Chapter 432 There is a mouth in my heart
Sheng Minglin watched them talking and suddenly said: "Fourth brother, how about you come down and meet us at noon?"

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Sheng Minglin also looked at him and said nothing.

Generally speaking, princes would not participate in such gatherings, as it would offend the emperor's father's sensitive nerves.

But that's average.

The fourth prince is not an ordinary prince.

He is the Ming Zhu who has been verified by history, and it is the question given by God. Most importantly, Zhuzhu, the auspicious person, has been close to him since he was a child.

Therefore, although outsiders did not know it, insiders knew in their hearts that his position was as stable as Mount Tai. As long as Emperor Mingxi was not confused, he would definitely not think of replacing him.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, no matter how close the father and son are, the fourth prince also needs his own team.

As for tomorrow's gathering, it can be said that all the second and second generations of officials from the capital are here. So, take this opportunity to take a look at these people and see who has such a heart and what abilities each of them has. , it is also quite cost-effective and quite necessary.

At most, someone will say a few words behind your back!After Li Chu Ming's decree came down, naturally no one would dare to chew it.

The fourth prince weighed it, nodded, and acquiesced to the suggestion.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "We made an appointment at the Xu Family Restaurant in the city."

The fourth prince still nodded. Zhuzhu got up late, so they could take a trip up the mountain, and then go to the restaurant for dinner at noon. It would be a good time to meet each other, and we would discuss how long they would stay depending on the situation.

Tuanzi kept his big eyes open the whole time, watching the exchange between the two.

The fourth prince's face never showed any expression, but when he and Sheng Minglin looked at each other, it felt like they had communicated a lot.

Tuanzi didn't realize how serious he was, and suddenly turned around and said: "Guo Guo."

Sheng Minglin looked at her. The little chubby little cat tilted his head and looked at him with a very serious expression.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What's wrong? What does Zhu Zhu'er want to say?"

Tuanzi still maintained that expression, feeling that he was very similar to the four pots, and said with a face: "There are not many beads, but there must be a few pots."

Sheng Minglin laughed, and the fourth prince couldn't help but laugh.

Just at this moment, the boy outside reported that Cheng Chongjin had come over.

Sheng Minglin smiled and asked him to come in. Cheng Chongjin came in, saluted, and said: "Your Majesty, I have also received the message about tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "Your father is the Minister of Civil Affairs, what's so strange about you receiving posts?"

Cheng Chongjin smiled and said without saying much, "Yes."

In fact, even a concubine is not so worthless. A promising concubine or someone with support can enter the normal social circle, and no one will use his status as a concubine to make trouble. At most, he will say a few words behind his back.

Especially since Cheng Fengqi didn't have any other sons, and he was a senior official, he could be regarded as the emperor's favorite, so Cheng Chongjin's status should not be so low.

But the bad thing is that the Cheng family has Cheng Biyu who is like a lunatic. Therefore, if someone makes friends with Cheng Chongjin, it is like openly declaring war with Cheng Biyu and the Yan'an Marquis Mansion. Therefore, it is better for everyone to do less than to do more. Naturally, they will not Take the initiative to ask him out.

To put it bluntly, it was Cheng Fengqi's fault. Otherwise, if he showed his attitude, no matter how crazy Cheng Biyu was, there would always be someone on Cheng Chongjin's side.

Although Sheng Minglin was relieved now, he still had some lingering hatred for this kind of father. He was willing to cause some trouble for Cheng Fengqi, and was also willing to give Cheng Chongjin a hand, so he smiled and said: "Otherwise, you can follow my fourth brother tomorrow," he said He gestured to the fourth prince: "Let's go hunting."

Cheng Chongjin was stunned: "Master, that's not what I meant."

"I know," Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "But that's what I meant." Cheng Chongjin paused and lowered his head: "Thank you."

In fact, Cheng Chongjin came here both to thank and apologize. After Cheng Biyu left, everyone might be happy to make friends with him, but in the final analysis, this matter must be thanked to Sheng Minglin, and what he felt apologetic about was that Sheng Minglin originally meant to save people, But he was forced to become the person he "clung to". Because of this, everyone may have a lot more estimation of his character and behavior.

It's just such a subtle thing, it's hard to explain, so he can only come here to express his attitude.

But unexpectedly, Sheng Minglin asked him to follow the fourth prince.

The fourth prince is not someone he can follow if he wants. He must be summoned by the fourth prince or the little princess. Therefore, it will not make him appear frivolous, but will only make people pay more attention to him. This appearance, how can I put it, is a bit strange. It’s shameful to say that.

The fourth prince did not expect Sheng Minglin to say this.

He knew Sheng Minglin's intention and trusted his vision, so he turned around, looked at Cheng Chongjin and said, "Sit down."

Cheng Chongjin thanked him and sat down. The fourth prince asked, "I heard that you often hang out in the neighborhood?"

After hearing this, Huo Chenzhao came over and hugged Zhuzhu.

Tuanzi was about to go to sleep, and he didn't wear any shoes, so he obediently let him take him away. He looked back, held his face with both hands, and whispered to him: "Pretty Guo Guo, don't you think so? Four Guo Guo, He Guo Guo, and careless Guo Guo, are all weird and strange adults?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "Why is it weird?"

Tuanzi shook his head and muttered seriously: "That's right, they are the same..."

She opened her eyes wide and leaned over, pretending to look at him: "It's like there's a mouth in the debt's heart, and then it's babbling..."

She quickly babbled out a string of baby words, shaking her little head wildly to express the intensity, and then pinched her little lips: "My heart and my mouth are very fast. I say I've provoked a lot, but it's really true." Keeping your mouth shut...just, it's just a joke, do you understand?"

Huo Chenzhao laughed so much that he fell down.

The unspoken wisdom of politicians, when she said this, suddenly felt so funny.

Because Zhu Zhu'er hadn't walked out yet, Cheng Chongjin cupped his hands and didn't start to answer. All three people heard it, Sheng Minglin burst out laughing, and the fourth prince couldn't help laughing.

Huo Chenzhao had already gone out with Zhuzhu in his arms. The Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue, who had always acted as if Zhuzhu had a rope leading them, followed him out without thinking.

Cheng Chongjin began to answer: "Yes, Your Highness."

He explained: "At that time, my biological mother was seriously ill, and I had no money on hand, and I couldn't use it as household goods, so I came out to think of ways to make money. I originally thought that this was the only way to make money that was self-defeating, and others would not stop it. , later my mother raised enough money for medicine, and I didn’t stop. Firstly, I wanted to make a little more just in case, and secondly, at that time, I suddenly figured out something.”

The fourth prince nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Cheng Chongjin continued: "Reputation is always important in doing business. Even if the business you do seems to be very shady, it is still the same. As long as the reputation is good enough, for people who are not short of money and have a little knowledge, , more important than saving money.”

He paused, "In addition, when my reputation came to an end, I suddenly felt that reputation was not too important. I seriously thought about whether I was comforting myself, but I also thought, if at that time, I also thought of Another business can only make half the money, but it will have a good reputation, will I choose that one?"

"The result is no, I will still choose this one. Reputation is important, but sometimes it is not important. In the face of 'power', it is not important. If I could have figured out these things earlier, I would never have done anything in the past two years. As for having such a hard time.”

He has some things that are hard to say.

But both the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin understood.

When Mr. Cheng does not count the "power" behind him, and Cheng Biyu has the "power" of the Hou Mansion and the Cheng Mansion behind him, no matter how good his reputation is, it is useless.

The fourth prince said: "You are wrong to think so."

(End of this chapter)

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