheng Minglin knew that Miles Biyu had been sent away last night, so he didn't ask much about his family. He just smiled and asked Huo Chenzhao to come over and check his pulse.

Huo Chenzhao felt their pulse and asked them to drink the medicine, and Cheng Chongjin took his brother to leave.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Don't worry, Zhu Zhu'er hasn't gotten up yet. She got the divine tiger yesterday. She probably wants to show off to you. Please wait a little longer."

Cheng Chongjin responded quickly.

Sheng Minglin chatted with him all the time.

After saying a few words, several young men came over outside.

As soon as Cheng Chongjin's eyes touched Zhang Tingyu, the hands in his sleeves couldn't help but clenched tightly.

He interrogated Xiao Tao yesterday.

It turned out that she had been working for Zhang Tingyu for a long time, trying every possible means to force him, destroying every opportunity for him to learn literature and martial arts, making him achieve nothing, and leaving him desperate, so as to force him to surrender and ask for help.

It's a pity that he found Princess Duan's shop by mistake, made money, and solved his mother's crisis twice. Otherwise, Xiao Tao would have come to him to make excuses, and he would have known that Zhang Tingyu was fighting. What a disgusting idea.

But he really didn't understand that he was not a stunning beauty. Even if Zhang Tingyu had a special hobby, why would he be so deliberate about it?

But he soon figured it out.

He did this not necessarily because he cared about him too much, but because this matter was very simple for him. It was just a matter of spending a little money and a little thought to make Xiao Tao secretly love him and be willing to do so. , Help him with extra work.

But since his father was promoted to the official department, he has never contacted Xiaotao again, which shows that he is also afraid.

Until yesterday, for some unknown reason, he suddenly gave Xiao Tao an order to persuade Cheng Biyu to drug him.

His father said that this matter should not be made public, otherwise it would greatly damage his reputation. Xiaotao did not have any evidence in his hands, and the bite of a maid was not painful to Zhang Tingyu. Especially at this time, the Cheng family should not reappear. Right and wrong, so to deal with him, we have to find other ways.

Cheng Chongjin quickly calmed down his breathing and acted as if nothing had happened.

Sheng Minglin had already greeted him with a smile.

One of the people who came was Xu Jingyao, who brought his nine-year-old cousin Lu Sui; the other was Zhang Tingyu, who brought his seven-year-old concubine Zhang Chong; and the third was Wang Fengzhang, the prince of Tai'an, who brought his eight-year-old cousin. Wei Hong.Anyway, they were all the young masters I met yesterday, and each brought a child over, obviously wanting to play with Zhuzhu.

This is very reasonable. Unless you have enough status or close relationship, six or seven years old is the age to dare to bring someone out. Children who are too young are difficult to teach. If they say the wrong thing, it will be a black history and it is easy to offend people.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Yesterday, Zhuzhu'er was worried about Uncle Huang, so she went to bed late. She hasn't gotten up yet. Let's come in and sit down."

Several people came in chatting and laughing. Huo Chenzhao and Cheng Chongjin both stood up. Sheng Minglin said calmly: "This is Chongjin, do you all know him?"

Cheng Chongjin smiled eagerly and saluted, and Xu Jingyao and others also all knew each other by name.

Xu Jingyao and his group have really never bullied him. With their family background, they would not do such a thing, otherwise they would damage their own reputations, so they have no grudges against each other, and their faces are not visible to others. What happened was that they seemed to be having a great conversation for a while, but Zhang Tingyu had known Cheng Chongjin a long time ago and didn't show anything at all at this time.

Only the little fat man was very cramped.

Although the children are older and younger, they are all of the Eighth Prince's type. They are all taught the rules and etiquette extremely well. The posture when they sit down, where they place their hands, and where they look with their eyes are all in good order. Although the child couldn't tell it, he could clearly feel the difference between him and them.

Cheng Chongjin noticed it and sighed inwardly.

So, why can people see it at a glance when the concubine stands up?
Because no one has taught them many things that legitimate children have learned; they have never experienced many of the scenes that legitimate children are accustomed to.

How could it not be cramped?How could you not feel inferior?
While talking, Huo Chenzhao suddenly said: "Minglin, Zhuzhu is awake."

Sheng Minglin stood up and said with a smile: "Everyone, sit down and I'll go take a look."

He stood up and passed over. Li Zhi and others quickly followed. Xu Jingyao and others were all smart people. At a glance, they knew that Zhu Zhu would have to wash up in the tent here, so he smiled and said: "Let's go out and wait."

A few people came out, and of course brothers Huo Chenzhao and Cheng Chongjin followed.

So not long after, Zhuzhu was carried out with his eyes covered, wrapped in a small quilt, followed by the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue, and behind him, he saw the big white tiger slowly walking out.

Several young boys couldn't help but make a gasping sound.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Everyone, please wait a moment." He then carried Zhuzhu into the tent to wash up.

The Duke of Rongguo's mansion was a home for military attachés, and Zhang Chong was still young. He was not afraid of anything, so he took a step forward and wanted to touch the big tiger.

The big tiger immediately opened his mouth wide and gave him a slap.

Huo Chenzhao said: "Fourth Young Master Zhang, be careful. No one is allowed to approach Shanda Huahua when Zhuzhu is not around."

Zhang Chong was a little funny and whispered: "Shengda Huahua? Why is it called such a name?"

Zhang Tingyu scolded sternly: "Fourth brother!"

Zhang Chong was startled and quickly shut up, but when he saw that it was only Huo Chenzhao in front of him, he was not a serious prince and he did not apologize.

Zhang Tingyu raised her hand to Huo Chenzhao with a gentle attitude: "Don't be offended, little Marquis, my younger brother is very naughty."

Huo Chenzhao smiled: "Shengshan Huahua is not my pet, young master, there is no need to be polite to me."

Zhang Tingyu didn't get angry even after touching a soft nail, so he smiled and said: "Yes, yes, it's just this kind of thing. When His Highness comes out, I can't take the initiative to apologize, otherwise I will make His Highness unhappy for nothing, don't you think?"


Yesterday’s extra chapter was supposed to be an additional update with a five-star rating, but I was too late and was too anxious, so I forgot to indicate... Well, now this chapter is an additional update with a five-star rating of 2800, compared to Xinxin

(End of this chapter)

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