Chapter 433 Neither you nor I are exempt from vulgarity

He is too concise and concise, and people who meet him for the first time may not be used to it.

Sheng Minglin explained for him: "What the fourth brother means is that there is no problem if you do this, but thinking this way is a bit extreme."

The biological mother is waiting for help, so how can she think about how to make money?But if you think that power is more important than fame because of this, that would be a bit extreme.

Sheng Minglin said half-jokingly: "Actually, if you ask me to say this, sometimes I can't be wrong, but you have to understand... No matter what people think in their hearts, on the surface, they must abide by the rules, etiquette, and laws. Right and wrong. This doesn’t mean you’re a hypocrite, it’s human nature.”

"You and Cheng Biyu are in the same boat. It is impossible for outsiders to be on friendly terms with you without caring about the Hou Mansion and Mr. Cheng. At this time, associating with the brothel and Chuguan is not upright. This is what they will use to criticize you. One point, even if there is no such point, there will be other points. Many people need such a point to prove their justice so that they can feel at ease. And based on this, in order to convince themselves, they will put their contempt for you out of context. The appearance is on the outside.”

"Of course, there are many people who don't need this. They don't think the trade-off is wrong, and they don't need this kind of false self-comfort. But even these people, when they need to make an external statement, they won't say, 'How am I doing? , but will say, how you do."

He paused for a moment: "Humans, born in the world, are bound to be like this, and neither you nor I are exempt from the commonality."

Cheng Chongjin listened quietly and nodded.

Sheng Minglin continued: "So, do you know what you are going to do now?"

Cheng Chongjin whispered: "Give them a reason."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Yes. Give them a reason."

They are weighing the pros and cons by not interacting with you, but they won't admit it.

When they interact with you at this time, they are following the trend, but they still don't want to admit it.

Therefore, he should find an opportunity to explain at tomorrow's party that the reason why I went to the brothel was to save my mother, so he was instantly cleansed and became a filial son who aggrieved.

So everyone interacted with him and instantly became like-minded. When he passed the steps, things suddenly became beautiful.

Why do you do that?

Unless you really want nothing, it is impossible not to interact with these people for the rest of your life. Being more prudent will only waste the advantages gained. Therefore, find an excuse to get things over, and it will be easy to do anything in the future.

Sheng Minglin's idea was not actually rejected.

Because only if you have "power" will your words be listened to, but you do this to create your own "face."

Even from a businessman's point of view, if you want to take money out of other people's pockets, don't you have to first do what they like and build a good relationship?
Cheng Chongjin stood up and gave a salute: "Thank you, Master, for the advice. Chongjin is grateful."

Sheng Minglin smiled and waved.

The fourth prince sat next to him and slowly drank two sips of tea, then asked: "What do you think about Yang Lian Yinzi?"

The two started talking to each other again.

This time, Sheng Minglin didn't say much more. After hearing this, he got better and went out to find his sister.

It was getting dark now. Sheng Minglin went over and saw that the four of them were lying on Shanda Huahua's belly. Tuanzi was still awake, covered with a small quilt, and was listening to them with wide eyes.

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are not afraid of crushing it."

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu asked, and Shanda Huahua said it's okay."

"Well," Sheng Minglin sat down next to her and patted her gently: "Go to bed quickly. Don't you have to go hunting with your fourth brother tomorrow?"

Tuanzi groaned, closed his eyes obediently, and soon fell asleep.

Sheng Minglin stood up and lowered his voice and said, "It's my and Brother Zhao's turn tonight! You two leave quickly!"

The Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue were still talking just now. When he said this, they both closed their eyes almost at the same time and snored in unison!

Sheng Minglin: "..." He got off Shanda Huahua's belly, kicked each of them, and came out.

In fact, it was quite early and I really couldn't sleep. Seeing that Sheng Minglin didn't intend to fight with them, Shen Lingjue also came out and strolled around as if nothing had happened.

The three people hung around outside for a long time, but before they could finish talking, several people came in one after another.

The fourth prince obviously admired Cheng Chongjin, and his expression could be seen to have softened. Sheng Minglin was not surprised. He also felt that talents like Cheng Chongjin who understood politics and were good at economics were rare and worthy of special promotion.

As soon as they came in, the fourth prince asked: "What time is it?"

Zhou Zhiwen replied: "Your Highness, it is the moment of Xu Zheng (20:15)."

The fourth prince nodded: "It's getting late. Let's talk tomorrow. Just come over before six o'clock tomorrow."

Cheng Chongjin stood up and saluted. The fourth prince suddenly became interested and said, "Do you have any words?"

Cheng Chongjin said: "The characters haven't been picked yet."

The fourth prince said with a smile: "How about I give you a word, Tao Zhu?"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lingjue spit out a sip of tea: "Cheng Taozhu??"

Cheng Chongjin was about to say thank you, but was stunned for a moment, and the fourth prince also asked: "What?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Shen Lingjue said quickly, "I just remembered an acquaintance. It's okay. You can take what you have and ignore me."

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and without asking any more questions, Cheng Chongjin thanked him solemnly and left.

The fourth prince turned around and asked, "What's wrong with Cheng Taozhu?"

Shen Lingjue immediately came over mysteriously, Sheng Minglin and Sheng Minglin also cooperated with his bad taste, and the three of them all came to the fourth prince's side.

Shen Lingjue said in a very low voice: "Xiao Linzi, you don't know about such a big thing? Is it too early to die?"

Sheng Minglin was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He had almost forgotten that he had not mentioned this matter for so long. He was just a young boy who could live or die after mentioning it.

Fortunately, Shen Lingjue dared to tease him, but he didn't dare to tease the fourth prince, and said quickly: "I have only heard the name Cheng Taozhu once. I don't know if he is this person. It is said that he is very good at making money. Others say he is you Qian Zhizi said that he was so scheming that all the wealthy Jiangnan businessmen in Jiangnan were turned green. They scolded him fiercely in private, but they had to smile in front of him, just because he slipped something between his fingers. ; Later I found out that he was one of yours, and also said that he had used a trick to raise enough food and fodder for 20 horses to march out in ten days..."

Sheng Minglin asked: "What's the plan?"

"I don't know," Shen Lingjue said, "I just listened to people's gossip and heard a few words."

Sheng Minglin immediately began to retaliate against him: "What use do you have!"

Shen Lingjue said: "At least I know that he is very smart and good at business!"

"You don't need to say that?" Sheng Minglin said: "Fourth brother has been chatting with him here for half the night. Is it because he is good-looking?"

Shen Lingjue said plausibly: "Having been married in the previous life, and meeting each other again in this life, wouldn't it make us even more emotional about the arrangement of fate?"

Sheng Minglin laughed and scolded: "What a young prince with both civil and military talents. Let me ask you, what does 'marriage' mean?"

Shen Lingjue: "Bookworms know how to pick out words!"

The fourth prince was convinced: "How old are you two?"

Sheng Minglin suddenly stopped and his expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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