Chapter 430: Sometimes it’s a bit confusing

Little Fatty was frightened: "!!!"

Wang Fengzhang saw that something was wrong with Little Fatty, so he deliberately looked panicked and said: "Your Highness, why did you call me here to feed the tiger?"

Tuanzi hurriedly said: "No, no! Zhuzhu only coaxes children with debts, you are an adult, please stop making trouble!"

Wang Fengzhang laughed out loud.

Xu Jingyao is a standard young man from an aristocratic family, with a dignified and elegant appearance and polite manners in dealing with others; while Wang Fengzhang is the only son in the family. He has been loved by the elderly since he was a child and has a more lively temper.

He added: "But I'm also a little scared. I'm timid. Your Highness won't laugh at me, right?"

What the hell is this tone!

Xu Jingyao couldn't hold back his laughter.

Tuanzi didn't understand the point of his laughter at all.

She was so busy that she quickly ran over to coax the timid adult, holding his hand with her little hands: "Don't be afraid, Zhuzhu Debt will protect you! If you are too scared to offend, just close your eyes." , Zhuzhu, help you touch it with your hands."

Wang Fengzhang immediately closed his eyes, squatted down and said, "I want to touch you twice."

Tuanzi: "Two times is fine."

Wang Fengzhang: "Is three strokes okay?"

"Okay!" Tuanzi's temper was extremely good: "You can touch it as many times as you want, but if you tie it too many times, you won't be able to count the beads. You have to send as many firewood as you want."

Wang Fengzhang was just teasing the child, but he was so cute on the spot: "Your Highness, let me touch you five times."

He started counting loudly: "One, two, three, four, five..."

He opened his eyes: "Your Highness, after touching it so many times, I suddenly am not afraid of the big tiger anymore. The big tiger is really well-behaved. Thank you, Your Highness."

Tuanzi suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment and touched his head: "Fengfeng Guoguo is great!"

Sheng Minglin and others stood not far away and watched.

Sheng Minglin had a smile on his face. When we met yesterday, he really didn't realize that this young prince was so good at teasing children.

Several half-year-old children were full of envy. They couldn't fully control their emotions, and they were at the age where they loved to play. When they saw such a big tiger, of course they wanted to touch it.

Sheng Minglin felt a little embarrassed when he saw the eyes of these children, but he still looked away and pretended not to see them.

Anyway, this is his attitude. He guides at most and never gives orders. His sister can play however she likes. The most important thing is that she is happy.

Zhuzhu's identity is here, even if the next emperor takes office, Zhuzhu's status as the little red queen in front of the emperor will not fall, so she can do whatever she wants, there is no need to cover everything, and there is no need to be rude in the face of superiority and inferiority.

It’s good to set the tone from the beginning, and that’s how you’ll get along with each other from now on.

After Tuanzi finished coaxing Wang Fengzhang, he did not forget his little friend and turned back to coax Xiaopangdun: "Xiaoyi Jiji, come quickly!"

Little Fatty was about to come over on his hands and feet, his calves and legs were trembling.

Cheng Chongjin stood up helplessly: "Your Highness, he is very scared, otherwise he wouldn't touch him?"

Tuanzi stopped.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment, then asked Little Fatty: "Don't you want to touch the big flower?"

Little Fatty raised his head, the smile on his face was uglier than crying: "I, I'm a little scared, I, I'm so useless...will you still be friends with me?"

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he quickly comforted him: "It's okay! It's okay! It doesn't matter how brave you are to wear a stick. There are many other sticks in the world! Just like Zhuzhu Guo Guo, although he has a lot of knowledge and a lot of great wisdom, he can't fight! Just like Zhu Zhu's beautiful Guo Guo, although he is both civilized and martial, he can cure diseases and he is very beautiful, But for him, he... he has no shortcomings! Even if he doesn’t have any shortcomings, he’s very troubled!”

Huo Chenzhao laughed out loud.

Shen Lingjue coughed heavily, Tuanzi raised his head, and he compared himself with himself.

Tuanzi hurriedly said: "There is also Zhuzhu's Xingguoguo. He is civilized, martial and arrogant. It's just that he has a habit of reducing one to seven Guoguo..."

Shen Lingjue: "...???" The Seventh Prince: "...???"

Sheng Minglin almost laughed out loud. This evaluation can be said to be very accurate.

Tuanzi continued: "So, do you understand your current debt? If you are not brave, you can also have other sticks. Don't be sad! Don't cry!"

Tuanzi racked his brains to comfort the children.

Several people nearby looked at it with mixed emotions.

Especially the few half-year-old children were even more envious and jealous. They wanted to touch it, but this coward didn't dare to touch it, so he had the nerve to let the little princess coax him.

Zhang Chong endured it for a long time, but still couldn't hold it back and said: "Your Highness, why do you have to play with him? He is a coward! We can play with you!"

Tuanzi immediately became unhappy and defended his friends: "You are the one! You are the coward!"

"I'm not!" Zhang Chong said, "I'm not afraid of big tigers."

However, he didn't know that the cute little princess had the attributes of a naughty child. Tuanzi choked for a moment, then immediately turned his head and said to Shanda Huahua: "Fuck him!"

The big white tiger was very obedient. He turned over and sat up on the spot, opened his mouth and roared at him.

However, this time the sound was too loud and the gesture was too fierce. Not only was Zhang Chong so frightened that he fell to the ground, but also the owner, Tuanzi, was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Shanda Huahua was obviously shocked.

Then in a very humane way, it picked up the little master with its two big paws, placed it on the ground, and quickly took a few steps back.

Tuanzi felt a little embarrassed, her face turned red, and then she made up for it: "Shengshan Huahua, you knocked Zhuzhu down!"

The big white tiger nodded like a fool, yes, I knocked him down, that’s right.

Tuanzi felt that everyone must have believed it, so he turned around and pointed at Zhang Chong with an air of dignity: "Coward!"

Zhang Chong: "..."

Zhang Chong was only seven years old. How could there be so many palaces in the city? He cried in anger on the spot.

When Tuanzi saw him crying, he felt that he had done something wrong. He glanced at Sheng Minglin secretly, ran back as fast as he could, held hands with Xiaopangdun, and whispered: "He was the one who said the little meaning first." Yes! Zhuzhu is right!”

Zhang Tingyu quickly took the initiative and said: "Yes, your Highness is right. It's his fault. He shouldn't have talked about His Highness's friends. I will help His Highness and Mr. Xiao Cheng on his behalf."

As he said that, he walked over and bowed with a smile on his face.

Little Fatty said quickly: "No, no, no."

Tuanzi also said: "Then Zhuzhu will forgive you!"

Zhang Tingyu said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Highness, and thank you, Mr. Cheng." He raised his head and said jokingly, "Thank you, Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Chongjin stood next to the tiger, raised his head, and saw Zhang Tingyu's eyes, like a brush dipped in poison, sweeping back and forth over his body, making him feel greasy and uncomfortable all over his body.

He said coldly: "Young master, you don't have to be polite."

Zhang Tingyu turned around with a smile and couldn't help but rub her fingers together.

Although the smile looks so sweet and delicious, the bones are so hard that it makes people feel itchy just looking at them.

It's a pity that Cheng Biyu is too stupid. Otherwise, with a little more force and a little more time, he might have succumbed... But now, Cheng Biyu has left, and he is attracted to Prince Duan again, and wants to attack again, It's not easy.

It's a pity.

His eyes seemed to pass over the people in front of him unintentionally, and stayed on Huo Chenzhao's face for a while.

Another top quality, but still nowhere to start, what a pity...

(End of this chapter)

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