After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 431 Those who say people are right and wrong must be right and wrong.

Chapter 431 Those who say people are right and wrong must be right and wrong.
Huo Chenzhao, a martial arts student, has extremely keen senses. His eyes changed, and he immediately raised his eyes and looked over.

He was obviously a gentle young man, but this glance was like a sharp knife coming out of its sheath, and his sharp edge was revealed. Zhang Tingyu was so frightened that his heart trembled, and he looked away as if he was flying.

Then I regretted that doing so was too obvious, but there was no way to remedy it.

Zhang Tingyu calmed down, took a quick look, and said to Sheng Minglin: "Fortunately, the divine tiger is unusual. If it were really a tiger in the wild, it would be really dangerous."

Sheng Minglin didn't know what he wanted to say, so he just agreed.

Zhang Tingyu said as if unintentionally: "Xiao Chen has been good at poetry and writing since he was a child, and his temper is inevitably a bit arrogant. I will look for an opportunity to persuade him a few more words..."

He was blah blah blah, Sheng Minglin had already heard what he was saying.

He hinted to him that it was Xu Chen who pushed him that day?
But that day, he was even more suspicious of the three people standing in that position.

Sheng Minglin remained calm and listened with a smile.

Over there, Tuanzi finished the tiger touching activity and was going to play football with his friends.

Playing football is also a long-lasting sport here in Zhuzhu, so even though I go out, I still bring several balls with me.

Everyone formed a circle, and Wei Hong carefully applied: "Your Highness, can we also play together?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay!"

As a result, the circle formed was very large, and Tuanzi was quite happy and taught his experience to Little Fatty: "If you don't have enough strength, you have to kick it crookedly, otherwise the ball will stop in the middle and it won't be fun."

Little Fatty nodded repeatedly, looking at the little princess with eyes that seemed to see light, and he was extremely grateful: "Yeah, yeah."

This is a sport that is not easy to make mistakes. Unless you meet a child who is very competitive, you don’t know if everyone will have fun. Anyway, Zhuzhu will have a lot of fun.

Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince stood on two corners in front of Zhuzhu, and they often kicked at Zhuzhu's feet. Zhuzhu could hit her as soon as she raised her foot. Zhuzhu thought it was her own blow, and she was so happy.

If they could make the little princess happy, the mission of these people today would be completed, so everyone was very happy. They played for more than half an hour, and everyone even had lunch together.

After lunch, everyone left one after another, and the Cheng brothers also left.

Zhu Zhuer went to take a nap, and the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue immediately followed.

Sheng Minglin was left alone to talk to Huo Chenzhao about Zhang Tingyu. He hadn't told them about it yet, mainly because he didn't have time.

Huo Chenzhao was a little surprised: "In that kind of situation, would anyone dare to do such a dirty trick?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I'm also surprised. Logically speaking, people in that circle have grown up with experience, and they are not playboys who have not experienced hardships. Why are they so impulsive in doing things?"

He paused and waved his hand: "Anyway, I think it's not unintentional, but I'm more suspicious of Zhang Tingyu... Because Xu Chen is young, and after getting in touch with him, I feel that he is the kind of person who is more confident and open-minded, even if he is a little bit unintentional..." If you are convinced, you will fight me openly and without any intention of harming others. And I didn’t show any talent that day, so saying I’m jealous is too far-fetched.”

"As for Zhang Tingyu, I was a little suspicious of him, but when he told me this, I became even more suspicious. After all, no matter how you say such things, your posture is not very good, even if you see it with your own eyes, after all, you have only a short friendship with me. , it becomes talking about people's rights and wrongs... Those who talk about people's rights and wrongs must be right and wrong. Everyone will think so, so if he didn't push it, there is no need for him to say it in such a hurry, but why should he be in such a hurry? Why should he? Push me? I can’t figure it out.”

After finishing speaking, seeing Huo Chenzhao pondering, he asked: "What?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I don't like that person very much. The way he looked at me made me very uncomfortable. There is no real evidence. It's just a feeling."

Sheng Minglin frowned: "Zhuzhu doesn't seem to like him either. In this case, I'll be more indifferent to him in the future."

So it was a happy decision.

Because Sheng Minglin showed a sociable attitude, in the afternoon, someone came over to send posts again. This time, not only Sheng Minglin, but also posts from Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue were sent.In fact, this cannot be regarded as another group of people, but the scope is larger. It is estimated that all the young people who came this time, except those who went hunting with the emperor, are among them.

Sheng Minglin still agreed.

After all, they were there just for fun on the hunting ground. It would be too impersonal not to go there. After meeting him once, not seeing him again when he went back was another matter.

So it was agreed that Huo Chenzhao would stay and look after the child, and the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue would draw lots again, this time with Shen Lingjue and Sheng Minglin together.

Until the evening, Prince Duan and Princess Duan did not come back. Sheng Minglin sent several groups of people to inquire. Later, the fourth prince came directly and said with a smile: "It's okay. Don't worry. Sheng Weifeng sent a letter and returned. Father." He said that he had gone far and wanted to play for one more day and come back tomorrow night, or the day after tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin was speechless: "But my mother also went with her, and she didn't bring a tent. In this cold weather..."

"Don't worry," the fourth prince said with a smile: "No matter how bad the conditions are, the queen mother and the emperor's aunt will not suffer."

As he was talking, he felt a small body rushing towards him from behind, covering his eyes with small hands, and then Tuanzi said in a rough voice: "Siguoguo, guess who I am."

The fourth prince's voice softened at that moment: "I guess it's Huo Chenzhao."

Tuanzi shook his head, remembering that he couldn't see it, and said again: "No!"

"Well, it's Shen Lingjue!"

Tuanzi: "No!"

The fourth prince smiled and grabbed her little arm: "Then, is it Xiao Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi suddenly bent over: "Yes, yes, tie the beads!"

The fourth prince smiled, pulled her into his arms, kissed her on both cheeks, and asked, "Zhu Zhu'er, was it fun at the hunting ground?"

Tuanzi nodded: "It's fun."

The fourth prince thought for a while: "Fourth brother will take you hunting tomorrow, okay?"

Tuanzi was stunned: "But, Guoguo won't be at home tomorrow!"

She twisted her fingers: "Four Guo Guo, Guo Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu, weak; Beautiful Guo Guo, Xing Guo Guo, Qi Guo Guo, tired. Tomorrow, Xing Guo Guo and Guo Guo are not here, there are still others to mess with... "

The fourth prince looked at her calculations with a smile. Zhu Zhuer calculated for a long time and finally understood. She nodded and pointed her two little fingers: "Okay! Two are tired of hurting two weak, just right!"

The fourth prince smiled and said: "It's okay Zhuzhu, we'll take Shanda Huahua with us, one can carry eight, it's very safe."

He just wanted to take Zhuzhu around for fun, but depending on how energetic his father was, he would have to stay for at least ten days and a half. In such a big place, he would get bored in just two days.

Tuanzi nodded: "Big Huahua, one for eight! Beautiful pots for eight, seven pots for each...three."

The Seventh Prince was dissatisfied: "No, Zhu Zhu'er, I'm not that weak, right? Why can I only stand up to three of them? I think I can stand up to a hundred!"

The fourth prince said calmly: "What if it's a battle of wits?"

The seventh prince choked and muttered unconvincedly: "What's the point of hunting and fighting?"

(End of this chapter)

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