Chapter 437 Don’t burn the hot stove, burn the cold stove


As soon as he left, the fourth prince gently patted Zhuzhu's back and said, "Zhuzhu'er, don't be afraid anymore, he's gone."

Tuanzi slowly raised his face, carefully looked around and saw that the man was indeed gone, and then he felt relieved.

But he refused to sit down by himself and hugged his neck without letting go.

The fourth prince hugged Zhuzhu and went back to sit down. He called for someone to wash her hands and wiped all the snack residue from her mouth on his body. It was quite clean and there was no need to wipe it off.

Just when Sheng Minglin came back after changing his clothes, someone had already told him about this little matter. Sheng Minglin didn't mention it much and said with a smile: "Zhu Zhu'er, brother, hug me."

Tuanzi let his brother hug him, and the fourth prince patted the dim sum residue on his body and nodded Zhuzhu’s little head with a smile.

Xu Jingyao smiled and said: "Fourth cousin, we have prepared some clothes here. Can I accompany you to change into one?"

The fourth prince hesitated for a moment: "That's fine."

He followed him over. Xu Jingyao was the Queen's nephew. The two were also serious relatives. They had met a few times and it was easier to talk.

Xu Jingyao asked him: "I heard from Your Highness that my cousin gave Cheng Chongjin a word?"

The fourth prince nodded: "Tao Zhu is not bad, he understands the importance and economics."

This was a very high evaluation. Xu Jingyao nodded in surprise and said, "He was bullied severely by Miss Cheng before."

The fourth prince said: "Indeed, Tao Zhu did not hesitate to slander his reputation because of his mother's illness, and interacted with all religions and schools. His filial piety is commendable."

Xu Jingyao nodded suddenly: "That's it."

He had a purpose in handing over this topic. He knew that the fourth prince wanted to promote him and would definitely pave the way for him. Accepting this topic meant taking over the job.

So, after everyone finished playing ball and packed up and went into the hall to prepare for dinner, Xu Jingyao smiled and talked to Sheng Minglin about Zhuzhu persuading him to pick up the characters.

Sheng Minglin heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and immediately smiled and said: "Fourth brother gave Chongjin the name Tao Zhu just yesterday. Chongjin is good at economics. Fourth brother gave him the name Tao Zhu."

Cheng Chongjin stood up hurriedly and said, "I don't dare to take it seriously. It's His Highness's preference."

Xu Jingyao smiled and said: "Tao Zhu and you two hit it off right away. I thought you had known each other for a long time. After all, the miracle doctor Xiaohou Ye is also with you."

There is never a shortage of smart people or well-informed people in this place. Someone immediately came forward and said: "Yes, I have also heard that Brother Tao Zhu's biological mother was seriously ill. Brother Tao Zhu did not hesitate to commit suicide for this." I lowered my status, raised money from everywhere, and visited famous doctors everywhere, so I was able to impress God and my body was cured."

Cheng Chongjin acted like he didn't dare to take it seriously, and he repeatedly raised his hands to this side, feeling a little funny in his heart.

See, that's it, when you have weight, you don't need to say these words yourself.

Because Zhuzhu was afraid of him, Zhang Tingyu took the initiative to sit further away and watched the situation here from a distance. He suppressed his uneasiness and struggled to maintain the smile on his face, with only one thought in his mind.

Xiao Tao must die.

Cheng Chongjin seems to be getting up soon, so even if we can't be friends with him, we must never offend him.

Although the drug he was given before made him angry, it can also be said that it was caused by love. He must not let him know about Xiao Tao.

Otherwise, after all the suffering he, his mother, and brother have suffered over the years...then this hatred will really become bigger!He will definitely take revenge on him!

Although he looked modest, he was actually a person who was not very good at controlling his emotions. He couldn't bear the thought when he thought about it, so he took the opportunity to relieve himself and went out and told his confidant to do it immediately.

Anyway, now that Cheng Biyu has been locked up in the nunnery, who will care if someone dies.After watching the boy leave, Zhang Tingyu calmed down and turned around to go back.

In the hall, everyone tacitly agreed on the matter and settled down to eat.

After Zhuzhu was full, she went to rest. Sheng Minglin put her sister to sleep and asked the Seventh Prince to stay here closely. Then he returned to the hall and continued chatting with everyone.

After the morning, the strange feeling disappeared, and now the conversation became more congenial.

Sheng Minglin was chatting with people and observing.

He found that although Xu Jingyao was not very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old, he was very calm and thoughtful in handling matters;
Wang Fengzhang looks lively, but not naive at all. He is smart and approachable. He seems to have a very good relationship with everyone and has something to say to everyone;

Xu Chen, who I have met before and was falsely accused by Zhang Tingyu, is indeed a bit young and energetic, but his temper is actually a bit simple. Now he and Shen Lingjue have become the same person. They are talking next to each other. This He put his arm around this person's shoulder and put it down, and another person put it back on his shoulder.

As for Zhang Tingyu, he looks gentle, but in fact he is by no means a good-tempered person. He was distracted by himself, and the maid here was a little nervous, so she sprinkled some water on him. He looked at the maid with a look that wanted to eat someone. On another occasion, he would definitely punish this maid.

There is also a person who has been talking next to the fourth prince, named He Xingzhou. He is smiling all over his face. He seems a bit too flattering. In fact, he has something to say and he is a man of substance, but he is not very shameless... In fact, such a person It's rare and very useful.

Even the Tian Gang that Zhuzhu knew was almost like this kind of person, but he was a little clever. For example, he didn't praise the fourth prince, nor did he praise him. He just didn't warm up the hot stove or warm up the cold stove. He was talking to Huo Chenzhao. Judging from Huo Chenzhao's expression, he knew that he didn't bother him.

Speaking without annoying others is a great skill in itself.

The group of people chatted happily, and when Zhuzhu got up, everyone was ready to go back.

When going back, the fourth prince walked with everyone, and Huo Chenzhao accompanied Zhuzhu on the Big White Tiger.

Huo Chenzhao sat down, so the big white tiger could move faster, so he jumped up quickly, and then jumped down again, repeatedly, and everyone screamed in surprise.

At this moment, a figure slowly approached from the woods.

He held the sharp knife and stared at a figure not far away. Huo Chenzhao was sitting on the back of the big white tiger. He suddenly tilted his head slightly and said from a distance: "Be careful."

Holding Zhuzhu in his arms, he quickly jumped over and stood in front of Sheng Minglin. Zhuzhu turned in his hand and stuffed it into Sheng Minglin's arms.

Sheng Minglin hugged him quickly.

Everyone couldn't help but pause, Sheng Minglin asked: "Brother Zhao?"

Before Huo Chenzhao could answer, the man rushed out from the crowd and stabbed with a knife.

Several people retreated in panic.

But many of these people had learned boxing and kicking, and they immediately stepped forward. The man was very good at martial arts, and he looked like he was crazy. He couldn't resist, staring straight at the other side, and said hoarsely: "Kill you, Kill you!"

These people had never seen such crazy momentum, and they couldn't help but retreat.

Shen Lingjue hesitated for a moment, did not take action, and moved to block the crowd, ready to see what was going on.

The Seventh Prince didn't quite understand why no one took action, so he went directly over, raised his hand easily, grabbed the man's hands with both hands, and shouted eye to eye: "Don't move, who are you going to kill? Why?"

The man's aura was crazy, but he couldn't move an inch in his hands. The people who took action felt that their fists and kicks were for some reason, their faces turned red, and they quickly retreated.

After the seventh prince scolded him several times, the man suddenly woke up from that crazy state, then slowly turned his head and looked at the seventh prince, his eyes full of despair.

Sheng Minglin still stood behind Huo Chenzhao and raised his voice: "My father-in-law, you don't have to be afraid. His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is here. If you have anything to do, you can just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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