Chapter 429 Shanda Huahua is timid

Cheng Chongjin stood a little far away and looked away. He felt sick in his heart and turned away.

Zhang Tingyu is actually not bad looking, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome and elegant, and he is gentle and considerate towards others, quite like a young master from an aristocratic family.

So at first, when he noticed that he had a habit of breaking off robes, he didn't dislike him, he just avoided him.

I didn't expect that he would try to drug him later, so he would fall out, and I didn't expect that he would actually use Xiao Tao's method. In the past three years, he has played with the idiot Cheng Biyu and brought the Cheng family into chaos. Tuan Luan, judging from his father's expression, it's not that he doesn't hate him, it's just that he can't deal with him for the time being.

The Minister of Personnel is said to be the head of hundreds of officials, but in the capital, it is never just about official position.

A few people were talking over there. Inside, Zhuzhu had washed up and had her clothes and hair done. Sheng Minglin invited them in. He smiled and said rudely, and while asking someone to set the meal, he introduced Zhuzhu Several people.

Tuanzi was very princess-like. She exchanged greetings with them and then asked: "Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo.

Cheng Chongjin quickly took his younger brother a few steps forward and said with a smile, "Go back to your highness, that's all."

He bent slightly and showed her the back of his hand: "Look, all the little dots are gone."

Tuanzi looked at it seriously, nodded, looked at Little Fatty again, then touched his head and taught him seriously: "Don't do this in the future! Be careful and don't touch Huahua you don't know. You have to ask Zhuzhu!"

Little Fatty nodded obediently: "Thank you, Sister Zhuzhu, I will remember it."

Tuanzi looked at the people in the room, then jumped off the chair, holding Little Fatty with one hand and Cheng Chongjin with the other: "Come on, Zhuzhu will take you to see the Brain Ax."

Sheng Minglin knew what Zhuzhu was thinking at a glance.

In fact, she had no experience in entertaining guests, and she didn't think Xu Jingyao and the others had anything to do with her.

So Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhuzhu, the Xu family brothers are not here to play with my brother. They want to play with my brother and Zhuzhu. Do you think there are two people in each family?"

Tuanzi suddenly realized it, and then turned around, looking at the guests again with surprised and novel eyes.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Besides, it's time to have breakfast soon. After breakfast, you can go see the big tiger."

Tuanzi nodded and let go of the Cheng brothers' hands. Still looking at Xu Jingyao and the others, he slowly walked back to his brother.

Little Fatty lowered his head, feeling very sad.

He only has one friend, Sister Zhuzhu, and now, is he going to have no more friends?

When the meal was served, Zhuzhu started to eat breakfast. Shen Lingjue didn't even eat breakfast in order to compete for the position, but also ate with Zhuzhu.

While eating the dumpling, she looked up from time to time to look at a few people, including the children, who all smiled gracefully at her.

Sheng Minglin saw it and laughed secretly in his heart.

In fact, children like Zhuzhu don't like children like Lu Sui, Zhang Chong and Weihong.

Because Zhuzhu herself is not the kind of child who has been raised strictly and followed the rules since she was a child, she does not think this is "good", so in her eyes, this is called "different".

This is just like an ignorant playboy who will definitely not like a Taoist gentleman who talks about it even if he talks about it... At first glance, it seems that he is not the same person, at first glance, it is not fun, and at first glance, it is impossible to have fun together. go.

However, if Xu Jingyao, Zhang Tingyu, and Wang Fengzhang were such adults, Zhuzhu might not dislike them.

Because they are like brothers/uncles/friends in Zhuzhu's eyes, not playmates, so if they are more disciplined and bookish, Tuanzi will feel that this is more reliable.

Sure enough, Tuanzi secretly picked out new friends while eating breakfast.

Then she asked Sheng Minglin politely: "Guo Guo, who do you like to play with?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "I like everyone. How about we play together?"

"No!" Tuanzi seriously refused: "Shengda Huahua is timid and doesn't like to be seen by many people." "Okay then," Sheng Minglin said, "Whoever Shanda Huahua likes, Zhuzhu will help bring him there. Let him play with Shanda Huahua for a while, and watch the rest with brother, okay?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay!"

So Tuanzi rinsed his mouth, jumped off the stool, went over to drag Xu Jingyao first, and then Wang Fengzhang, and then shouted: "Guo Guo is careless, remember is small! Xu Guo Guo, and Guo Guo, Zhuzhudai You guys go see Brain Ax.”

Xu Jingyao/Wang Fengzhang: "..."

Zhang Tingyu, the only "adult" left, said: "..."

The children who were not selected at all: "..."

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Xu Jingyao and Wang Fengzhang looked at each other, laughed again and again, and were pulled out by Tuanzi.

As they walked, Wang Fengzhang re-introduced himself to Tuanzi: "Your Highness, my surname is Wang, my given name is Han, and my given name is Fengzhang. Your Highness can call me Brother Wang or Brother Fengzhang, whatever."

It was the first time that the inexperienced Tuanzi heard the introduction of names and characters. She asked: "Do you have two names?"

Wang Fengzhang bent over and explained with a smile: "It can also be said that the name is given at birth, and the 'character' can only be acquired when you grow up. Just like this brother Xu, he has no character before he grows up. ; Another example is Brother Zhang in the house, his surname is Zhang Mingping and his given name is Tingyu."

Tuanzi suddenly nodded: "Are the beads made?"

Wang Fengzhang hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile: "Your Highness, you can get up when you grow up."

Men usually pick their names when they are crowned, or when they become disciples, or for any important event such as winning the imperial examination, but women do not necessarily pick their names. If they do, it is usually when they get their hairpins, but according to According to current customs, some people only get pregnant when they get married, so there is a saying of "waiting in the boudoir".

But it was difficult to explain, so he could only pass it off vaguely.

The dumplings were introduced to the new knowledge and immediately reciprocated: "Thank you Fengfeng Guoguo, your preparation is very good!"

Wang Fengzhang smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

In the room, Sheng Minglin smiled at Zhang Tingyu and said, "Zhu Zhu'er has always had weird ideas. Brother Zhang, don't worry about it."

Zhang Tingyu laughed anxiously and said, "No, no, but I'm really a little confused. I've always been the most popular with children, but this time..." He spread his hands helplessly.

Sheng Minglin laughed and said, "Let's go out and have a look."

Outside, Tuanzi brought the four people to Shanda Huahua and said very proudly: "This is the child with beads on it. It's called Shanda Huahua. It, well, it hasn't grown up yet and it's not made yet. It's so easy to touch." , you can touch it.”

Little Fatty stood in the back, his face turned pale and his whole body was shaking.

He was bitten by Cheng Biyu's dog last year. He is very afraid of dogs and also of the same furry ones, especially those that are so big.

But he didn't want to lose his only little friend, so he suppressed his fear and moved forward bit by bit.

Cheng Chongjin calmly blocked his brother: "Your Highness, can I really touch you?"

"Okay, touch it!" Tuanzi walked around him and took Xiaopangdun's hand: "Xiaoyi Jiji, come quickly!"

Little Fatty lowered his head, not daring to let her see that he was afraid, for fear of being disliked.

Tuanzi pulled his arm, and his arm was as stiff as wood.

Tuanzi then stood on tiptoe with great effort and touched the little fat man's head to coax him: "Xiaoyi Jiji, don't be afraid. You are so small. Don't be afraid. Shanda Huahuajie is big and has a big belly. He is second to a child." If it’s not full, it will definitely not eat you!”

(End of this chapter)

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