Chapter 434 Qi Guo Guo is too smart

Shen Lingjue looked at him sideways, he didn't move for a long time, Shen Lingjue couldn't help but poke him, and then he heard him slowly say: "You said, Zhang Tingyu, isn't he a broken sleeve?

Shen Lingjue was extremely surprised: "You, are you a grasshopper in your mind? How did you jump from this incident to a place hundreds of thousands of miles away?"

Sheng Minglin waved his hand: "No, in fact, I have always felt something was wrong in the morning. The way Cheng Chongjin looked at them was wrong, but I didn't think about Zhang Tingyu at the time. Later, Brother Zhao said that the way Zhang Tingyu looked at him was also wrong... …”

Shen Lingjue said: "Even if something is wrong, it can't be blamed on Duanxiu, right? Isn't Zhang Tingyu already married? Besides, he still dares to covet Brother Zhao? Is Duanxiu so carefree? He falls in love with one of them when he meets one? Besides, let's talk about me Not better looking than Brother Zhao?"

Even the fourth prince was speechless: "Is this a good thing?"

Sheng Minglin did not argue with him and waved his hand: "It's just that feeling, I can't explain it clearly. I didn't think about it at first, but wasn't I always thinking about who pushed me? Behind me at that time were Xu Jingyao and Zhang Tingyu and Xu Chen, I have always suspected Zhang Tingyu, but I can't think of anything that offended him. But if it is the habit of cutting sleeves, does it make sense? "

"I met Chong Jin before, so he was jealous and pushed me on impulse??"

As Sheng Minglin spoke, he rejected it himself: "There is insufficient evidence, and I just had a whim... Forget it, let me check again later. Fourth brother, can you sleep here?"

The fourth prince said: "No, I'll come back tomorrow morning, and you should be more careful tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin agreed, and he got up and left.

So the next day, Sheng Minglin went out with Shen Lingjue early in the morning.

Not long after, the Cheng brothers also came, and then when Zhu Zhuer got up, they went out hunting together.

When I was about to go out, I realized that I couldn't ride a horse in front of the big white tiger... Probably because of the suppression of blood, the horses looked like they were drunk. No matter how hard they were controlled, they would always lean away.

So the fourth prince simply ordered four guards and came out on his legs without riding a horse.

Zhuzhu'er was riding a big white tiger. Originally, if Little Fatty wasn't afraid, he could ride it. After all, his legs were short, but he was afraid.

The Seventh Prince said: "Come on, kid, I will carry you on my back."

Little Fatty was shocked and pushed him for a long time. The seventh prince had already grabbed him on his back without any explanation and tied him with ropes several times.

Cheng Chongjin thanked him profusely.

So the fourth prince and Zhuzhu rode the big white tiger together, and the group walked out of the camp gate under the extremely envious eyes of the guards.

After walking a long way and not even encountering a pheasant, the Seventh Prince suddenly realized: "Is it true that we can't catch anything with the big flowers?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I guess so, it doesn't matter, just treat it as out for fun."

Tuanzi sat with the big white tiger for a while, and when his sight was blocked, he waved: "Pretty Guo Guo, beautiful Guo Guo with beads on his back."

Huo Chenzhao went over and Zhuzhu slid down for him to carry. The fourth prince also came down and walked with Cheng Chongjin.

The Seventh Prince became more and more bored as he walked away. He turned around and asked, "Shengshan Huahua, aren't you the king of beasts? Then you must know beast language, right? When you say 'I'm hungry, I'm hungry' in beast language, are you one of those people?" Pheasants and hares will line up crying and shouting to come over for you to eat?"

Even Naodongbao was stunned by the Seventh Prince. Then she thought about it and felt that he was right! !

So she said with great admiration: "Qi Guo Guo! You are so smart! You can even think of it!"

The seventh prince scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hehe, just so-so!"

Then Tuanzi turned around and looked at the big white tiger expectantly.

Big White Tiger: "..."

Tuanzi urged it: "Quickly scream! Zhuzhu wants a pheasant with a long and beautiful tail." The big white tiger was under great pressure: "..."

The owner and the pet looked at each other silently. Finally, the big white tiger had no choice but to open his mouth and bark: "Ho ho ho ho...".

Zhuzhu, the Seventh Prince, and a little chubby boy all looked back and forth. The Seventh Prince's arrows were all placed on his bow. His heart was trembling with excitement. His hands were waiting for a long time, but nothing happened.

Tuanzi asked in surprise: "Is it possible that the rabbit, the pheasant, the deer, and the deer can't understand what the big brain is talking about? How can the big brain be the king of beasts?"

Seventh Prince: "Yes!"

Cheng Chongjin found that both of them were a little naturally stupid, and couldn't help but smile.

But before he finished laughing, he noticed that his fat little brother was also nodding with a look of deep approval.

Cheng Chongjin: "..."

The fourth prince was helpless and said: "Zhuzhu, beasts are not that smart. They can only do this. They retreat when the Beast King goes on patrol. They cannot understand the Beast King's orders."

"No way!" Tuanzi said: "Mom said, wolves have a wolf king, and many wolves listen to one wolf king! But, wolves also listen to Big Brain Axe... Well, let's not count others. Don't listen to other beasts. Even if you don’t understand, a wolf can understand it!”

Fourth Prince: "..."

He didn't know from which angle to persuade Tuanzi.

Cheng Chongjin hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile: "Your Highness, whether it is Shanda Huahua or another tiger, when it chooses its master, it means giving up the forest and its status as the king of beasts. It only has the master in its heart. So at this time, if it gives an order, no one will listen... Just like raising cats and dogs, when there is a conflict, the cats and dogs will fight with the same kind in order to protect their owners, because in their lives In my heart, the master is more important than anything else.”

Tuanzi suddenly realized.

Then she was so touched that she stretched out her little arms and hugged the big white tiger: "Shengda Huahua, Zhuzhu loves you too! Zhuzhu will be good to you!"

Big White Tiger: "Uh-huh."

It had a pair of bright black tiger eyes and looked at Cheng Chongjin with approval, obviously finding this human being very smart and pleasing to the eye.

And this time.

Sheng Minglin and his party have arrived at the restaurant.

This is where Princess Duan played polo with a group of ladies, and there was a pretty big venue.

This small town is not big to begin with, and there are not many places to play. Reciting poems and doing something right is too serious for this kind of time, so we sat down and chatted for a while, and someone suggested playing polo.

Sheng Minglin said directly that he couldn't... He really couldn't. He didn't even dare to run too fast on a horse, let alone play polo.

He was young, so no one was surprised, and someone suggested playing Cuju.

Although Sheng Minglin was weak, he had been practicing boxing and kicking for more than half a year, and he also practiced very powerful Qing Kung Fu, so compared with these people, he still had a little confidence. He said: "I don't know how to do this, but I'm pretty good. If you’re interested, if you don’t find it disappointing, could you please find someone to teach me?”

As soon as he relaxed, someone said: "Feng Zhang is a master, let him teach you."

Another person said: "My young father-in-law was a real master back then, why not..."

Sheng Minglin smiled and turned to Wang Fengzhang: "Fengzhang teach us?"

(End of this chapter)

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