Chapter 436

Tuanzi nodded with satisfaction and said: "Siguoguo has read a lot of books and is as knowledgeable as Guoguo. You can also ask Siguoguo to pick one for you."

Xu Jingyao smiled and said: "I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry to pick up characters."

Tuanzi opened his eyes in surprise: "But you are too young, aren't you?"

Xu Jingyao could only smile and said: "Then I will go home and ask my father for a good one."

Tuanzi stretched out his little hand and patted his knee in a pretentious manner: "Then don't forget it!"

The fourth prince actually understood Tuanzi's brain circuit and couldn't help but secretly laugh. Xu Jingyao was completely confused and could only say: "No, I will definitely not forget it."

Tuanzi nodded, pushed his hand away, and continued watching the football.

After this game, Sheng Minglin came down: "I can't do it anymore. I really can't play anymore. Someone will replace me."

As soon as he came down, three or four people followed him down. However, the Seventh Prince and several others were still on the court. Of course, they would not let the scene get cold. They had quickly replaced a few people and continued.

Tuanzi saw Guoguo approaching and immediately greeted her with open arms. Sheng Minglin quickly put his fingers on her little head and said, "Brother is dirty. Please change your clothes before hugging her."

Tuanzi held the finger, raised his face, and nodded obediently: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin went to change his clothes. When he was out, he kept everything simple. He only changed his outer robe and washed his hands and face.

Here Tuanzi watched his brother go, and when he turned around he saw Xiaopangdun and waved quickly: "Xiaoyi Jiji, why don't you come to watch Qiuqiu?"

Little Fatty had been staring at her, but when she called him, he immediately ran over. Cheng Chongjin said something to the people around him, then moved to the front and looked at his brother.

Tuanzi carefully explained the rules that the person just told her to Xiaopangdun: "Hu in red and Hu in red are in a group, Hu in blue and Hu in blue are in a group, they want to compete for a ball, now On the top of each pole, there is a door, which is called Fengyouyan. It passes from one person to another, and then to another person... Huh?"

Tuanzi turned around and looked around. The person who had told her the rules before immediately took a few steps forward: "Your Highness?"

Tuanzi pointed to the middle of the field: "Hey, Fengfeng Guoguo is gone! Who should the ball be passed to?"

The man quickly said: "He is no longer here..." He glanced at Wang Fengzhang and suppressed a smile: "The little Marquis took his place, so the little Marquis became the deputy team, and the ball was passed to him, and then passed to him. Give it to that person, that person’s surname is Liu, he is the captain.”

Tuanzi suddenly nodded, turned around and said thanks: "Thank you."

The man said quickly: "You're welcome. My surname is Tian Mingheng. Your Highness can just call me by my name."

Sweet cake! !
Tuanzi immediately looked at Xu Jingyao, his eyes full of words, "Look at me!" !

Xu Jingyao finally understood a little bit, and he tentatively said: "Your Highness, do you think my name is not very nice?"

Tuanzi nodded.

Then she patted his hand like a coaxing child, raised her little face, and taught him seriously: "Although the gold can also be used as medicine, it cannot be used as medicine! The medicine is very good, but the medicine is black. Damn it! You only need medicine when you are sick, and you are not sick! You are so good-looking, and you are as knowledgeable as Guo Guo Guo. You can change it to a nicer name!"

It's so reasonable and well-founded, and she has big eyes and is full of sincerity.

Xu Jingyao was really embarrassed to laugh, his handsome face turned red from holding it in, and he didn't want to explain in front of everyone. Isn't that little dumpling very shameless?
So he smiled and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, I understand. I will ask my dad to give me a nice word as soon as I get back."

He doesn't explain himself, and if others want to explain it for fun, of course they don't dare to cause trouble.Looking down, I saw that the little princess was not so excited, and immediately asked someone to bring some snacks. Tian Qiang, who had an average appearance and an average name, got special attention from the little princess because of his name. The first one handed it to Xiao Pang Dun, and the second one He handed it to him.


So is it too late to change the name now?

The chairs here are all armchairs. Tuanzi sat on the chair and ate snacks while still looking at the field.

Because the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue were too serious and worked too hard, everyone's addiction to football was also brought out. The real fight started on the court. It looked very intense. The group looked tired and turned back. The result was... I saw Zhang Tingyu, looking here, with a strange feeling in his eyes, disgusting and terrifying.

Alas! !

Tuanzi was shocked on the spot.

In fact, Zhang Tingyu was looking at Cheng Chongjin, but Cheng Chongjin happened to be sitting behind her, so it seemed like he was watching dumplings.

Tuanzi suddenly dodged back and fell off the armchair, frightening several people. They all stood up suddenly and stretched out their hands to catch it.

The dumpling was caught by several arms. After looking at it, none of them were familiar with it, not even my grandpa, so the little mouth began to murmur: "Four Guo Guo! Si Guo Guo is holding Zhu Zhu, Zhu Zhu is afraid."

The fourth prince had already stood up, hurried over and took Zhuzhu into his arms, "Are you not afraid? What's the matter?"

She also dropped the dumplings and snacks, buried her face in his arms, and blindly pointed at Zhang Tingyu with her little hands: "Look at Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is afraid! Is he the second child?"

In fact, Zhang Tingyu was not the only one in that direction, but Zhang Tingyu looked at Tuanzi and felt guilty. He quickly stood up and laughed: "It's my fault for scaring His Highness. I just looked at His Highness' cute tightness and looked at it a few more times." Eyes, let me help His Highness."

Cheng Chongjin also stood up, feeling quite relieved.

He really didn't mean to sit here. He was extremely grateful to Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu, so he was particularly concerned about Zhuzhu. He sat close just because he wanted to take care of Zhuzhu. He didn't expect this unexpected gain!
As soon as he came in, Zhang Tingyu looked at him with disgusting eyes from time to time... Now, let's see if he dares to look at him.

Originally, Zhuzhu was a child. No matter how high her status was, at this time, adults would probably say "Don't worry about the child's words..." etc. Zhang Tingyu naturally walked down the steps.

But unexpectedly, the fourth prince immediately said: "Zhuzhu is afraid of you, please stay away first."

Zhang Tingyu looked helpless and hurriedly found the steps: "Yes, yes, I'm going to see how lunch is being prepared."

He cupped his hands and left.

As soon as he turned around, all the respect on his face disappeared and turned into anger.

Even Corporal Li Xian doesn't understand the Fourth Prince's way of doing things, but he still wants to win people's hearts? !I bother!

But mixed with the anger was sheer fear.

Zhuzhu was the auspiciousness that Emperor Mingxi recognized personally when he faced all the civil and military officials in the court. She was not an ordinary child, both in terms of auspiciousness and her status. Being disliked by her was detrimental to his reputation. It will have an impact!

But why?
He didn't think that a child really had any thoughts, so did Sheng Minglin know who pushed him that day?

He really shouldn't have been impulsive that day... But if Sheng Minglin knew about it, what would he do?
Zhang Tingyu's hands and feet felt cold for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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